Zone defense

Manny loves to over load a side and blitz then play soft on the back end. Well guess what everyone knows this already and its not even hidden. So QB's just dink and dunk us to death. Couple that with poor tackling and they keep moving the chains.
that's what it looks like to me : while we are sending safeties, and CB our linebackers are getting abused by the other teams Tight Ends, or being matched up one on one with a Metchie on a Jennings:
Bc we spot drop instead of pattern read.
Tee can you please explain what that means for the good chunk of us who don’t understand how these things work?

Bro I don’t want to come off as some the end of the day I appreciate a secondary that can play zone & man at a high level. This is moreso a conversation bc of the level of detail but in the most simplistic way I think everyone could get it is…DB/LBs are assigned to a specific zones as in normal zone coverage…buuuuutttt depending on the routes by the offense, a DB/LB in zone coverage may not be anywhere near that zone when the play ends. For example…a “flat” defender might end up covering a guy in between the hash marks depending on the routes that are run.

Ex: An SLB covering the H/C with a offensive player crossing his face should be able to give a “push” call to his inside backer to pick up the crossing offensive player & that SLB then drops to the middle bc reading the pattern tells you a dig route is likely coming bc the offense essentially wants the SLB to chase the underneath crossing routes bc they got something bigger coming behind

A simple example…A cb in cover 3 or 4 on the weak side with only a single WR has to play that WR as if he’s in man coverage. If that WR runs a shallow dig across the field then he has to go with him & not pass him off & cover grass in the deep 3rd. If he goes with him then he naturally creates the double coverage element that pattern reading adds to a pass defense bc now that same cb is running with the WR through zones where LB’s & other DB’s are.

This is what some coaches would say to each other that understand pattern reading: “zone is man & man is zone” & that one line sort of brings it all together but you’ll never tell/teach a player that 🤣🤣🤣🤣

There’s a book about pattern reading by former NFL coach Tom Olivadotti…it’s where I learned it years ago & then got schooled on it up close. I believe a UM DB is on the cover.

Hope this helps.
Bro I don’t want to come off as some the end of the day I appreciate a secondary that can play zone & man at a high level. This is moreso a conversation bc of the level of detail but in the most simplistic way I think everyone could get it is…DB/LBs are assigned to a specific zones as in normal zone coverage…buuuuutttt depending on the routes by the offense, a DB/LB in zone coverage may not be anywhere near that zone when the play ends. For example…a “flat” defender might end up covering a guy in between the hash marks depending on the routes that are run.

Ex: An SLB covering the H/C with a offensive player crossing his face should be able to give a “push” call to his inside backer to pick up the crossing offensive player & that SLB then drops to the middle bc reading the pattern tells you a dig route is likely coming bc the offense essentially wants the SLB to chase the underneath crossing routes bc they got something bigger coming behind

A simple example…A cb in cover 3 or 4 on the weak side with only a single WR has to play that WR as if he’s in man coverage. If that WR runs a shallow dig across the field then he has to go with him & not pass him off & cover grass in the deep 3rd. If he goes with him then he naturally creates the double coverage element that pattern reading adds to a pass defense bc now that same cb is running with the WR through zones where LB’s & other DB’s are.

This is what some coaches would say to each other that understand pattern reading: “zone is man & man is zone” & that one line sort of brings it all together but you’ll never tell/teach a player that 🤣🤣🤣🤣

There’s a book about pattern reading by former NFL coach Tom Olivadotti…it’s where I learned it years ago & then got schooled on it up close. I believe a UM DB is on the cover.

Hope this helps.
That was awesome. Thank you.