bryan McClendon to South Carolina

maybe we'll get Lilly as Co-coordinator. his status is still up in the air.
I'd actually prefer that Richt go after an up and comer QB coach/game planner from a spread coaching tree. If Richt is calling plays, i think it would be beneficial for him to bring in someone who is maybe 2 years away from being a full fledged OC and who brings in a slightly different offensive philosophy. A mutually beneficial relationship, where Richt helps prepare the guy to call plays and the guy helps push Richt in his play calling and game planning. I don't have time to look up names, but I'm sure there are quite a few names out there that would be worth looking at.

I think the one thing that leads to complacency and eventual failure, is surrounding yourself with all like minded people who fall in line. I believe that's why Al Golden has already reached the pinnacle of his career, because he refuses to be open to doing things any other way but his own. If your going to act like the smartest man in the room, you better **** sure be it because eventually everyone is going to learn the truth. You need people around you who think differently than you and you have to be open to their ideas, in order to maximize your own abilities.

Saban's hiring of Kiffin is a perfect example of that. I would have never thought those two would be coaching together, because they have different philosophies and clashing personalities. But Saban realized he wasn't going to win games 10-6 anymore and that he was going to have to start winning games 33-28 and 45-41. So he brought in someone to open up the offense a bit, while still wanting to control the game by running the football.
Its being reported that he wanted to stay in the SEC and his wife wasn't keen on moving to Miami. He didn't say no....his wife said no
I believe It has been said that multiple assistants didn't want to uproot their family to miami. I now live in CLT and am buying a house in SC and you can't beat the prices and what you get. 5-6 bedroom house 3k+ sq ft 275-300k and low a$$ property taxes.
As I mentioned before, Richt is in scramble mode looking for guys to fill in his staff.
Right, because you said it, it's true.

Nah, just that someone people insist on believing that everything is going as planned for Richt's hires. There are many signs that point to the opposite.

Please post examples for once instead of pretending that what you are posting are facts.
As I mentioned before, Richt is in scramble mode looking for guys to fill in his staff.

aren't you selling Richt short thinking he doesn't have a plan b or c. you really believe that or are you still shannonized?
Hitching your wagon to Muschamp

What a dummy

Thats the biggest surprise to me. I would think it means he didnt have the co oc title that we think he was going to get here.

Muschamp is a very strange hire to me in the first place. I mean if he cant get it done at a Florida which that beats South Carolina in every aspect then WTF?

Its like SC is just throwing in the towel.

Hitching a ride with this team would be last resort.
The word is he didn't want to ship his family to Miami.

Real estate prices in Miami are going to be an issue for our assistants. Prices are up almost 100% in and around Coral Gables since Golden took over.

It's not real estate prices, it's the fact that Miami is a shthole, and people know it. And before you come back with the Chamber of Commerce propaganda, daily life in Miami doesn't exist on a sailboat.

We seem to have issues with wife's wanting to move here and raise kids here.
Miami is not for everyone and it's something that does come into play.
We seem to have issues with wife's wanting to move here and raise kids here.
Miami is not for everyone and it's something that does come into play.

Agreed. I have a degree from UM and have zero interest in ever living there again, so imagine how someone who has no previous connection to UM feels.
Going to be awful if our staff ends up 75% composed of the same guys who worked under Golden.

The main ones people want gone were Dorito, Williams, and Melvin cause those guys actually worked with Golden in the past...

*Kehoe is a Legend at Miami
*Scott was at USF and was brought in for the Tampa Area
*Hurlie Brown has always been a good recruiter plus he is a Miami alum
*KB has really helped the WRs play better and he is on staff for the Broward area.
*Ice Harris is a dade county legend, he was brought in for his ties to the community
*Coach Coley is from Miami, knws the area, great recruiter and QB evaluator.

All these guys were brought in cause Golden had no ties to the area and he needed help bad with recruiting here...