Big 10 and PAC 12 v. ACC, SEC and Big 12

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Oh boy....
Not sure how old you are but if you think carter was good for economy, you are beyond clueless.

clinton compromised w rep house led by Gingrich to get **** done and was the beneficiary of internet bubble.

dumbo w his shovel ready bullshyt! Lol
He had nowhere to go but up due to Dodd Frank (libtards) housing bubble that collapsed economy at end of bush started back in Clinton era where stated income was deemed ok for loans...and why was that? Libs wanted more minorities to be able to own v rent even though they could not afford it

Now getting to Trump, is this “recession” on trump due to his policies? Of course not, he had historic low unemployment...before the CHYNAH virus magically appeared during an election year!!
Best EVER for blacks, Hispanics! Am I wrong?

and he will have it all the way back as soon as this fake corona bs goes away Nov 4

you can take any number and spin but common sense tells the story..please stop w rewriting of history it’s pathetic

Clinton was a good domestic policy president, he dropped ball on some foreign affairs but the gop in the house never let up on him. W Bush was a moron and a pos who marched kids off to their death. Obama was a joke but we have to pretend he was special. Trump is a manaic but people are making money and the world is as stable as it's been in decades.
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You are picking out twigs and representing them as the forest.

It's incredibly complex topic that comes down to each POTUS' precedessor's policies (say that 10 times fast) and what policies a sitting POTUS tries to put in place (or get enacted if legislation is necessary) in Y2 and Y3 (cuz Y4 is all pandering), then they go George Clinton Funkadelic in Y5-Y7 before becoming bogged down/exhausted in Y7-Y8 scandals/big issues.

Say what people will about POTUS 45, he is the same cat Y1D1 as Y4D365.
Bottom line: In the last 70 years, The Dems have created more jobs and oversaw a greater increase in the stock market (not that the market is really an indication of much) than the Republican Presidents.

That's not a partisan argument or take. It is a fact. if not, please refute.

It's very telling that no one disputing anything has any numbers to speak of.
Clinton was a good domestic policy president, he dropped ball on some foreign affairs but the gop in the house never let up on him. W Bush was a moron and a pos who marched kids off to their death. Obama was a joke but we have to pretend he was special. Trump is a manaic but people are making money and the world is as stable as it's been in decades.
You aren't far off...


Clinton's secret sauce had two ingredients: 1) PAYGO (thanks Newt); and 2) Silicon Valley ka-boom-boom.

Marry that to his southern charm, voila!
Bottom line: In the last 70 years, The Dems have created more jobs and oversaw a greater increase in the stock market (not that the market is really an indication of much) than the Republican Presidents.

That's not a partisan argument or take. It is a fact. if not, please refute.

It's very telling that no one disputing anything has any numbers to speak of.
Its very, VERY easy to refute, but I'm drinking, I'm tired, and just review my other posts when this topic has come up before.

Your welcome.

PAC12 doesn’t surprise me but I would of thought Big 10 would be more for playing
Its very, VERY easy to refute, but I'm drinking, I'm tired, and just review my other posts when this topic has come up before.

Your welcome.

Just as I figured. Nothing. So I say one final time, for the pro-economy crowd:

The job creation record and stock market performance under Dem president's the last 70 years has been greater than that of the Republican presidents. Statistical fact.

It's like me saying UM has won more championships than FSU and UF and your response is "No they didn't. It's more complex than that."
Just as I figured. Nothing. So I say one final time, for the pro-economy crowd:

The job creation record and stock market performance under Dem president's the last 70 years has been greater than that of the Republican presidents. Statistical fact.

It's like me saying UM has won more championships than FSU and UF and your response is "No they didn't. It's more complex than that."
Its actually not like that...

at all......

HINT: The FED has a far more outsized (and immediate) impact on the "economy" than any given POTUS. Now, Empirical, doesn't POTUS pick the Fed members? Errrrr....kinda sorta...not really Johnny. If memory serves, someone google please, a sitting POTUS can only select up to 3 members during a 8 yr run. Maybe I'm wrong (but, as usual, probably not).

It's why Reagan, Clinton, and Trump are so remarkable/shrewd/lucky in that regard. Granted, like all parties, their is always the next morning.....
Oh boy....
Not sure how old you are but if you think carter was good for economy, you are beyond clueless.

clinton compromised w rep house led by Gingrich to get **** done and was the beneficiary of internet bubble.

dumbo w his shovel ready bullshyt! Lol
He had nowhere to go but up due to Dodd Frank (libtards) housing bubble that collapsed economy at end of bush started back in Clinton era where stated income was deemed ok for loans...and why was that? Libs wanted more minorities to be able to own v rent even though they could not afford it

Now getting to Trump, is this “recession” on trump due to his policies? Of course not, he had historic low unemployment...before the CHYNAH virus magically appeared during an election year!!
Best EVER for blacks, Hispanics! Am I wrong?

and he will have it all the way back as soon as this fake corona bs goes away Nov 4

you can take any number and spin but common sense tells the story..please stop w rewriting of history it’s pathetic

Factually correct ! Greatly respect the President taking on the corrupt Big Pharma head-on on prescription cost. THis will help many people

Why be ashamed of Trump at all?
He’s the best thing to happen to this country in decades! We have needed a BUSINESS MAN in charge not these bull****ters that call themselves politicians. Did he hurt your feelings?

It’s always a choice of “lesser of two evils”....

anyone who wants to be reliant on govt from cradle to grave and anyone who still can’t see the **** light of what liberals are trying to do to this country is clueless!

I can’t wait for November

Lol at Slump being a businessman. He took $400M from his daddy and still managed to bankrupt every business he touched and has been the biggest joke in American history. But go ahead and dig those heels in on the wrong side of the biggest disaster in our history.
You aren't far off...


Clinton's secret sauce had two ingredients: 1) PAYGO (thanks Newt); and 2) Silicon Valley ka-boom-boom.

Marry that to his southern charm, voila!
yes but he also took illegal immigration and welfare reform serious.
Lol at Slump being a businessman. He took $400M from his daddy and still managed to bankrupt every business he touched and has been the biggest joke in American history. But go ahead and dig those heels in on the wrong side of the biggest disaster in our history.
wrong. i know people that know him personally and hate him but will tell you this is all bs.
btw, he file bankruptcy like 3-4 times and owned literally hundreds of businesses.
yes but he also took illegal immigration and welfare reform serious.
Did he though? I get what you are saying, and for that moment, perhaps.

Lasting effects? Not so much and hence the structural and Balkanizing mess we are in now.
Did he though? I get what you are saying, and for that moment, perhaps.

Lasting effects? Not so much and hence the structural and Balkanizing mess we are in now.
bush let the borders get out of control. believe it or not, Obama actaully deported more people than Trump. Jeh Johnson was pretty tough at DHS
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