Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

What sucks is that we had such little depth at certain positions if Manny were to dismiss players (and they were starters) we would have been in bigger trouble do to lack of talent at backups and 3rd stringers, just my opinion. Tough position to be in.
With that said, he has to start setting the example, record be damned, and get these facking clowns out of the program or it will never get better.
No excuses ...
My biggest takeaway is that the players don’t respect Manny. Also, we need to clear out that QB room.

Ding ding ding..... We have an answer Johnny! I have posted the same exact statement in dammm near every thread this season. It is clear as day that Manny and his staff do not have the respect of any of these players. That is because there is zero accountability. If a 20 yr old knows he can get high all week, curse his coach out and sling his cokk at every crease he sees with no consequences and he is rewarded with playing time..... What is he likely going to do? Then all the other players see it and now you have a culture of cancer.
Get jarren, tatertot and kosi out of town along with several other **** stains. Accountability is the only thing that will fix this cancer and potentially save manures job
Lol. That article took it easy on them. The problem isnt drinking and weed. LCE hit on it the other day describing how Jarren looked during the FIU game on tv - profusely sweating, bugged out eyes, looking lost.

The article confirms what I heard weeks ago. These guys are getting blowed out! And far too often. At the wrong times (as in the night before fiu game being out all night).


Ill refrain from the names I heard, but all three QBs were mentioned with Tate getting singled out even further with “the guy is on another level of out of control.”

I understand our teams in the 80s raged.. but **** man, they handled their business like grown men. These soft *** wannabe’s on our squad now clearly can’t handle it. Yet.... it’s been allowed.

I’m no insider but I hear things from time to time. I was a little mind blown when I was told that there’s a bigger problem of opiods within the team the week after FIU. If I knew of it, you can guarantee Manny did as well. Yet he’s allowed it. Just another failure added to his long list.... in one short year.

lol when you say Opiods are you talking about these kids drinking lean?? Bc I wouldn’t be surprised with how Jarren looked this past season.
What sucks is that we had such little depth at certain positions if Manny were to dismiss players (and they were starters) we would have been in bigger trouble do to lack of talent at backups and 3rd stringers, just my opinion. Tough position to be in.
With that said, he has to start setting the example, record be damned, and get these facking clowns out of the program or it will never get better.
It's called integrity. Either you have or you don't. Now, I don't know how you do a 180 when Manny was so soft with players last year.

Bottom line is you get rid of the problems no matter what. This way the problems are gone in year 2 and not lingering like they are now.
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Wow, your QB doesn't show up for practice and plays off the bench...Another Q gets time off to deal with a personal problem (we can only guess)...The guy you quit they went out after to bring back gets two-game suspension...

And we get to look forward to this **** show in the Q room again next year. Not sure how much more I can stand.
Yeah and alcohol never killed anybody... lol. Our best coaches were drunks. I have seen Jimmy on several occasions crawl into his corvette to drive home
Alcohol is terrible and should be illegal. That doesn't change the fact that pills are FAR worse and cause numerous overdose deaths and crashes.
Why report that??? What’s the gain here? Just do it

The gain is obvious...I thought that the way a certain qb played against fiu that it was the oc's fault. But, after reading this i know i was wrong. Public scrutiny is good if you wanna be a badass, lets have a full accounting of the situation.
This is precisely where Highsmith would come into play... Diaz doesnt invoke a sense of fear as a HC. I bet the players asses would be wound tight if Highsmith is roaming the halls, meeting rooms and practices.

Ive had a couple Officers in my life who never had to say anything. Theyre mere presence alone was enough to keep everyone in line and focused
Highsmith ain't stopping college kids from getting high.