Can evan shirreffs win the starting spot ?????

The only quote I've seen about the quarterback that had any specificity, was from Rick, and in it he was praising Rosier. I posted that on another thread. I don't know who wins it. But COULD Evan with it? Sure.

Many more practices, and 2 to 3 more scrimmages to go.

problem with the quote though is that it was solicited. It was in response to a specific question concerning Malik, not the others.

That could very well be true, but that's all that I have to go on. I haven't seen any other specific quotes about the other quarterbacks from Rick. Have you?

I'm not saying that makes Rosier the leader, all I'm saying is the only information I've got about quarterbacks specifically has been from Rick about Rosier

Then you have the reports from Pete's sources that suggest Sherriffs may be leading. You have to factor that as well. Based on the information we have these two bits are not necessarily contradictory. The reporter asked a specific question about Rosier. We don't know what Richt thought about Sherriffs or Perry. He wasn't asked. There were rumors that Sherriffs was leading during the Spring and was better protecting the ball. However, he was not as effective moving the offense while Rosier produced some big plays.

We will definitely know more in the coming weeks after the scrimmages and more information leaks out.

I was only referring to coaches' comments, not what Pete and DMoni have gotten from the sources.

I totally buy what Pete and DMoney are saying, but it's important to remember that sources, even practice observers, can be wrong or misinterpret what they see.

My proof will surface after the scrimmages. I'll get excited then, after we know who the starter is. In my mind, I'm just not counting anybody out yet, even though DMoney has basically written off Rosier, I'm not there yet. I need more data points.
Talked to one of the players father after spring and he said that Evan looked the best of all the QBs. This "news" doesnt surprise me.
Talked to one of the players father after spring and he said that Evan looked the best of all the QBs. This "news" doesnt surprise me.

That was before ' was on the team. The reality is that ' is the only Miami (FL) caliber QB on the roster. Talent wins out. He'll start
A "distributor of the ball" isn't going to beat FSU, but you guys keep banging that drum if it makes you feel better

Our QB is going to need to make some big plays, not just rely on the other guys. He's going to be under a ton of heat. But hey, only a whole **** ton of history supports that logic.
No clue why everyone is so upset about Evan being in the race against a kid that has had 4 practices of college ball.

I think most just dont believe it based on how horrible he was in the spring scrimmages.

Sherrifs is a lot bigger now. His arm strength is probably still average but he is a big dude that can run a little bit. Take some hits. He looked about 6'5 225-230 today.
Watching highlights of Perry, he's not really a running qb. He scrambles a bit but looks to throw on the run. His HS running stats were lower than 200 yards both Sr and Jr. Year. He'll get killed worse than Kaaya did with RPO.

But if Your qb makes wrong choice , your qb gets killed. 1st play of FSU game this past year.

LOL...1st play vs FSU was a naked bootleg, not an RPO. Now the play where Kaaya got His tooth knocked out was an RPO, maybe you're thinking about that play.
A "distributor of the ball" isn't going to beat FSU, but you guys keep banging that drum if it makes you feel better

Our QB is going to need to make some big plays, not just rely on the other guys. He's going to be under a ton of heat. But hey, only a whole **** ton of history supports that logic.

Yes, you are correct, a ton of history shows a distributor qb can win by relying on his playermakers. Our best qb of the last decade and a half, Ken Dorsey, had two key attributes: he got the ball into the hands of his playmakers and he didn't panic under pressure and do something dumb with the football. We were within 1 pt last year, 4 pts before that of beating fsu with a Miami QB who panics in the pocket. You know what flipped the script? A completely ridiculous pass in the third quarter leading to an interception. Killed our momentum and FSU took advantage. A superstar qb is, of course, better than a caretaker qb, but I don't trust a true freshman qb not to force throws. We have enough talent, especially on D, to beat FSU with just a QB who doesn't throw INTs or take sacks. I hope that Perry wins the job outright and proves he can be smart with the football but he has to earn it. If Sherriffs truly earns the starting role, it doesn't mean the FSU game is an automatic L just because he doesn't have Perry's ceiling.
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The only quote I've seen about the quarterback that had any specificity, was from Rick, and in it he was praising Rosier. I posted that on another thread. I don't know who wins it. But COULD Evan with it? Sure.

Many more practices, and 2 to 3 more scrimmages to go.

problem with the quote though is that it was solicited. It was in response to a specific question concerning Malik, not the others.

That could very well be true, but that's all that I have to go on. I haven't seen any other specific quotes about the other quarterbacks from Rick. Have you?

I'm not saying that makes Rosier the leader, all I'm saying is the only information I've got about quarterbacks specifically has been from Rick about Rosier

Then you have the reports from Pete's sources that suggest Sherriffs may be leading. You have to factor that as well. Based on the information we have these two bits are not necessarily contradictory. The reporter asked a specific question about Rosier. We don't know what Richt thought about Sherriffs or Perry. He wasn't asked. There were rumors that Sherriffs was leading during the Spring and was better protecting the ball. However, he was not as effective moving the offense while Rosier produced some big plays.

We will definitely know more in the coming weeks after the scrimmages and more information leaks out.

I was only referring to coaches' comments, not what Pete and DMoni have gotten from the sources.

I totally buy what Pete and DMoney are saying, but it's important to remember that sources, even practice observers, can be wrong or misinterpret what they see.

