Demetrius Jackson update

Demetrius Jackson update

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz

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Isn't Torean Bean a Florida State graduate pushing kids to FSU?

Ice Harris was not retained by Golden because he had his own person.

Anyone on this board who thinks Randy Shannon was a good coach is crazy, Randy was a horrible head coach and a worse recruiter. Randy had no control of his assistants and little respect from his players. All in all Randy was a disaster.
This is like when Sony's brother in law came on here bragging about him going to UGA. GTFO with that
would read again
Torian Bean was attacked by bitter Um fans and he defended himself. Simple can't just take verbal abuse from ppl and not reply. He is a great Coach and what he does on his time is his business. Retards came on his twitter and got what they were looking for simply and plain . You ppl think you can attack ppl and they aren't going to defend there self and what they represent.I bet half you guys complaining don't attend games or donate to Um but you bitter tho.. You can't be productive members of society with so much time on your hands.Dang do you guys have gilfriends or is Pornhub ya girl. Get my drift ? Too much time on ya hands to hate . Do you Soccer players get mad when David Beckham don't play for your team? Lmao... I'ma call you guys the Gate Crew , Cause ya'll bever played ball or Coached but you stand by the gate tryna tell the professionals how to do there job. Opinions like A holes everybody got one .. Ya'll just doesn't hold any weight... The Gate Crew are the biggest Crybabies whine whine cry me a freaking river ! Lmao
Torian Bean was attacked by bitter Um fans and he defended himself. Simple can't just take verbal abuse from ppl and not reply. He is a great Coach and what he does on his time is his business. Retards came on his twitter and got what they were looking for simply and plain . You ppl think you can attack ppl and they aren't going to defend there self and what they represent.I bet half you guys complaining don't attend games or donate to Um but you bitter tho.. You can't be productive members of society with so much time on your hands.Dang do you guys have gilfriends or is Pornhub ya girl. Get my drift ? Too much time on ya hands to hate . Do you Soccer players get mad when David Beckham don't play for your team? Lmao... I'ma call you guys the Gate Crew , Cause ya'll bever played ball or Coached but you stand by the gate tryna tell the professionals how to do there job. Opinions like A holes everybody got one .. Ya'll just doesn't hold any weight... The Gate Crew are the biggest Crybabies whine whine cry me a freaking river ! Lmao

just a thought, but more people might read your posts if you occasionally hit "enter."
This guy might be illiterate.
-Jackson is Denver Kirkland's cousin
-Keeping all his options open
-Arkansas, Louisville, and Miami are his top 3
-Says Shannon is a great coach and believes in graduating his student athletes
-Says Shannon is doing a great job helping rebuild Arkansas
-Says Arkansas la landing Kirkland and Collins has opened his and other recruits' eyes
-Claims offers from Miami, Arkansas, Louisville, and FIU

Where the **** you guys get your info ? Demetris is not related to Denver. Too many ignorant ppl speaking with no inside knowledge. Jackson is a Basketball player who is now getting back on the Football field and has a lot of potential. Kid is raw just like Ansuh FROM Byu and was the 5th pick in the draft. Kid is from along line of defensive studs and his Uncle was a Pro Boxer. The kid got caught up in the moment and commited because he wasn't use to all this attention. Can't get mad at him for stepping back and weighing his options and seeing whats the best fit for him. Kid got offered by West Virginia first week of Spring so he has something kid was a natural in Spring Game and learning from Chad it's safe to say Booker T will have the best tandem at ends in the Country. Coach Ice is the truth, You Ignorant ppl don't know nothing bout him to judge him. **** Cyber stalkers getting in ya feelings like Um paid you to hate. Coach Ice loves his community and is helping his kids graduate and get in College. Who cares about you ppl judging a great guy you don't even know. Um deal with Booker T because they have one of the best programs in the Country and recuiters come from every where to get studs cause Booker T. Pushes them out every year. Getting fired was the best thing to happen to Ice. He was able to Coach his baby boy and Groom his oldest son to be a future Head Coach cause he is one ofthe best Young O.C'S in High School Football. I'm quite sure Ice will get another College Job and pass the program to his son. Some of you ppl need a life.

Since you´re are so well informed about Ice and BTW, please, tell me what a guy like Torean Bean AKA Beanbag is doing in his staff... What?

What he posted on his twitter alone last season, about the hometown school, would be motive for resignation in a serious program. And I´m not even talking about his police record...


BrazilCane go watch soccer cause you know nothing bout the gridiron. Stick to Renaldo Jerk Off . Some of you losers have no life . Still lmao to you ppl who think I'm his son. Smdh.. If you had a clue you wouldn't even be on the board. Keep hiding behind your keyboard lifeless losers ! Can't waiting to 8/24 vs Norcross.. You ppl get you some business and stay out the U's act like they cutting you bums ah check... Lmao...

