Zone defense

We play zone coverage per say . We play a lot of clamp coverage which is Cover 2 and 4 and it’s meant to “clamp” the offense. Problem is that you need high level athletes to take away the ability to sit in the slot and LBers with instincts that can tackle in the open field.
Congrats you stated exactly verbatim what they said on college game day.
It's not cover 2 or 4, its called match coverage and every team runs its and it's to ensure you dont get beat deep and you always tally to the anything underneath.

One day I'll explain this I think CMD does a poor job setting his guys up for success on this coverage.
Zone can be great. See some old Michigan State defenses with Dantonio and their “no fly zone”

man is great too when you have the horses.

but idk wtf Miami tries to do with the coverage schemes
We blitzed our asses off with a bunch of man, we brought 5,6 and even 7 guys one time. Which mathematically doesn't add up, yet they brought them. People gripe about zone but don’t mention the qb was hitting us way harder against pressure and man. His numbers were worse against zone or bringing 4. Bama had us beat in pre snap **** near every play, if we ran cover three they sent multiple guys at the outside cb. If we ran man or blitzes they had man beaters on. Our blitzes were useless because they knew they were coming and their ol would just smack our smaller lb’s out of the way. What we saw is what Bama does to majority of teams , including playoff teams. They are far more talented , better coached , and pretty much a machine that’s ran better than most pro franchises.
That’s what happens when you have a two former NFL coaches on the offensive side of the ball.
We blitzed our asses off with a bunch of man, we brought 5,6 and even 7 guys one time. Which mathematically doesn't add up, yet they brought them. People gripe about zone but don’t mention the qb was hitting us way harder against pressure and man. His numbers were worse against zone or bringing 4. Bama had us beat in pre snap **** near every play, if we ran cover three they sent multiple guys at the outside cb. If we ran man or blitzes they had man beaters on. Our blitzes were useless because they knew they were coming and their ol would just smack our smaller lb’s out of the way. What we saw is what Bama does to majority of teams , including playoff teams. They are far more talented , better coached , and pretty much a machine that’s ran better than most pro franchises.
Yup. We can get away with it against 90% of teams on our schedules but eventually you run into a buzzsaw or flat out just suck one game. Seems like this will never be fixed no matter who is on staff.
As someone else said, you show zone pre snap 97% of the time and it just doesn’t work. Mix it up and play man or show it at least.

Diaz gave a gimme game to a Frosh QB. Pressures came from 170lb corners who were stuffed at the line and were late. Linebackers with the exception of Flagg from time to time were irrelevant. And Kinchens should’ve played more as Jennings has no business playing for Miami.

Lastly, the tackling. Wow, it was horrendous. Again, this is on Diaz.

ACCCG or bust…
From a schematic standpoint this might have been the worse game I’ve seen from the hurricanes in a long time. Manny Diaz absolutely stinks against anyone with a pulse but holy **** at what I saw from lashlee again
We blitzed our asses off with a bunch of man, we brought 5,6 and even 7 guys one time. Which mathematically doesn't add up, yet they brought them. People gripe about zone but don’t mention the qb was hitting us way harder against pressure and man. His numbers were worse against zone or bringing 4. Bama had us beat in pre snap **** near every play, if we ran cover three they sent multiple guys at the outside cb. If we ran man or blitzes they had man beaters on. Our blitzes were useless because they knew they were coming and their ol would just smack our smaller lb’s out of the way. What we saw is what Bama does to majority of teams , including playoff teams. They are far more talented , better coached , and pretty much a machine that’s ran better than most pro franchises.

I was wondering when you were going to post again Cribby. Can you explain the absolutely pathetic offensive game plan from last night? Does Lashlee even have a clue how awful he was again in a big game yesterday?
This is a dumb take. Did you watch us get raped up front all game? Fire zone works if you get pressure. We were little boys playing against men.
We are talking about fine details which would be very important when it comes to beating a machine like Bama if we had the fundamentals right. We missed tackles outright all game. In the first half, there were probably 3 easy opportunities to make a TFL that would have stifled a drive that we missed. Even a couple of the TDs could have easily been prevented with a simple tackle. You get off the field and give your offense some sort of confidence.

We make a couple of sound tackles in the first half and the score is looking something like 17-3. Now as stated we have a long way to go to beat a team like Bama but just sound tackling allows us to cover and look half way respectable. I think if the game was 17-3 or 17-6 at half, we don’t do as well offensively in the second half because Bama would still have been giving their 100% but either way it chances how we look all together.

Bottom line is that this is all on Manny, year 6 and his defense still can’t tackle.
We play zone coverage per say . We play a lot of clamp coverage which is Cover 2 and 4 and it’s meant to “clamp” the offense. Problem is that you need high level athletes to take away the ability to sit in the slot and LBers with instincts that can tackle in the open field.
We play cover 1 with 94 yards behind us though
This is a dumb take. Did you watch us get raped up front all game? Fire zone works if you get pressure. We were little boys playing against men.
This was my thought watching.

we didn’t scheme for Alabama. We just tried to do what we regularly do on defense against acc teams.

and bc we didn’t change anything up, Bama knew how to easily kick our asses