bryan McClendon to South Carolina

I am amazed that any coach would actually want to be on staff for Muschamp. The guy is a proven failure and a maniac...not sure how he is off the field but I am surprised that any coach would be jumping at the chance to be a part of that impending disaster.
This hurts though not gonna lie, im happy we keep beard because hes thr goods but it would have been nice to have both of them, apparently brown is a really good recruiter, gotta make a splash hire on DC to help
So, maybe Coley IS gonna be Co-OC after all?

I don't care either way, but wasn't the assumption that Mac was gonna be Co with Brown and that left Coley out?
As I mentioned before, Richt is in scramble mode looking for guys to fill in his staff.
And you have no idea what you're talking about. He said he's taking his time and you typically wait until after the bowl game.

Just because it's not on a message board doesn't mean it hasn't happened
Like they did at florida and auburn?
They recruited very well

Well and didnt produce, plus its easy to sell florida and auburn not so much south carolina
I agree, SC is a hard sell but they still got SEC money and kids will want to play for them two. They already jave kids lining up to take OVs to SC that wouldnt even have gave it a thought.

They will get some kids at first, but when they start losing they wont come

not saying Muschamp is going to be successful at all but he has some stud recruiters thats all i been saying.

Did he not see the dumpster fire at UF, where the resources were plentiful? USCe is a disaster hole. He's going to have to deal w/ Clemson taking the creme dela creme. Poor coaching decision, that's including the infamous T-Rob.
Kuligowski is an upgrade over Rocker. Richt should have hired him.

As for assuming this means that Beard and/or Coley stay on staff that's feeble-minded thinking. You guys act like McClendon and Beard are the only two WR coaches in the country or that Coley somehow has to stay because there's no one else who can be a coffee-fetching fake co-OC for Richt.
Trob and Mcclendon on the same staff smh

Its south carolina

Yeah but you know what? They are in a winnable division which means they are 2-3 key huge recruits game changers away from competing for the SEC East title.

slap yourself. USCe will NEVER win an SEC anything. Muschamp is a corch by all means of the word corch. He had elite talent at UF and fugged it off. He's a bum....they could have Butch running the D, B Walsh running the O, Toub running the ST, Schwarzenegger running S&C and they still wouldn't win a darn thing at USCe while Muschamp is the head man.
Hopefully this goes the way the Richt hiring went. He kind of fell in our laps when a top candidate got a raise at his school. Maybe this means someone with a better pedigree becomes available shortly and is a better suit for the U.
Our jimmies have been rustled. After Golden, we ain't trusting any process.

I dont trustno one fk that, i wont bring his name up cuz dudes get tightbut i trusted him. Would of critisized him also if he fks up. The trail and who mr adds from sfla will tell me all i need to know if we comin or not.
What part of some people don't want to live in Miami is so hard for some of you to understand?
Kuligowski is an upgrade over Rocker. Richt should have hired him.

As for assuming this means that Beard and/or Coley stay on staff that's feeble-minded thinking. You guys act like McClendon and Beard are the only two WR coaches in the country or that Coley somehow has to stay because there's no one else who can be a coffee-fetching fake co-OC for Richt.

This is right on point. Also anyone who thinks Richt is in "scramble mode " is an out and out moron.