Bethel wants assurances of new scheme

Yall need to chill, he just said he is commited to miami on twitter. Your getting on him for speaking the truth about this incompetent defensive staff...???? And y'all wonder why recruits don't want to come here because some of y'all dumbasses.
the kid is saying they have too much talent coming in to be passive. i get what he is saying. at least he was saying "we"
DeMarcus Van Dyke ‏@D_VanDyke8 16s
high school recruits, don't bash the school/players you're going too. Them same guys will be looking for you first day of pads

Soft a$$ DVD is the only grown man I know still afraid of being hit.

Lol @ people afraid because guys might be looking for them.
DeMarcus Van Dyke ‏@D_VanDyke8 16s
high school recruits, don't bash the school/players you're going too. Them same guys will be looking for you first day of pads

He didn't bash the players though.

He's an idiot on twitter (Bethel). Van Dyke directly addressed this to Nigel last night.

and? Nothing he said is incorrect. Seriously, why would a D recruit want to play in this system?

Thinking it is fine. Saying it is the problem.
I have no problem with what he said....I heard he has grade concerns, and he was supposed to EE who knows if he's posturing, but that said I can't argue with what he said, and I'm glad someone who the coaches have to listen to said it.
DeMarcus Van Dyke ‏@D_VanDyke8 16s
high school recruits, don't bash the school/players you're going too. Them same guys will be looking for you first day of pads

Soft a$$ DVD is the only grown man I know still afraid of being hit.

Lol @ people afraid because guys might be looking for them.

Im saying. I remember what kind of player DVD was. If this came from Ed Reed or someone like that, then I could give more merit to it. DVD can go sit his timid *** down somewhere.
I don't care for this recruit. A mid level guy making demands. Its unseemly.

I love this line of thinking.
Everyone here was tonguing this kid's balls when he talking **** to Lane and Quincy over the past few months. Now he calls our ****** defensive scheme for what it is, a ****** defensive scheme and all of a suddenly he sucks. He's the only commit that has shown any intelligence this cycle. Hopefully he sticks.
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Stop throwing recruits under the bus got **** you guys aren't scouts he'll did You see James Burgess last night but he wasn't good enough for us foh. He hasn't lied in any comments he made
so as fans, we're allowed to be critical of this D, but someone who will be playing in it and will likely determine this person's livelihood is supposed to grin and bear it?
Lol bethel is a mid level guy but is our best DB commit. Let that sink in. No but seriously he doesn't have size but his coverage is D1
He's right and I'd still pull his offer. Say what you want behind closed doors but in an interview? Bye
Everyone in here is saying "Nigel open things back up" yet on the other threads everyone is saying our guys don't have it in them they are choir boys and a bunch of yes men... Is this not what you would want to hear from a recruit? Dude is telling the coach, who we all agree has problems, "look coach I'm committed still, but I am not playing for you with that scheme so I need to know you're gonna fix it ASAP"! Is this not what everyone wants? Because news flash, Golden and company don't read this board so they really don't feel the heat to make changes.
He's right and I'd still pull his offer. Say what you want behind closed doors but in an interview? Bye

pulling another offer from another BTW, might not be the best idea after last year's fiasco
That's real talk from a recruit. Anyone who bashes him for pointing out what everyone see's is an idiot. Hope he stays.