*Coach Kool Gone...headed to Alabama*

Wasn’t avoiding it. Just was trying to stay on point. Are you asking me about the Patke hire? If so my answer to that would be I don’t know much about him. I would probably view it more harsh now than I did then especially knowing what I know now. But I’m willing to ride with Richt on making a good hire at DL coach. If he makes a great hire I’ll be ok with it. Just because he is young and not proven doesn’t mean he won’t be good at it. Fair enough?

It means he isn't qualified and doesn't need to be an actual coach. Assistant ____________ Quality ___________ or whatever was more than enough of a title for his resume.

I think Coach Kul is replaceable but he was darn good and our last hire was pretty lame.
I'm 100% in favor of Richt snatching up Kevin Patrick it would be an upgrade from Kool all around.

The only thing that shocked me initially was the timing, if Kool was going to leave he should've done it beginning of the year when there were a lot more coaches available & every other team was adding new guys to their staff.

Imo Richt missed an opportunity to upgrade the staff when he chose Patke as the 10th assistant, now he has another opportunity to really hit a homerun with this one, don't drop the ball Richt go for blood.

Richt should be ****ed at the idea that Saban & Bama would even entertain taking this ****** Judas Jobe *** non recruiting Corch on their staff. He should show the rest of college football that if you double cross the Pastor he gets the wrath of God to reign down on you. Get a coach on this staff that will absolutely kill it on the trail.

could the timing have anything to do with how negligent the DL recruiting has been under Kool and Richt "urged" him to seek other opportunities like he does with players who don't pan out? It allows the players or coaches to save face this way and is a win/win. A very Pastor like thing to do.
I'm 100% in favor of Richt snatching up Kevin Patrick it would be an upgrade from Kool all around.

The only thing that shocked me initially was the timing, if Kool was going to leave he should've done it beginning of the year when there were a lot more coaches available & every other team was adding new guys to their staff.

Imo Richt missed an opportunity to upgrade the staff when he chose Patke as the 10th assistant, now he has another opportunity to really hit a homerun with this one, don't drop the ball Richt go for blood.

Richt should be ****ed at the idea that Saban & Bama would even entertain taking this ****** Judas Jobe *** non recruiting Corch on their staff. He should show the rest of college football that if you double cross the Pastor he gets the wrath of God to reign down on you. Get a coach on this staff that will absolutely kill it on the trail.
how can it possibly be an "upgrade from kool all around" when kool IS the best DL coach in college (that actually a full time DL coach).

and to everyone who thinks losing kool is good yall are ******* trippin, thinking that because he isn't a great recruiter, that it somehow means he can't coach all of a sudden. Yall are straight up lying to yourselves. Losing Kool is absolutely a negative, IDGAF what yall fools say. Dude was an elite COACH. Whoever we add in his place, will not be as good of a coach as he is. That is just a ******* fact, whether yall want to admit it or not. yes recruiting is extremely important, especially along the DL. But if yall think recruiting is more important than coaching for literally every position yall are again trippin. We didn't need Kool to be an elite recruiter. Not every coach on the staff needs to be this elite recruiter, thats what yall don't get. It shouldn't have been all up to Kool to recruit the DL, and all up to Rumph to recruit CBs, that just makes no sense.

His replacement has to be a great coach first and foremost. His recruiting ability is second.
Kool will be an asset to Alabaga in the sense that Sabag can say they have one of the best DL coaches in the country. Kool's dislike of recruiting will not help them in the field and hopefully not in SOFL.
how can it possibly be an "upgrade from kool all around" when kool IS the best DL coach in college (that actually a full time DL coach).

and to everyone else who thinks losing kool is good yall are ******* trippin, thinking that because he isn't a great recruiter, that it somehow means he can't coach all of a sudden. Yall are straight up lying to yourselves. Losing Kool is absolutely a negative, IDGAF what yall fools say. Dude was an elite COACH. Whoever we add in his place, will not be as good of a coach as he is. That is just a ******* fact, whether yall want to admit it or not. yes recruiting is extremely important, especially along the DL. But if yall think recruiting is more important than coaching for literally every position yall are again trippin. We didn't need Kool to be an elite recruiter. Not every coach on the staff needs to be this elite recruiter, thats what yall don't get. It shouldn't have been all up to Kool to recruit the DL, and all up to Rumph to recruit CBs, that just makes no sense.