Guys clearly this is not Ices son. He puts together sentences and unless he is using spell check he spells everything correct. Now if it was ices son there would be all types of gramical errors. Probably read more like this.
My pops yo coach the football well. He be getting players into college an ****. We be smart at btw so we go too skool at next grade
Torian Bean was attacked by bitter Um fans and he defended himself. Simple can't just take verbal abuse from ppl and not reply. He is a great Coach and what he does on his time is his business. Retards came on his twitter and got what they were looking for simply and plain . You ppl think you can attack ppl and they aren't going to defend there self and what they represent.I bet half you guys complaining don't attend games or donate to Um but you bitter tho.. You can't be productive members of society with so much time on your hands.Dang do you guys have gilfriends or is Pornhub ya girl. Get my drift ? Too much time on ya hands to hate . Do you Soccer players get mad when David Beckham don't play for your team? Lmao... I'ma call you guys the Gate Crew , Cause ya'll bever played ball or Coached but you stand by the gate tryna tell the professionals how to do there job. Opinions like A holes everybody got one .. Ya'll just doesn't hold any weight... The Gate Crew are the biggest Crybabies whine whine cry me a freaking river ! Lmao

You mean like commit felonies?
''Torian Bean was attacked by bitter Um fans and he defended himself. Simple can't just take verbal abuse from ppl and not reply. He is a great Coach and what he does on his time is his business.''

That's where you're wrong, low life scumbags should not be around kids. What he does on his own time does matter, if he's hanging around kids. Use the little brain God gave you. No decent parent wants their kid hanging around pond scum. Ice should be fired for letting this low life anywhere near his kids, water seeps to it's own level though.
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It's July 10th.... the fact that people are getting so upset about recruiting this time of year or any time of year is embarrassing. No one knows who has an agenda or not, because none of us are insiders at any of these high schools. The season needs to get here ASAP before you guys end up killing yourselves.
I wonder if the parents know their kids are being "coached" and mentored by a felon.
The Lice Zombies are starting to remind of the kids from the movie Children of the Corn.

Although I get the feeling this newest one is a troll. He's too much of a caricature to be legit. Gotta be some white kid sitting by his mom's pool in Coco Plum typing on his iPad.
Torian Bean was attacked by bitter Um fans and he defended himself. Simple can't just take verbal abuse from ppl and not reply. He is a great Coach and what he does on his time is his business. Retards came on his twitter and got what they were looking for simply and plain . You ppl think you can attack ppl and they aren't going to defend there self and what they represent.I bet half you guys complaining don't attend games or donate to Um but you bitter tho.. You can't be productive members of society with so much time on your hands.Dang do you guys have gilfriends or is Pornhub ya girl. Get my drift ? Too much time on ya hands to hate . Do you Soccer players get mad when David Beckham don't play for your team? Lmao... I'ma call you guys the Gate Crew , Cause ya'll bever played ball or Coached but you stand by the gate tryna tell the professionals how to do there job. Opinions like A holes everybody got one .. Ya'll just doesn't hold any weight... The Gate Crew are the biggest Crybabies whine whine cry me a freaking river ! Lmao

The bold part tells a lot about your sense of right or wrong. A shame for the good people of BTW. I hope some reponsible father read this board to see the types of people who are around their children.

LMAO at David Beckham reference... iliterate even in soccer.

By the way... ENGLISH, please! And such a request comes from a Brazilian. lol
Torian Bean was attacked by bitter Um fans and he defended himself. Simple can't just take verbal abuse from ppl and not reply. He is a great Coach and what he does on his time is his business. Retards came on his twitter and got what they were looking for simply and plain . You ppl think you can attack ppl and they aren't going to defend there self and what they represent.I bet half you guys complaining don't attend games or donate to Um but you bitter tho.. You can't be productive members of society with so much time on your hands.Dang do you guys have gilfriends or is Pornhub ya girl. Get my drift ? Too much time on ya hands to hate . Do you Soccer players get mad when David Beckham don't play for your team? Lmao... I'ma call you guys the Gate Crew , Cause ya'll bever played ball or Coached but you stand by the gate tryna tell the professionals how to do there job. Opinions like A holes everybody got one .. Ya'll just doesn't hold any weight... The Gate Crew are the biggest Crybabies whine whine cry me a freaking river ! Lmao

"...tryna tell the professionals how to do there [sic] job."?? NOTHING about how Torian Bean does his job is professional.
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