Demetrius Jackson update

Demetrius Jackson update

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz

Comments (232)

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The negativity creeping on this site is starting to make it seem like rivals back in the day... Quit crying b!tches about booker t. It's like ice was your ex-wife who took all your savings. Let these guys take their time. Golden aint waiting, and if they lose their spot, so be it
The negativity creeping on this site is starting to make it seem like rivals back in the day... Quit crying b!tches about booker t. It's like ice was your ex-wife who took all your savings. Let these guys take their time. Golden aint waiting, and if they lose their spot, so be it

And posters telling everyone not to say anything unless it's positive is starting to make it seem like canestime back in the say.
The negativity creeping on this site is starting to make it seem like rivals back in the day... Quit crying b!tches about booker t. It's like ice was your ex-wife who took all your savings. Let these guys take their time. Golden aint waiting, and if they lose their spot, so be it

And posters telling everyone not to say anything unless it's positive is starting to make it seem like canestime back in the say.

What's so positive about being a dopey apologist for that four-flusher Lice anyway? Most dudes who hate Lice love UM.
The negativity creeping on this site is starting to make it seem like rivals back in the day... Quit crying b!tches about booker t. It's like ice was your ex-wife who took all your savings. Let these guys take their time. Golden aint waiting, and if they lose their spot, so be it

And posters telling everyone not to say anything unless it's positive is starting to make it seem like canestime back in the say.

What's so positive about being a dopey apologist for that four-flusher Lice anyway? Most dudes who hate Lice love UM.

This too.

It's like a can't lose position.
Very mature, with fans like these who needs FSU to negative recruit
Lol its sad how ppl on this site continue to react like ****es every time a commit makes a comnent that can be taken out of context....

and whats even more sad is the fact that this player is a zero star recruit that has yet to play a down of high school football smh.

How was is it taken out of context? Perhaps you don't know what that means.

The second part that this kid would look around is the joke of the year. He has no real stats, he has not played in a real game and has a basketball picture. Only in South Florida.

Lol how?.... oh ok

I took his comnent to mean that he is focused on being all in for his team and wont let his recruitment become a distraction.... and when the season is over then he will see where he stands.

But you and others want to take it as a Miami diss.... lmao

After the season is over he might not be what the staff thought he was.... the point is it sounds like he is focused on whats in front of him like he should be....

Sorry his comments dont make u want to "fap" all over ur keyboard smh.
I would hate to see what y'all would be like if your kids were going through the recruiting process.

Just like recruits act entitled, I read through the board and think maybe some fans are acting entitled.

We all want Miami to succeed and win more titles. While I think we win 11 games this season, recruiting always comes down to winning. We win, we will get ballers. It's simple and easier said than done. To win a national title, we have to win our conference. So when it comes to recruiting in the current state that Miami is in. 6-6, 7-5, We can gripe and complain all we want. I want talent that can win the Coastal consistently. I think AG is doing a great job of getting ACC caliber talent here. Once we start winning the Coastal outright we will start cherry picking other states for NC caliber players.

Currently as bad as our defense is. We have enough talent to win the coastal. So that tells you about the level of our conference. The future of thd Coastal runs through Miami, VT, GT. For the Atlantic its looking like FSU, CLEMSON, NCST, Syracuse, to reach the ACCG.

So righy now gather talent to win the coastal. Then gather National Championship type players. It's a process folks.

For the smartasses on the board that hang on to every word ( there are quite a few of yall) I am not saying don't go after National Championship caliber players. Well duh, that's a given and if we land those types then we will get back to the NC hunt faster. So go after the big fish but remember we only need enough talent to beat up on the ACC first.

So much fail as it relates to the topic at hand.

Jackson isn't some national recruit that we can't land bc of our record. Neither is Patten/Bethel.

They are both local kids who wanted to be Canes who, due to a racist and bitter high school coach, are being swayed away from their decision.

