Would you quit Miami Hurricanes football

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I just wouldn't give a **** any more. I **** sure wouldn't fly any banners. Let all the #CanesFam ******** dance around the stadium all they want because they got "their" guy in, all the while Mario leads them to 7-8 win seasons year after year after year.
Been a fan since Howard Buck's last year as HC in 1928. And I'll tell you without equivocation that if they hire that swarthy bum you will not see me again on here. I'll be done. If they hire him then they're either completely clueless, totally incompetent, or they just don't give a **** about the fans or the program.
I would NEVER quit on this program. Any of you saying you would are lying your *** off, you'll be tuned in every Saturday just like me no matter who the coach is.
I'll stop watching if they hire Mario and he fails. He's a bad hire, in my opinion. He's a cheap hire as well. Don't throw out a 4 mil a year number then hire Mario. The guy went 3-9 his last season as a head coach, with the three wins coming against teams with a TOTAL of 6 wins. That's the right guy for the UM job? Seriously? If we can't do better than that, I know for a fact I can find better things to do than watch bad football.
I would NEVER quit on this program. Any of you saying you would are lying your *** off, you'll be tuned in every Saturday just like me no matter who the coach is.

I quit after they brought Golden back this year.. I've watched the last 2 since they fired him but of course I'd quit. Life is too short for all that.
If you didn't quit caring about this team after golden was retained following 2014 then it's gonna take more than Mario for you to quit the program
Anyone who says they would quit and stop watching isn't a true cane and should just go root for another team whether Mario is hired or not. Fake *** fans.
Not sure what is left to do. Haven't spent one dime on anything to do with the school in two years. Occasionally watch the games but usually have not been able to take Al and Mark for more than 45 minutes. I don't watch other teams so I have all but abandoned college football. Mostly I just ***** on here, donate money to banners, and write emails to Blake and now Frenk. If they hire Mario, I will probably stop writing the emails and await results.
Its definitely more proven candidates available but if Mario is hired, I would give the man a chance to prove that he learned something under possibly the best coach in College football. Give him the opportunity to prove that the people who actually get paid to determine the best candidate are correct by nominating him. Allow him to prove that his record for a football program that became a program like 5 years before he was hired at the age of 37, one season removed from going 0 and 12 doesn't define him as a coach. Yeah I guess I would give him a chance...
No. If you're willing to jump ship that easy don't even bother calling yourself a canes fan this very moment. Get a heads start and go find a new team to bandwagon off. I'll ride through the good and bad times with this program.

Been with this team probably longer than you been alive. These last 15 years wiped out bandwagon fans. If you are still rooting for this team through this bull**** that has happened the last 15 years. You didn't just toss them aside after a 6-6 season. They blow this **** right here they deserve to be abandoned, because they have abandoned us and the legacy that was built.

If UM doesn't give a ****, then I don't give a ****.

as much as it would rip my heart out, it would prove to me that the uni could give one flying *** about football.. I would have to take it under the chin and go take up another team that actually takes it srsly, that actually cares.
Well apparently our fan base if filled with a bunch of little cry babies. **** at least give the guy a shot.

can't take south florida athletes and win with FIU's sh*tty schedule

yah i'm sure he'll walk over to a big boy program and change all that..
If Mario is hired? Yes or no

Sadly, I would still want Miami to win, but this type of lazy and incompetent hire would cement my feeling that the school doesn't take UM football seriously anymore. I also don't think it would be too long before the ACC asks Miami to leave the league. We are barely tolerated as it is. When that happens, the program will either be shuttered or it will move to a lower division. Hiring someone like Mario means the idiocy and incompetence will continue. I will lose interest altogether at that point.

Just awful what this school is doing to such a proud football tradition. The so-called "Thugs" (Boy is THAT a racist term!) aren't here anymore, but the program is now totally defanged and just a mess.

Have long been tired of the way this university has been run. Had hoped a new President might make some difference. However, the way the school spends money shows that they have never really known what they are doing. The academics are returning to garbage, the sports teams (except maybe basketball) are just AWFUL, and there's too much corrupt local power influencing everything the university does.

Am BURNING everything I have that relates to UM if this hire is made. There won't be anything about the place to make me proud of it anymore.
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This whole situation reminds me of when I was young and we were sitting around talking about what a loser my sisters boyfriend was. My mother put it best when she said "you think this one is bad? Wait until you meet the next one!" **** if she wasn't right. Each one was worse than the last.

I'll be pretty despondent if they hire Mario. My interest level is already much lower than I would have ever thought it could be. I'd still be a fan but the days of hoping on a plane for away games is pretty much dead and flying back for the big home games is almost dead. *sigh*

Pics or GTFO. You know the rules.
lulz....they were a pretty forgettable bunch - no photo evidence to be found. What was hard to forget I is how spot on my mom was. I hope I'm wrong on this ..... I really need an inspired hire. Preferably Butch.
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