Zone defense

Congrats you stated exactly verbatim what they said on college game day.
It's not cover 2 or 4, its called match coverage and every team runs its and it's to ensure you dont get beat deep and you always tally to the anything underneath.

One day I'll explain this I think CMD does a poor job setting his guys up for success on this coverage.
1) I was at a wedding in the morning in Cancunso no I didn’t watch Gameday and I haven’t watched that **** show since I was 13.

2) it’s not calls match coverage Aristotle. Match Coverage is based out of cover 3 and since you know so much about it then you would’ve known that’s something Saban loves to use and has used for years.

3) Please explain since you didn’t know what match coverage was and everybody that actually knows what clamp coverage is know it’s rarely used because it’s gimmicky.

It would’ve made more since if you accused me of watching Saban’s press conference last Thursday when he said we play a lot of clamp coverage (not match coverage) and use CATS a lot…if you even know what that means.
1) I was at a wedding in the morning in Cancunso no I didn’t watch Gameday and I haven’t watched that **** show since I was 13.

2) it’s not calls match coverage Aristotle. Match Coverage is based out of cover 3 and since you know so much about it then you would’ve known that’s something Saban loves to use and has used for years.

3) Please explain since you didn’t know what match coverage was and everybody that actually knows what clamp coverage is know it’s rarely used because it’s gimmicky.

It would’ve made more since if you accused me of watching Saban’s press conference last Thursday when he said we play a lot of clamp coverage (not match coverage) and use CATS a lot…if you even know what that means.
In another thread I actually explained match exactly how you described it in cover 3, can also be cover 1, which you likely already knew, and referenced that Saban used it before. We're probably on the same page, and I read your initial quote out of context, just based on the usual on the usual uninformed posts post game loss, my bad homie.

I actually did not know that clamp, was essentially the match version but based out of cover 2/4, which makes it even more strange.

Thanks for the correction, actually appreciate, I ain't a soft shouldered poster. Haha

Also, hope you enjoyed the wedding!
In another thread I actually explained match exactly how you described it in cover 3, can also be cover 1, which you likely already knew, and referenced that Saban used it before. We're probably on the same page, and I read your initial quote out of context, just based on the usual on the usual uninformed posts post game loss, my bad homie.

I actually did not know that clamp, was essentially the match version but based out of cover 2/4, which makes it even more strange.

Thanks for the correction, actually appreciate, I ain't a soft shouldered poster. Haha
Your good. I mistook yours too. Never been to Cancun because I just thought that’s everybody’s answer to a beach vacation. Def recommend now.
He coached scared early , it was just another bed ****ting for him in a big moment.
Scary. Some guys just don't have it I guess. Crazy that Manny hitches himself to guys who can't shine under the bright lights. Kind of trending like his assistant coaching hires are a symptom of the bigger problem that Manny can't shine under the bright lights either.
Why do we play so much zone? And why do we have the worst zone scheme in the country? How do we get beat both underneath and deep in our zone?
Did you not see Ivey get out ran in man as soon as we show man they pick on him or our middle backers it make the throws so much easier because them two positions play man worse then we play zone and that’s all you need to know how bad it is now if blades can get back and we tak Ivey off the field I would love to see more man going forward but we will have to just blitz the middle backer or use him to take away the short middle of field or we still will have the te eating them alive
Why do we play so much zone? And why do we have the worst zone scheme in the country? How do we get beat both underneath and deep in our zone?
Agree, our zone is basically standing around and letting then catch the ball, and then hopefully we can come up and tackle someone. Its amazing watching Bama DB's immediately tackle our receivers, while our DB's always seemingly having to run 10- 15 yards to tackle their oppositions.
And it’s not even a real blitz half the time. We send 4 but instead of 4 DL we send 2 DL and two twig CBs or LBs that get swallowed up by the OL
don't forget then the icing on the cake we have a 280 lb linemen in the middle of the field playing coverage
Was it this bad? When I say can't remember I literally can not remember lol.
The problem with Golden was his lack of aggressiveness ( it was sit, wait, then react), the problem with Diaz, its the complete opposite, send the house. Somewhere out there, there should be a DC, with a happy median.
Our DBs grow up playing man and then come to UM where they have to learn this Charmin zone. Mandy's zone is basically a Prevent defense. 10-12 yard cushions on the outside like every play is the BC Hail Mary. No wonder almost every QB we face goes 65-70% or higher.
Manny loves to over load a side and blitz then play soft on the back end. Well guess what everyone knows this already and its not even hidden. So QB's just dink and dunk us to death. Couple that with poor tackling and they keep moving the chains.
I agree somewhat but my thing is with whatever coverage we play, the great DCs will disguise what they're in pre snap. I probably dont have half the knowledge as saban and o'Brien but for the most part u could tell what coverage we were in, what side we were blitzing from, All before the snap. Bryce even adjusted the protection to stop the blitzes. Early on they motioned a wr for us to reveal our hand maybe to see if we changed something during the off season, then later on its like they knew what we were in most of the time. Game planning is what separates good teams from great ,unless u are just more talented than everyone else u cant just run the same **** every week and walk into a game vs an elite program. Football is chess.

Alot for my 1st post but as u can tell im sick of it
Great first post.

And the reason you aren’t inclined to hide what defense you’re in or switch it up is because you have a lot of inexperience in the secondary which would lead to busted coverages.

This was not the case; there were no starting freshmen on the defense.

You had all off season and they trot out the same thing on defense and offense as well. Not sure I saw anything new.
Why do we play so much zone? And why do we have the worst zone scheme in the country? How do we get beat both underneath and deep in our zone?

"Grasshopper, you worry me . You ask these pointless questions, when you should be concerned with getting laid and succeeding in life"

We said maybe they’d have a drop off with a new qb and new OC and no smith or waddle. Well dammit they looked crisp as ****. Partly our ineptitude and partly their incredible coaching and prep. Bryce will probably win the heisman. And they probably walk to a natty let’s be honest. Doesn’t excuse how bad we looked. But they had an answer for everhthing. Blitz zone man didn’t matter. They attacked Ivey and stayed away from couch in coverage. They clearly did their homework.