WTF does that have to do with the Coastal????
Racist and bitter high school coach??? Come on man!!! You can't actually believe that crap. How is he racist? Do you know for a fact that he is pushing kids away from UM because Golden is white? You can't be serious, this is crazy talk. I do no understand you guys, you somehow feel like you own these kids and they have to go to Miami. We have not done any winning in a decade. We are no longer the top dog in Florida . Stop acting like we own these kids, it's their lives let them make their own decisions. If they chose the canes which I think they should because I am a fan good, but if they wanna go elsewhere don't bash the kids and their coach. It's their lives get on with it.

I would hate to see what y'all would be like if your kids were going through the recruiting process.

Just like recruits act entitled, I read through the board and think maybe some fans are acting entitled.

We all want Miami to succeed and win more titles. While I think we win 11 games this season, recruiting always comes down to winning. We win, we will get ballers. It's simple and easier said than done. To win a national title, we have to win our conference. So when it comes to recruiting in the current state that Miami is in. 6-6, 7-5, We can gripe and complain all we want. I want talent that can win the Coastal consistently. I think AG is doing a great job of getting ACC caliber talent here. Once we start winning the Coastal outright we will start cherry picking other states for NC caliber players.

Currently as bad as our defense is. We have enough talent to win the coastal. So that tells you about the level of our conference. The future of thd Coastal runs through Miami, VT, GT. For the Atlantic its looking like FSU, CLEMSON, NCST, Syracuse, to reach the ACCG.

So righy now gather talent to win the coastal. Then gather National Championship type players. It's a process folks.

For the smartasses on the board that hang on to every word ( there are quite a few of yall) I am not saying don't go after National Championship caliber players. Well duh, that's a given and if we land those types then we will get back to the NC hunt faster. So go after the big fish but remember we only need enough talent to beat up on the ACC first.

So much fail as it relates to the topic at hand.

Jackson isn't some national recruit that we can't land bc of our record. Neither is Patten/Bethel.

They are both local kids who wanted to be Canes who, due to a racist and bitter high school coach, are being swayed away from their decision.

WTF does that have to do with the Coastal????
I would hate to see what y'all would be like if your kids were going through the recruiting process.

Just like recruits act entitled, I read through the board and think maybe some fans are acting entitled.

We all want Miami to succeed and win more titles. While I think we win 11 games this season, recruiting always comes down to winning. We win, we will get ballers. It's simple and easier said than done. To win a national title, we have to win our conference. So when it comes to recruiting in the current state that Miami is in. 6-6, 7-5, We can gripe and complain all we want. I want talent that can win the Coastal consistently. I think AG is doing a great job of getting ACC caliber talent here. Once we start winning the Coastal outright we will start cherry picking other states for NC caliber players.

Currently as bad as our defense is. We have enough talent to win the coastal. So that tells you about the level of our conference. The future of thd Coastal runs through Miami, VT, GT. For the Atlantic its looking like FSU, CLEMSON, NCST, Syracuse, to reach the ACCG.

So righy now gather talent to win the coastal. Then gather National Championship type players. It's a process folks.

For the smartasses on the board that hang on to every word ( there are quite a few of yall) I am not saying don't go after National Championship caliber players. Well duh, that's a given and if we land those types then we will get back to the NC hunt faster. So go after the big fish but remember we only need enough talent to beat up on the ACC first.

So much fail as it relates to the topic at hand.

Jackson isn't some national recruit that we can't land bc of our record. Neither is Patten/Bethel.

They are both local kids who wanted to be Canes who, due to a racist and bitter high school coach, are being swayed away from their decision.

WTF does that have to do with the Coastal????

The **** are talking about?

There is so much butthurt in those first 6 pages of this thread. Ragging on 16-18 year old kids which is why I stated in the beginning of that post that I would hate to see some of ya'll with kids going through the recruiting process. There has been a heavy load of *****ing on the board recently. I mentioned that fans are acting entitled to certain players when they aren't entitled to ****. Except siting at the game, watching it on t.v., and being a Miami fan. We don't own the team. We don't own these recruits. So we should quit acting like we own them.

