Canes Legacy Show with Manny Navarro Discussing the Willie Williams Recruiting Saga

Canes Legacy
1 min read
I'll add the Youtube link here later but if anyone has any questions specifically about Willie's recruitment, we'll do our best to ask Manny who covered it during his time at the Miami Herald.

Here’s the link, show starts at 9 pm.

Comments (62)

I beg of you… please have @SWFLHurricane (the artist formerly known as caneinorlando or CIO) join you live with Manny Navarro as a special guest contributor. Your views just from CIS alone will be staggering. Then consider having him join you live with Luther Campbell as well as with Butch.
Is it true that Randy didnt want him but was forced to offer him?
Another retelling of the Fire Extinguisher story.
Is it true that Randy didnt want him but was forced to offer him?
Willie was a hot item who had the talent to be a great player, but not the discipline. At the time, IIR correctly, UF was trying hard to recruit him. Neither school had done their research on what a head case he was.
I beg of you… please have @SWFLHurricane (the artist formerly known as caneinorlando or CIO) join you live with Manny Navarro as a special guest contributor. Your views just from CIS alone will be staggering. Then consider having him join you live with Luther Campbell as well as with Butch.
Would. Be. Epic!
Willie was a hot item who had the talent to be a great player, but not the discipline. At the time, IIR correctly, UF was trying hard to recruit him. Neither school had done their research on what a head case he was.
He wasn't that Bad....Spent a lot of time with WW....Shannon had plenty to do with WW failing at UM....Kid made plays everytime he saw the field....Got in Shannon's doghouse, and it was all but done...WW was no more of a headcase than Webster and others who played at UM....
He wasn't that Bad....Spent a lot of time with WW....Shannon had plenty to do with WW failing at UM....Kid made plays everytime he saw the field....Got in Shannon's doghouse, and it was all but done...WW was no more of a headcase than Webster and others who played at UM....

Of all the things we blame on Shannon, Willie Williams isn't one of em'...Shannon didn't make Williams go on a one man crime wave at UF.
Stop it....what crime wave??...hugging a guys GF...and setting off a fire extinguisher??...Lol...some crime wave...and yes Shannon DID mishandle WW at UM...thats 100% fact...speak to @Poopscoop about it....he'll agree....

And assault & battery. And He had a rap sheet a mile long before the UF stuff. LOL, you really need listen to Channing Crowder's interview on ole' Willie, Crowder was the one that hosted Him on His visit, funny $h!t. But I heard Williams was low key a smart kid, had some crazy SAT score that you wouldn't expect from a kid with His background...but He also had that criminal gene.
And assault & battery. And He had a rap sheet a mile long before the UF stuff. LOL, you really need listen to Channing Crowder's interview on ole' Willie, Crowder was the one that hosted Him on His visit, funny $h!t. But I heard Williams was low key a smart kid, had some crazy SAT score that you wouldn't expect from a kid with His background...but He also had that criminal gene.
His Rap sheet was misdemeanor stuff...his SATs in HS were off the chart..every teacher he had, including the Principal stood up for him in court...I spent lots of time with WW. @Poopscoop spent more time with him than me.
Kid was always amazingly nice...Shannon didn't play WW to his strengths...Kid hit Lance Leggett so hard on a slant on Greentree...that it shattered his facemask...and broke his face open...Leggett wasn't the same from that point on....At Carol City he roamed...Hence, the Predator moniker....he was no more of a headcase than Webster...if even that....Nate was wayyyy crazier....Atleast he's doing well now...Baddest MFer I've ever seen play HS FB...
His Rap sheet was misdemeanor stuff...his SATs in HS were off the chart..every teacher he had, including the Principal stood up for him in court...I spent lots of time with WW. @Poopscoop spent more time with him than me.
Kid was always amazingly nice...Shannon didn't play WW to his strengths...Kid hit Lance Leggett so hard on a slant on Greentree...that it shattered his facemask...and broke his face open...Leggett wasn't the same from that point on....At Carol City he roamed...Hence, the Predator moniker....he was no more of a headcase than Webster...if even that....Nate was wayyyy crazier....Atleast he's doing well now...Baddest MFer I've ever seen play HS FB...

Yeah, Willie should've went went to a school that let Him rush the QB with that speed He had, think Derrick Thomas. And you can get away with that roaming stuff in HS, but College is a whole different ballgame.