WTF, don’t play with us

Hope the people In the car were ok...
I despise people that drive like that on the highways bruh. U with your family and u got these bozos putting everyone in danger. One time a cat passed me driving wild. He drove passed me swerving through traffic.....minutes later I had to hit the break and swerve into the right lane without looking who was behind me to save ourselves in a van. Kids crashed into the guard divider and the kid ran out smoking car limping. I slowed down and said good for you fuqin stupid butches.....u put all of us in danger u puzzies. I hope y'all fuqin learned a lesson. Then I drove off.

Look at the damage that was done to the car. By a motorcycle.

First, and most importantly, I hope the people in the car are alright, but I’m pretty sure there had to have been at least some significant injuries to them.

As far as the motorcyclist, who is for sure dead, my only regret is that he lost consciousness as soon as he hit that car, the forces were so great his neck probably snapped back instantly upon impact. Too bad he didn’t linger so he could feel the pain and his hundreds of broken bones.

Fūck him all to **** and back. Zero sympathy from me, only hatred.