You have taken all the words literally. It's bigger than Demetrius Jackson. This is recruiting so when I talk about people always *****ing my point is win and we get who we want. Keep being Mediocre and we will keep sweating recruits. That was one point. The other point is that we have to recruit national championship type players but we have to win the conference first. You keep doing that then you will be in the National Championship Hunt. Point Blank Period. It's useless to have a million threads of *****ing and moaning about EVERY single kid. It gets old and kills the vibe.
I'm not blaming the kid. He's a kid.

The issue is the POS SoFla coaches that have an issue with Golden bc he is the white northern guy they got to clean up the embarrassment of Randy's tenure, and they legitimately feel randy shouldn't have been fired.

Quit with the race card... Why is it because Golden is white? Butch accomplished more with less and was criticized... Coker coached in two nc games and was criticized... And Randy has the exact same record as Godlen and was criticized mostly by the black coaches... Why is goldne absolved from criticism when he hasn't accomplished anything on the field... You know what type of atmosphere Miami is... We want to win... If you don't win you get all sorts of criticism... It has nothing to do with color because two of the 3 coaches I mentioned were more accomplished and white yet they were criticized... That being said, if Golden wins who cares... No coach, no street agent, uncle, dog etc. can persuade a kid to go anywhere... He'll be at the U because he wants to win... We need to win...

As for Randy being fired, I agree with you... they most likely felt he shouldn't have been fired but they realize the situation... You need to win at Miami... I heard Luke with my own ears give his opinion about Randy being fired... he stated that Randy was his friend and should have had one more year but you can't make any excuses for losing to a garbage school such as USF. He stated that Randy didn't win and you can't defend that... So lets not play the race card it all comes down to winning... Being white and from the north has nothing to do with it...

This is a case study on the thought process of a vocal minority of coaches and fans down here. There exists, hard as it is to fathom, a group of people that thought Randy should have had another year. Canestime seems to be the hub for it with MiamiNights, vburd, FRESHMAN, and lauderdale baller.

In their warped minds, they believe that Randy was fired bc Miami fans are impatient and demanded a national title, which he failed to deliver. The reality is Randy was fired b/c his incompetence had been on display in EVERY SINGLE FACET of running a program. **** staff, constant staff turnover, no recruiting momentum, the worst win % in decades, no bowl wins, embarrassing losses and blowouts, and shady recruiters to top it off. He wasn't fired b/c "he couldn't get over the hump". He was a piece of **** coach and got what he earned.

But these cats, being that they felt Randy was close and deserved another year, felt that the next coach should be a guy to take us "over the hump". A Gruden, Harbaugh, Peterson, Patterson type hire. And when they got a young New Jersey cat from Temple who never even won the MAC, they seethed.

To them, they saw a fan base turn on one of their own (who in their warped minds was a good coach), and LAUD the hiring of an even younger dude from Temple. When that young dude (with his god-forbidden grasp of proper english) went 6-6 and 7-5 (when they believed Randy's juggernaut program was primed for BCS games) they flipped. "Randy got slammed but this guy is a hero??" "We fired one of our own for THIS dude from TEMPLE". "He's a smooth talker, thats why they love him"

To add on top, it just so happens that these Randy apologists, (who still throw darts at Larry Coker posters) are exclusively african americans from south florida. Randy was one of their own who made it to the top at THEIR school. What did we expect them to feel when he was (justly) ripped by the fanbase and then unceremoniously fired HOURS after the USF loss? And despite being a significant minority of fans, they are very ***king loud. The majority of black Canes fans are typical fans who support AG, supported the canning of Randy, and want to see UM succeed. But the vocal minority has made it very very political, unfortunately.

And Ice Harris is the chairman of the board of Randy fans. And it is NOT coincidence that he has made life VERY difficult for AG.
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I would hate to see what y'all would be like if your kids were going through the recruiting process.

Just like recruits act entitled, I read through the board and think maybe some fans are acting entitled.

We all want Miami to succeed and win more titles. While I think we win 11 games this season, recruiting always comes down to winning. We win, we will get ballers. It's simple and easier said than done. To win a national title, we have to win our conference. So when it comes to recruiting in the current state that Miami is in. 6-6, 7-5, We can gripe and complain all we want. I want talent that can win the Coastal consistently. I think AG is doing a great job of getting ACC caliber talent here. Once we start winning the Coastal outright we will start cherry picking other states for NC caliber players.