His replacement has to be a great coach first and foremost. His recruiting ability is second.

Why is there a direct correlation between amount of hot takes and wrongfully speaking jive? You are from california, man.
It means he isn't qualified and doesn't need to be an actual coach. Assistant ____________ Quality ___________ or whatever was more than enough of a title for his resume.

I think Coach Kul is replaceable but he was darn good and our last hire was pretty lame.
I would rather have a top ten DL coach and a stable full of monsters than the #1 DL coach with a half full stable and always being an injury/transfer away from disaster. Now if Richt doesn’t make a good hire I’ll be ****ed.
with UM ties that Bama hired. Saban has to keep the SoFl pipeline open for his success, while kicking us in the *** while he's doing so. We have to remain steadfast as a program to climb back to the mountain top. I predict if we ever get back up there Saban and Urban will both retire!

Kool has nothing to do with the South Florida pipeline.
with UM ties that Bama hired. Saban has to keep the SoFl pipeline open for his success, while kicking us in the *** while he's doing so. We have to remain steadfast as a program to climb back to the mountain top. I predict if we ever get back up there Saban and Urban will both retire!

That sounds good in theory but Kul has no ties or pipeline in Miami other than being the U's coach for 2 years. He couldn't sell insta flame logs to an Eskimo.
could the timing have anything to do with how negligent the DL recruiting has been under Kool and Richt "urged" him to seek other opportunities like he does with players who don't pan out? It allows the players or coaches to save face this way and is a win/win. A very Pastor like thing to do.
Idk if Richt woulda urged him to move on because he's the one who really elevated Kool's status in the Coaching world.

You gotta remember Kool was at Mizzou for like 15-16 years wallowing in despair, putting a bunch kids in the NFL & not getting any recognition or credit for it on a national scale.

He's never been anything more than a DLine coach Richt was the one who took a chance on him and brought him to a marquee program like Miami, then elevated him & made him the Assisstant Head Coach. He essentially put him on equal footing with himself & Diaz, Richt turned Kool into a Made Man.

Kool looking for NFL jobs isn't an issue to me that's a once in a lifetime opportunity, the snake sh*t is the fact he went out of his way to go & beg Saban to take him at Bama.
how can it possibly be an "upgrade from kool all around" when kool IS the best DL coach in college (that actually a full time DL coach).

and to everyone who thinks losing kool is good yall are ******* trippin, thinking that because he isn't a great recruiter, that it somehow means he can't coach all of a sudden. Yall are straight up lying to yourselves. Losing Kool is absolutely a negative, IDGAF what yall fools say. Dude was an elite COACH. Whoever we add in his place, will not be as good of a coach as he is. That is just a ******* fact, whether yall want to admit it or not. yes recruiting is extremely important, especially along the DL. But if yall think recruiting is more important than coaching for literally every position yall are again trippin. We didn't need Kool to be an elite recruiter. Not every coach on the staff needs to be this elite recruiter, thats what yall don't get. It shouldn't have been all up to Kool to recruit the DL, and all up to Rumph to recruit CBs, that just makes no sense.

His replacement has to be a great coach first and foremost. His recruiting ability is second.

