Billboard Pricing for those interested

If there so insecure about signs in the BUC that say fire golden or bring back butch. What do you think they'll do about this? ****ing insecure ******** there gonna do whatever they can to control the damage. We'll put the billboard up then a few days later we'll receive a refund out of now where we'll drive by and see it's been replaced by another ****ing *** slogan that they like to create.

Makes sense, spend money on this rather than the buyout.
Yeah the **** can we spend money on the buyout exactly?
Just do this minus the logos

2010-14 Record.jpg

Also if there is some serious coin you can basically take over all the ads at the University Metro Rail Station....
Black White
28-22 28-22

Donna Shalala and the BOT say this is progress
This is not progress
Fire Al Golden

Something like that?

Put year 4 records in
Put fired by Shalala & BoT under black and retained by Shalala & BoT under white

Under that "What's the Difference? Fire Al Golden"

This just my humble thoughts

Where is that picture with RS and Al? It was posted on the WEZ And here.

This one?

I don't think the comparison between Shannon and Golden's records is a good idea. The administration plus clueless fans will dismiss this because Golden had "the cloud." We know it's a ridiculous bs excuse, but in their minds it's not.

Something simple and straight forward is probably best. Like "FIRE AL GOLDEN." The font would be huge. It's 3 words. It's easy to read, everyone will notice it.
I think it should be a simple direct message. Three lines:
4 years of top 15 recruiting classes.
6-7 season.
Fire Al Golden (large bold font)
Black White
28-22 28-22

Donna Shalala and the BOT say this is progress
This is not progress
Fire Al Golden

Something like that?

Put year 4 records in
Put fired by Shalala & BoT under black and retained by Shalala & BoT under white

Under that "What's the Difference? Fire Al Golden"

This just my humble thoughts

Where is that picture with RS and Al? It was posted on the WEZ And here.

This one?


Good start, are you able to add the words over that picture? What you came up with?
Post OSU sanction and ours. The comparison is terrible when you look at their records and ours.