Bama vs. Clemson

Great chance for Clemson because Hurts is marginal and Clemson's DL and Venables will exploit this weakness. Fck Alabama and their fakeass bandwagon fans.
every championship rematch in various sports I can think of the losing team first go around gets their revenge.

Don't see why not this year with a Senior QB vs a Freshman QB. Clemsons D is no scrub so D on both sides cancel out IMO
I think a lot of people are going to make a lot of money tonight, with so many people thinking Bama is unbeatable. They are pushing that narrative hard, and people are betting it. The BIG money is going to go on Clemson at game time, and they roll the Tide. Call it a hunch. Too much money to be made there for something unexpected not to happen tonight.
Clemson gunna win it. Pressure the Freshman Qb.
Comes down to if Watson can throw deep or not. Needs to play well today.
Clemson QB and RB both from GA, I bet Richt wish he had them at UGA.
You can't spell "Bama" without paying tutors to spell it for you, bag men to put spending cash in your pockets, car dealer booster to give you a loaner while your uncle's "borrowed" car is in the shop for four years and your job-not-a-job at the golf course covers your above the line income.