Currently as bad as our defense is. We have enough talent to win the coastal. So that tells you about the level of our conference. The future of thd Coastal runs through Miami, VT, GT. For the Atlantic its looking like FSU, CLEMSON, NCST, Syracuse, to reach the ACCG.

So righy now gather talent to win the coastal. Then gather National Championship type players. It's a process folks.

For the smartasses on the board that hang on to every word ( there are quite a few of yall) I am not saying don't go after National Championship caliber players. Well duh, that's a given and if we land those types then we will get back to the NC hunt faster. So go after the big fish but remember we only need enough talent to beat up on the ACC first.

So much fail as it relates to the topic at hand.

Jackson isn't some national recruit that we can't land bc of our record. Neither is Patten/Bethel.

They are both local kids who wanted to be Canes who, due to a racist and bitter high school coach, are being swayed away from their decision.

WTF does that have to do with the Coastal????

The **** are talking about?

There is so much butthurt in those first 6 pages of this thread. Ragging on 16-18 year old kids which is why I stated in the beginning of that post that I would hate to see some of ya'll with kids going through the recruiting process. There has been a heavy load of ****ing on the board recently. I mentioned that fans are acting entitled to certain players when they aren't entitled to ****. Except siting at the game, watching it on t.v., and being a Miami fan. We don't own the team. We don't own these recruits. So we should quit acting like we own them.

You have taken all the words literally. It's bigger than Demetrius Jackson. This is recruiting so when I talk about people always ****ing my point is win and we get who we want. Keep being Mediocre and we will keep sweating recruits. That was one point. The other point is that we have to recruit national championship type players but we have to win the conference first. You keep doing that then you will be in the National Championship Hunt. Point Blank Period. It's useless to have a million threads of ****ing and moaning about EVERY single kid. It gets old and kills the vibe.

ANd we wonder why Detroit can never get out of it's hole......You are missing the point entirely. No one is blaming the kid. They are taking issue with a racist, piece of garbage high school coach who has been playing with UM for two recruiting cycles and ******* us over. Two kids just waffled on UM, from the same school that had two kids play UM just 6 months ago. THAT IS WHAT THE ISSUE IS. A HS coach who is contributing to a situation that is making it difficult for our program to recruit. Now go build me another failed Chevy.
this board is really going to crap, admins need to clean this crap up. You have people throwing around the race card without anything valid to support it.
this board is really going to crap, admins need to clean this crap up. You have people throwing around the race card without anything valid to support it.

A small group of black coaches support Randy and give AG ****. Is it b/c AG has bad breath? Stop being so uncomfortable about calling something what it is. If we did it more, guys like Ice couldn't hide behind this politically correct fear that you can't call a racist a racist.
I would hate to see what y'all would be like if your kids were going through the recruiting process.

Just like recruits act entitled, I read through the board and think maybe some fans are acting entitled.

We all want Miami to succeed and win more titles. While I think we win 11 games this season, recruiting always comes down to winning. We win, we will get ballers. It's simple and easier said than done. To win a national title, we have to win our conference. So when it comes to recruiting in the current state that Miami is in. 6-6, 7-5, We can gripe and complain all we want. I want talent that can win the Coastal consistently. I think AG is doing a great job of getting ACC caliber talent here. Once we start winning the Coastal outright we will start cherry picking other states for NC caliber players.

Currently as bad as our defense is. We have enough talent to win the coastal. So that tells you about the level of our conference. The future of thd Coastal runs through Miami, VT, GT. For the Atlantic its looking like FSU, CLEMSON, NCST, Syracuse, to reach the ACCG.

So righy now gather talent to win the coastal. Then gather National Championship type players. It's a process folks.

For the smartasses on the board that hang on to every word ( there are quite a few of yall) I am not saying don't go after National Championship caliber players. Well duh, that's a given and if we land those types then we will get back to the NC hunt faster. So go after the big fish but remember we only need enough talent to beat up on the ACC first.

