Big 10 and PAC 12 v. ACC, SEC and Big 12

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I mean, if you're pro-economy you should be pro-democrat then. ijs, the last 3 Dem president's created over 40 million jobs. The last 3 Republican presidents had recessions (and that's not even counting the current Trump recession which would make 4 in a row for R's). For all the bashing of Jimmy Carter, his job creation record in his single term was one of the best ever.

Don't take my word for it. See for yourself. Check the stock market under Dem president's too. I think you'll be surprised.

And don't be silly. Democrats don't believe in **** bc they're all atheists.
Stop embarrassing yourself.

Why be ashamed of Trump at all?
He’s the best thing to happen to this country in decades! We have needed a BUSINESS MAN in charge not these bull****ters that call themselves politicians. Did he hurt your feelings?

It’s always a choice of “lesser of two evils”....

anyone who wants to be reliant on govt from cradle to grave and anyone who still can’t see the **** light of what liberals are trying to do to this country is clueless!

I can’t wait for November
You're A Raging Moron - Are You A Miami Graduate ?

So I guess some random statistician told them playing football would increase this condition. If this is their argument, they are grasping at straws. Unless I'm wrong, the players have been working out all summer. Under their argument, a lot more players should already have this.
You're A Raging Moron - Are You A Miami Graduate ?
This applies because I’m sure you are thinking it
And of course you have ZERO facts behind your triggered response, you dopes crack me up
So I guess some random statistician told them playing football would increase this condition. If this is their argument, they are grasping at straws. Unless I'm wrong, the players have been working out all summer. Under their argument, a lot more players should already have this.
Exactly, but for some twatter is the modern day World Book Encyclopedia....
From what that article says, players who acquire that rare condition are usually cleared to play again in 3-6 months.

There is no shortage of 3-6 month injuries in football.

Also from that article:

"We had a fair number of positive [COVID-19] cases in the ACC ... We're talking about hundreds," he said. "I'm aware of very few of them that would even fit into that higher illness severity category."

That article is a litany of contradictions.
Oh boy....
Not sure how old you are but if you think carter was good for economy, you are beyond clueless.

clinton compromised w rep house led by Gingrich to get **** done and was the beneficiary of internet bubble.

dumbo w his shovel ready bullshyt! Lol
He had nowhere to go but up due to Dodd Frank (libtards) housing bubble that collapsed economy at end of bush started back in Clinton era where stated income was deemed ok for loans...and why was that? Libs wanted more minorities to be able to own v rent even though they could not afford it

Now getting to Trump, is this “recession” on trump due to his policies? Of course not, he had historic low unemployment...before the CHYNAH virus magically appeared during an election year!!
Best EVER for blacks, Hispanics! Am I wrong?

and he will have it all the way back as soon as this fake corona bs goes away Nov 4

you can take any number and spin but common sense tells the story..please stop w rewriting of history it’s pathetic

-- I'm literally posting facts showing Jimmy Carter's job creation record was top 10 ever, and your response is "you're clueless?" (with nothing to refute the numbers btw).

-- Ah, yes, the ol Clinton was helped by the Republican Congress argument. Okay. Sure. I'll take it. Compromise is a component of leadership, which means he got Republicans to raise taxes which is a very non-Republican thing. As long as when you tout Reagan's job numbers, you make the same argument for the Dem lead Congress he had.

-- Oh, hey would you look at that? He had nowhere to go but up argument for Obama. How'd that work out for Herbert Hoover. For the billionth time, there is absolutely another place you can go following a recession. Down. How do you think depressions happen? In any event, Obama went up, and as such, he created jobs. Period. He gets the credit.

So, for comparison sakes -- Obama HALVED black unemployment. It's gone down 20 % under Trump who inherited a trend. Which btw, it's back up again.

Black employment.PNG

So you're not wrong, but you're not telling the entire story on black unemployment (which is up again). It's actually statistically impossible for Trump to equal the drop in black unemployment that Obama did.

As for blaming the current recession on COVID -- which is accurate -- there''s always a reason for a recession. You don't get to pick and choose. But we are in one now. And Trump is the president. It happened under his watch. But II didn't count it. Extenuating circumstance.

lol How am I re-writing history by posting nothing but cold, hard numbers?

Here's a stock market comparison.

Is this also re-writing history showing that Clinton and Obama had the two biggest increases?

I'd love to see what numbers you're going by.
-- I'm literally posting facts showing Jimmy Carter's job creation record was top 10 ever, and your response is "you're clueless?" (with nothing to refute the numbers btw).

-- Ah, yes, the ol Clinton was helped by the Republican Congress argument. Okay. Sure. I'll take it. Compromise is a component of leadership, which means he got Republicans to raise taxes which is a very non-Republican thing. As long as when you tout Reagan's job numbers, you make the same argument for the Dem lead Congress he had.