The argument isn't that Kul "wasn't a great recruiter" it's that he apparently hated any aspect of recruiting. If he was a "mediocre" recruiter and stud DL coach that's one thing, but describing his recruiting as mediocre would be very generous. Miami went from having one of the deepest DL's in the country last year to now being an injury or two away from disaster. We got **** lucky that Miller fell into our laps at the last second, but my understanding is that recruits basically had to reach out to Kul rather than the other way around. I don't give Kul credit for Nesta, that kid was born a Cane. We're still in need of grad transfers because we are so thin. Since Kul had the reputation of coaching up average talent and getting them into the NFL- we should have had recruits lined up at the door wanting to play for him. DL coach who puts kids in NFL at a school that is an NFL factory? Should have turning down 5 star d-linemen left and right, but that was most definitely not the case.
Idk if Richt woulda urged him to move on because he's the one who really elevated Kool's status in the Coaching world.

You gotta remember Kool was at Mizzou for like 15-16 years wallowing in despair, putting a bunch kids in the NFL & not getting any recognition or credit for it on a national scale.

He's never been anything more than a DLine coach Richt was the one who took a chance on him and brought him to a marquee program like Miami, then elevated him & made him the Assisstant Head Coach. He essentially put him on equal footing with himself & Diaz, Richt turned Kool into a Made Man.

Kool looking for NFL jobs isn't an issue to me that's a once in a lifetime opportunity, the snake sh*t is the fact he went out of his way to go & beg Saban to take him at Bama.

Hey, I've seen Goodfellas. Made Men sometimes get whacked too. LOL
I'm 100% in favor of Richt snatching up Kevin Patrick it would be an upgrade from Kool all around.

The only thing that shocked me initially was the timing, if Kool was going to leave he should've done it beginning of the year when there were a lot more coaches available & every other team was adding new guys to their staff.

Imo Richt missed an opportunity to upgrade the staff when he chose Patke as the 10th assistant, now he has another opportunity to really hit a homerun with this one, don't drop the ball Richt go for blood.

Richt should be ****ed at the idea that Saban & Bama would even entertain taking this ****** Judas Jobe *** non recruiting Corch on their staff. He should show the rest of college football that if you double cross the Pastor he gets the wrath of God to reign down on you. Get a coach on this staff that will absolutely kill it on the trail.

#God'splan...maybe perfect timing for our pastor and brother Drake!!!!
Kool is great coach but I really think it arguable when ppl call him the best DL coach in America. Dudes acting like he has the Midas touch. Every other post “he’s the best DL coach in America”
I guess we'll have to wait and see who we hire and once the season starts we'll be able to see if Kool was really that great or if Manny's blitz happy scheme is the reason for all the TFLs and sacks.

Personally, I was disappointed in the front four's ability to generate pass rush without blitz help. We made the game so much easier for a bunch of QBs by blitzing too often and giving up the easy, short pass. I know the defensive play calls are on Diaz but man, being able to leave seven guys in coverage more often would have helped tremendously.
It’s impossible to be considered the best DL coach in college football if you only do half the job.

I’ve been as guilty of overhyping Tool as anyone, but I’m excited at the chance to replace him with something we desperately need on the defensive side—a recruiting big hoss.

In today’s age of information being available to everyone, I don’t think Tool has any hidden magic DL coaching technique. Every competent DL coach who studies his craft knows what Tool knows at this point.

Like I said, it’s not like he’s out there calling plays at high speed under immense pressure. The guys who are great at that skill are very unique. A guy teaching DL only? Nah. We can upgrade.
Per Ivins, we will not hear anything about the new DL coach for a few weeks.

I think this is only his opinion, nothing more.

Wouldn't make a lot of sense especially with spring practice (at least I believe) starting soon. Who would coach the DL? It would seem like coach Richt would at least want his DL coach to have some time with the kids before fall practice starts. If, like last year, spring practice starts in early March, my guess is that the coach will be hired this week or next.
I would rather have a top ten DL coach and a stable full of monsters than the #1 DL coach with a half full stable and always being an injury/transfer away from disaster. Now if Richt doesn’t make a good hire I’ll be ****ed.

We’re not anywhere close to recruiting elite dt's. The reason we couldn’t pull some highly ranked players is because it’s the most expensive position to recruit. This just made easier for bama to get them. We needed Kool as an equalizer.