So much fail as it relates to the topic at hand.

Jackson isn't some national recruit that we can't land bc of our record. Neither is Patten/Bethel.

They are both local kids who wanted to be Canes who, due to a racist and bitter high school coach, are being swayed away from their decision.

WTF does that have to do with the Coastal????

The **** are talking about?

There is so much butthurt in those first 6 pages of this thread. Ragging on 16-18 year old kids which is why I stated in the beginning of that post that I would hate to see some of ya'll with kids going through the recruiting process. There has been a heavy load of ****ing on the board recently. I mentioned that fans are acting entitled to certain players when they aren't entitled to ****. Except siting at the game, watching it on t.v., and being a Miami fan. We don't own the team. We don't own these recruits. So we should quit acting like we own them.

You have taken all the words literally. It's bigger than Demetrius Jackson. This is recruiting so when I talk about people always ****ing my point is win and we get who we want. Keep being Mediocre and we will keep sweating recruits. That was one point. The other point is that we have to recruit national championship type players but we have to win the conference first. You keep doing that then you will be in the National Championship Hunt. Point Blank Period. It's useless to have a million threads of ****ing and moaning about EVERY single kid. It gets old and kills the vibe.

ANd we wonder why Detroit can never get out of it's hole......You are missing the point entirely. No one is blaming the kid. They are taking issue with a racist, piece of garbage high school coach who has been playing with UM for two recruiting cycles and ******* us over. Two kids just waffled on UM, from the same school that had two kids play UM just 6 months ago. THAT IS WHAT THE ISSUE IS. A HS coach who is contributing to a situation that is making it difficult for our program to recruit. Now go build me another failed Chevy.

Just stop dude. Neither you or I have concrete proof that any of them hate Goldens b/c he is white, so stop with the conjecture.
this board is really going to crap, admins need to clean this crap up. You have people throwing around the race card without anything valid to support it.

A small group of black coaches support Randy and give AG ****. Is it b/c AG has bad breath? Stop being so uncomfortable about calling something what it is. If we did it more, guys like Ice couldn't hide behind this politically correct fear that you can't call a racist a racist.

was Ice being a racist when Patten/Bethel actually committed to FSU last fall and his coach made him withdraw the commitment. Or is he only racist when he advises a kid who "may" have committed to Miami (it's funny how people act like the kid was already committed to Miami and then decommitted ) but was still going to take visit to cut the crap and wait until you're truly done with recruiting to commit. Maybe he was being racist when he made Randy recruit his son for the entire process while he enjoyed the recruiting and took trips before committing on NSD even though after the PP fiasco Miami and Randy could have used a Brandon Harris commitment to soften the blow.

If you don't have any real proof someone is racist you need to stop saying that ****.
Who needs proof when you have such a glaringly obvious situation? I'm being serious. Talk to a guy who supported Randy to the end for FIVE MINUTES and you won't have to wonder why.

The resent that Randy was given **** from day one. They resent that fans bashed his poor grammar. They resent that he was basically dissed from the get go. They resent that he was fired. And they resent that the guy who replaced him is the anti-Randy and thus revered. And "they" are exclusive african american. It's blatant racism towards our HC.
They aren't pushing kids away from Golden b/c he is white. They are pushing kids away from UM bc they don't like how we fired the black coach who they believe deserved more time, and replaced him with a white guy who went 6-6 and 7-5 and the fans and admin revere him, and who basically has been given an open ended contract to rebuild the team. It KILLS guys like Luke and Ice and Lauderdale baller that the fans were so outwardly hateful towards Randy, but revere Golden who in two years has a similar record. Just ask any Randy lover.
Lice doesn't like The Don because he wasn't retained, not because of his skin color. Im sure there are others, Puke for one, who are rooting The Don because he is white. Maybe not because hes white, but because they feel the black guy got screwed.
randy hired brandon's dad. golden didnt keep him. end of story. randy was a horrible coach.
This is a business with lots of money and opportunities on all levels from youth football up to the NFL. Stop pretending like it's not.
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