-- Oh, hey would you look at that? He had nowhere to go but up argument for Obama. How'd that work out for Herbert Hoover. For the billionth time, there is absolutely another place you can go following a recession. Down. How do you think depressions happen? In any event, Obama went up, and as such, he created jobs. Period. He gets the credit.

So, for comparison sakes -- Obama HALVED black unemployment. It's gone down 20 % under Trump who inherited a trend. Which btw, it's back up again.

View attachment 126952
So you're not wrong, but you're not telling the entire story on black unemployment (which is up again). It's actually statistically impossible for Trump to equal the drop in black unemployment that Obama did.

As for blaming the current recession on COVID -- which is accurate -- there''s always a reason for a recession. You don't get to pick and choose. But we are in one now. And Trump is the president. It happened under his watch. But II didn't count it. Extenuating circumstance.

lol How am I re-writing history by posting nothing but cold, hard numbers?

Here's a stock market comparison.

Is this also re-writing history showing that Clinton and Obama had the two biggest increases?

I'd love to see what numbers you're going by.
Apparently you are fond of embarrassing yourself.


So I guess some random statistician told them playing football would increase this condition. If this is their argument, they are grasping at straws. Unless I'm wrong, the players have been working out all summer. Under their argument, a lot more players should already have this.
It’s beyond embarrassing
How about players that are worried opt out?
The soy boys on espn are creaming their pants right now hoping they can postpone football
-- I'm literally posting facts showing Jimmy Carter's job creation record was top 10 ever, and your response is "you're clueless?" (with nothing to refute the numbers btw).

-- Ah, yes, the ol Clinton was helped by the Republican Congress argument. Okay. Sure. I'll take it. Compromise is a component of leadership, which means he got Republicans to raise taxes which is a very non-Republican thing. As long as when you tout Reagan's job numbers, you make the same argument for the Dem lead Congress he had.

-- Oh, hey would you look at that? He had nowhere to go but up argument for Obama. How'd that work out for Herbert Hoover. For the billionth time, there is absolutely another place you can go following a recession. Down. How do you think depressions happen? In any event, Obama went up, and as such, he created jobs. Period. He gets the credit.

So, for comparison sakes -- Obama HALVED black unemployment. It's gone down 20 % under Trump who inherited a trend. Which btw, it's back up again.

View attachment 126954
So you're not wrong, but you're not telling the entire story on black unemployment (which is up again). It's actually statistically impossible for Trump to equal the drop in black unemployment that Obama did.

As for blaming the current recession on COVID -- which is accurate -- there''s always a reason for a recession. You don't get to pick and choose. But we are in one now. And Trump is the president. It happened under his watch. But II didn't count it. Extenuating circumstance.

lol How am I re-writing history by posting nothing but cold, hard numbers?

Here's a stock market comparison.

Is this also re-writing history showing that Clinton and Obama had the two biggest increases?

I'd love to see what numbers you're going by.
I was 6 years old watching lines down the street at the gas station during Carter. What a joke ..
I was 6 years old snorting lines at the gas station during Carter. What a joke ..

All jokes aside --

Even with a bad recession in 1980 to bring down the averages, employment rose sharply, the economy expanded at a healthy clip, personal incomes rose and federal deficits declined during Carter’s four years in office.

Of the presidents who’ve served in the past 40 years, only Clinton’s presidency saw faster job growth than Carter’s, and only Clinton had lower federal deficits.

I'm just calling it based on the numbers. Carter was a joke elsewhere.

All jokes aside --

Even with a bad recession in 1980 to bring down the averages, employment rose sharply, the economy expanded at a healthy clip, personal incomes rose and federal deficits declined during Carter’s four years in office.

Of the presidents who’ve served in the past 40 years, only Clinton’s presidency saw faster job growth than Carter’s, and only Clinton had lower federal deficits.

I'm just calling it based on the numbers. Carter was a joke elsewhere.
Bs is bs...
This is too good.

ME: 10 is more than 2.

YOU/OTHERS: You know nothing!

But you my dog, Empirical believe it or not. are occasionally smarter than this...

You are picking out twigs and representing them as the forest.

It's incredibly complex topic that comes down to each POTUS' precedessor's policies (say that 10 times fast) and what policies a sitting POTUS tries to put in place (or get enacted if legislation is necessary) in Y2 and Y3 (cuz Y4 is all pandering), then they go George Clinton Funkadelic in Y5-Y7 before becoming bogged down/exhausted in Y7-Y8 scandals/big issues.

Say what people will about POTUS 45, he is the same cat Y1D1 as Y4D365. The strong economy ones--Reagan, Clinton, and Trump all had issues thrybtook advantage of from their less than predecessors AND a touch of luck rolled their way on policy.
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