My proof will surface after the scrimmages. I'll get excited then, after we know who the starter is. In my mind, I'm just not counting anybody out yet, even though DMoney has basically written off Rosier, I'm not there yet. I need more data points.

Agreed. I think Rosier is still in contention myself, and still has a decent shot as long as his decision making with the ball continues to improve as Richt pointed out. Based on Spring reports the offense seemed to produce more explosive plays with him at the helm.
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A "distributor of the ball" isn't going to beat FSU, but you guys keep banging that drum if it makes you feel better

Our QB is going to need to make some big plays, not just rely on the other guys. He's going to be under a ton of heat. But hey, only a whole **** ton of history supports that logic.

Neither is a guy with questionable decision making and penchant for turnovers.

Sheriffs issues seem to stem from not trusting his arm and stretching the field vertically . Seems to play it too safe. From all accounts he knows the playbook, is a film nut, and is highly intelligent. All he needs is more confidence to throw down field and take some risks.
Our best qb of the last decade and a half, Ken Dorsey, had two key attributes: he got the ball into the hands of his playmakers and he didn't panic under pressure and do something dumb with the football. Dorsey fuqed up with that "game manager" $h!t.

The offense opened up when Dorsey took over...was bipolar at best when Kelly was the QB.

What made Dorsey great was His work ethic...pre & post-snap read ability...field vision...knowing where all His receivers were on every pass play...getting the ball to His receivers on time...taking what they gave em' to get what He wanted...and spreading the ball around to anywhere from 8-10 receivers almost every game.

LOL...Richt know, Dorsey beat em'!

Dorsey was our version of Tom Brady...agree with you on His poise though.

Offense never looked this well oiled when Kelly was the QB, hasn't looked like this since KD left:
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History shows us in the FSU-MIAMI series the team that establishes the run and the QB that makes the fewest mistakes wins. PERIOD
A "distributor of the ball" isn't going to beat FSU, but you guys keep banging that drum if it makes you feel better

Our QB is going to need to make some big plays, not just rely on the other guys. He's going to be under a ton of heat. But hey, only a whole **** ton of history supports that logic.

Yes, you are correct, a ton of history shows a distributor qb can win by relying on his playermakers. Our best qb of the last decade and a half, Ken Dorsey, had two key attributes: he got the ball into the hands of his playmakers and he didn't panic under pressure and do something dumb with the football. We were within 1 pt last year, 4 pts before that of beating fsu with a Miami QB who panics in the pocket. You know what flipped the script? A completely ridiculous pass in the third quarter leading to an interception. Killed our momentum and FSU took advantage. A superstar qb is, of course, better than a caretaker qb, but I don't trust a true freshman qb not to force throws. We have enough talent, especially on D, to beat FSU with just a QB who doesn't throw INTs or take sacks. I hope that Perry wins the job outright and proves he can be smart with the football but he has to earn it. If Sherriffs truly earns the starting role, it doesn't mean the FSU game is an automatic L just because he doesn't have Perry's ceiling.
I hear ya, and I agree in a lot of ways. We don't even need to talk about Dorsey. That situation will never be created again.

Im basing my opinion off very very little on Evan as well. Just saying, FSUs defense is going to be very good. We have weapons, but not nearly what we are giving credit for. Herndon, Ahmmon, Berrios, Thomas....that's great, lots of talent there, but not a collection of guys that will just take over the field.

We need Perry to take control of this situation. I hated our schedule about a year ago, but now it looks genius.
A "distributor of the ball" isn't going to beat FSU, but you guys keep banging that drum if it makes you feel better

Our QB is going to need to make some big plays, not just rely on the other guys. He's going to be under a ton of heat. But hey, only a whole **** ton of history supports that logic.

Neither is a guy with questionable decision making and penchant for turnovers.

Sheriffs issues seem to stem from not trusting his arm and stretching the field vertically . Seems to play it too safe. From all accounts he knows the playbook, is a film nut, and is highly intelligent. All he needs is more confidence to throw down field and take some risks.
Are you taking about Rosier? If you are I totally agree. Rosier isn't winning that game.
A "distributor of the ball" isn't going to beat FSU, but you guys keep banging that drum if it makes you feel better

Our QB is going to need to make some big plays, not just rely on the other guys. He's going to be under a ton of heat. But hey, only a whole **** ton of history supports that logic.

Speaking of History when was the last time a true freshman be it Fsu or Miami ever won this game? let alone on the road?
If the primary concern is beating FSU this season, and nothing else, Shirreffs may actually be your man. Trubisky nickel and dimed them all game on short-intermediate throws to Switzer; he was one step ahead of their blitzes and made nothing but high percentage reads. This is where Evan excels.

If UNCs defense didn't let up 3 late TDs the game wasn't even close.
A "distributor of the ball" isn't going to beat FSU, but you guys keep banging that drum if it makes you feel better

Our QB is going to need to make some big plays, not just rely on the other guys. He's going to be under a ton of heat. But hey, only a whole **** ton of history supports that logic.

Neither is a guy with questionable decision making and penchant for turnovers.

Sheriffs issues seem to stem from not trusting his arm and stretching the field vertically . Seems to play it too safe. From all accounts he knows the playbook, is a film nut, and is highly intelligent. All he needs is more confidence to throw down field and take some risks.
