Bags aren't the problem

Interesting take, I wonder why UGA doesn't pay kids from GA. Adam Anderson was the 1 OLB in the country last year and his momma lives in a condemned house (literally). Kirby Smart is a proven coach with a proven staff and somehow we wonder why the top kids in the country don't come here when our coach just quit after a 7 and 6 season.

Kirby Smart is far from Proven as a HC.
I have to see it man, too many times i have fell for the banana in the tailpipe. Not no more man, its like i woke from the matrix. I will not fall for it and the fake bs Miami pulls and be ok with it or try to look at the brighter side of things. Miami has done this to me to many times and I will not believe it will get better till it does.

Not sure what you’re refering to D. I agree with you we need to get a little dirty to win big tho. It’s the only way nowadays. I’d risk the death penalty to do it just as you would.
Winning is important without any questions. But don’t be too naive, Bag game is absolutely more important.
Sounds a like an excuse from their failure to recruit. I just wonder why Anderson's mom is still a janitor living in a condemned house and he was a 5-star recruit and rated as the 1 OLB in the country last year.

While we are on the topic, how much UCF paying players because they would have wrecked us?

How’s it an excuse? Are you seriously trolling?

I know you aren’t dumb, he said there’s bags but it’s more than that.

Mixing in the six figures the program changers get then us being a dumpster fire we’re screwed. We could still recruit at a good level without getting the bags kids , it’s just the second and third tier studs view Miami as a **** show.
Not sure what you’re refering to D. I agree with you we need to get a little dirty to win big tho. It’s the only way nowadays. I’d risk the death penalty to do it just as you would.
to me this is worse then death penalty at least if we got that we can lie to ourselves and say well if miami was around u wouldnt win a thing. We cant even do that anymore lol
How’s it an excuse? Are you seriously trolling?

I know you aren’t dumb, he said there’s bags but it’s more than that.

Mixing in the six figures the program changers get then us being a dumpster fire we’re screwed. We could still recruit at a good level without getting the bags kids , it’s just the second and third tier studs view Miami as a **** show.

You ARE an idiot
And he named a school with unlimited Nike funding lol Who has been caught once before throwing bags around under Chip Kelly.

People say its a winning product though but they scored 7 points in there bowl. people need to cut it out with that talk about winning already
I have to see it man, too many times i have fell for the banana in the tailpipe. Not no more man, its like i woke from the matrix. I will not fall for it and the fake bs Miami pulls and be ok with it or try to look at the brighter side of things. Miami has done this to me to many times and I will not believe it will get better till it does.
bama has mark popes and lingards as backups
Bags are real. I've spoken to people on both sides of the transaction. Tyrique Stevenson and others are getting paid. The SEC is cheating and barely hiding it.

But that's not Miami's problem. For the past decade, we've recruited at a Top 15 level. We've produced NFL players at a Top 5 level. And we've played at a Top 40 level.

Let's get some coaches, man. I'm tired of talking about hiring "ace recruiters" to "lock down" South Florida and give us an overwhelming talent edge. I've been guilty of it myself. But it's a waste of time.

Do we need players like Tyrique Stevenson and Jerry Jeudy to compete for championships? Yes. We aren't getting them and we won't be in the title discussion until we do. But how about stringing together two 10-win seasons? Is that too much to ask? How about producing an offense that isn't the second-worst in Power 5?

These kids are getting smarter. Manny Diaz compared it to Kevin Durant going to the Warriors. The elite players travel the country in 7on7s and national camps. Social media has improved the flow of information. Elite recruits know what teams are winning and getting the good players.

Last year, we had our first ten-win season in fifteen years. FIFTEEN YEARS. There are fathers and mothers who had never seen the Canes win double digits. Not coincidentally, we had a Top 10 class. Let's get the most out of guys like Mark Pope and Lorenzo Lingard. That will help our recruiting more than any bag.

Miami is like the dude who goes to the club looking like a scrub, and then complains that the models only hang out with the rich dudes. It may be true, but it has no impact on your situation. Let's get our house in order. We aren't losing to Virginia because Jerry Jeudy got paid.

You do not know what you are talking about. Another addition to the "everyone is cheating but us excuse." If these other schools are cheating, then an "ace recruiter" would not be able to lock down S. Florida, so what would they matter? The U has had as many NCAA sanctions as the other major football teams. Stop making up bullsh** excuses and call it what it is, "Miami has not been competitive due to the university's incompetence, and not because they run a "clean program." If you have information about "bags" being real, sell the story to some news outlet. Alabama football being caught cheating would be a major story, which would lead to a lot of fortune for you. Unfortunately, you do not know sh**, so you make up things.
Interesting take, I wonder why UGA doesn't pay kids from GA. Adam Anderson was the 1 OLB in the country last year and his momma lives in a condemned house (literally). Kirby Smart is a proven coach with a proven staff and somehow we wonder why the top kids in the country don't come here when our coach just quit after a 7 and 6 season.
Lol you seem nice enough, but you state things as fact, that are very wrong. Kirby absolutely pays instate kids. I don’t know Adam Anderson, but how do you know if he got paid. How do you know, if he did, what the mother got. You really have to stop being a part of these conversations. Respectfully you’re embarrassing yourself and looking less credible with each post. “Sometimes” the money doesn’t go to the mom. Heads up
D money is right, bags are flying around, kids are getting paid. At the end of the day, Miami needs to do its part. Miami needs to win the coastal at least.

People say its a winning product though but they scored 7 points in there bowl. people need to cut it out with that talk about winning already
My man.

Yeah sure winning helps but it's a product of having a good system for these kids to succeed. These are business decisions for parents. We flat out have been playing checkers for too long and snagging the occasional beast because we are still The U.

I mean everyone here can basically name the couple of elite players that we truly out-recruited folks for down the stretch. That ain't good.
D money is right, bags are flying around, kids are getting paid. At the end of the day, Miami needs to do its part. Miami needs to win the coastal at least.
How r we suppose to do that when theres a team a few teams in our conference that pay for those players that we would have to play against?

Oh yea x and o's creative plays with less talent..............good luck