Worst loss in program history

Just to keep it in perspective, it’s FIU... we should have dominated and laughed at them. Instead we got dominated and we mad
Yea you are right of course. I was keeping it in perspective of what he said and the fact that most if not all of those injuries were blatantly fake. It’s one thing to win but he doesn’t have to lie, just ignore the question and laugh like the trainers were.
I already posted the NCAA rulebook. It says feigning injuries are unethical and against the notion of fair play. It is about 2 bullet points below maliciously trying to injure an opponent. Here's another one-

Taken from NCAA Rules Committee meeting 2011

"FEIGNING INJURIES There is considerable concern among committee members about reports of teams having their players fake injuries as a means of slowing down teams that play the game at a faster pace. The committee takes this opportunity to remind the coaching community that the faking of injuries is expressly forbidden under the Coaching Ethics section of The Football Code, paragraph 8 (page FR-13 of the 2009- 10 Rule Book)."

"Expressly forbidden". Definitely sounds legal. The issue is that it impossible to penalize during a game because refs arent mindreaders. A player could also intentionally eye gouge his opponent at the bottom of a pile so that he is seriously injured and has to leave the game. Ref can't see what happens so cant throw a flag and say it was intentional. No way the NCAA could penalize a player if he lied and said it was an accident. If that helps you win, are you ok with blinding an opponent if you can't get caught?

Maliciously injuring and feigning injury are in the same section of the rulebook. A ref CAN call an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on faked injuries (it is literally called unsportsmanlike in the rules). So it is absolutely against the rules but it is impossible to call during a game because refs arent medical professionals.

Lol @ comparing winning an amateur sports competition with survival on the battlefield. Only someone who never served a day in the military would make such a stupid comparison. Go back to playing Call of Duty and leave the warfighting to the professionals.

First of all you fcking desk jockey, I served nine years. So watch it.

Second, look at what I actually said you pathetic wannabe. I know you never served because no Marine would ever call themselves “ex marine” because there’s no such thing. Ask me how I know.

Third, that’s why it’s a grey area and I specifically indicated veering to the left or right of the actual rule.

Winners win. Losers lose. Go back to being a loser. That seems to be your obvious comfort zone.

Semper Fi, poser. Next time try to pretend being a soldier. Marines can spot the bull**** from 500 yards away on iron sights. But you wouldn’t know what the reference indicates.

You’re a wannabe boot. Go home.
First of all you fcking desk jockey, I served nine years. So watch it.

Second, look at what I actually said you pathetic wannabe. I know you never served be no Marine would ever call themselves “ex marine” because there’s no such thing. Ask me how I know.

Third, that’s why it’s a grey area and I specifically indicated veering to the left or right of the actual rule.

Winners win. Losers lose. Go back to being a loser. That seems to be your obvious comfort zone.

Semper Fi, poser. Next time try to pretend being a soldier. Marines can spot the bull**** from 500 yards away on iron sights. But you would know what the reference indicates.

You’re a wannabe boot. Go home.
I wasn't even in the Marines but even I know that their motto is "Once a Marine, always a Marine lol.
I already posted the NCAA rulebook. It says feigning injuries are unethical and against the notion of fair play. It is about 2 bullet points below maliciously trying to injure an opponent. Here's another one-

Taken from NCAA Rules Committee meeting 2011

"FEIGNING INJURIES There is considerable concern among committee members about reports of teams having their players fake injuries as a means of slowing down teams that play the game at a faster pace. The committee takes this opportunity to remind the coaching community that the faking of injuries is expressly forbidden under the Coaching Ethics section of The Football Code, paragraph 8 (page FR-13 of the 2009- 10 Rule Book)."

"Expressly forbidden". Definitely sounds legal. The issue is that it impossible to penalize during a game because refs arent mindreaders. A player could also intentionally eye gouge his opponent at the bottom of a pile so that he is seriously injured and has to leave the game. Ref can't see what happens so cant throw a flag and say it was intentional. No way the NCAA could penalize a player if he lied and said it was an accident. If that helps you win, are you ok with blinding an opponent if you can't get caught?

Maliciously injuring and feigning injury are in the same section of the rulebook. A ref CAN call an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on faked injuries (it is literally called unsportsmanlike in the rules). So it is absolutely against the rules but it is impossible to call during a game because refs arent medical professionals.

Lol @ comparing winning an amateur sports competition with survival on the battlefield. Only someone who never served a day in the military would make such a stupid comparison. Go back to playing Call of Duty and leave the warfighting to the professionals.

Let me guess. You just entered MEPS and now you think you’re G.I. Joe? Relax nugget. You came in after the grown ups made it a safe space for you. 04-13 USMC. GTFOH.
First of all you fcking desk jockey, I served nine years. So watch it.

Second, look at what I actually said you pathetic wannabe. I know you never served be no Marine would ever call themselves “ex marine” because there’s no such thing. Ask me how I know.

Third, that’s why it’s a grey area and I specifically indicated veering to the left or right of the actual rule.

Winners win. Losers lose. Go back to being a loser. That seems to be your obvious comfort zone.

Semper Fi, poser. Next time try to pretend being a soldier. Marines can spot the bull**** from 500 yards away on iron sights. But you would know what the reference indicates.

You’re a wannabe boot. Go home.

Who said ex-Marine, you Stolen Valor POS? Now you are making **** up.

You didn't serve anywhere, so quit playing make believe. The fact that you don't believe in honor or integrity tells me the truth about your supposed service.
Who said ex-Marine, you Stolen Valor POS? Now you are making **** up.

You didn't serve anywhere, so quit playing make believe. The fact that you don't believe in honor or integrity tells me the truth about your supposed service.
You did you fcking tool!
Let me guess. You just entered MEPS and now you think you’re G.I. Joe? Relax nugget. You came in after the grown ups made it a safe space for you. 04-13 USMC. GTFOH.

I didn't know Call of Duty gave you service dates with a high score. Interesting. Really amping up the realism now. Lol @ 04-13, did you also get a purple heart from splinters in your *** from all that desk duty?
I didn't know Call of Duty gave you service dates with a high score. Interesting. Really amping up the realism now. Lol @ 04-13, did you also get a purple heart from splinters in your *** from all that desk duty?
Forgive me. You said “used to be”. Not “ex” not much of a difference lol
Forgive me. You said “used to be”. Not “ex” not much of a difference lol

Ex-Marine means kicked out. I was honorably discharged. Hence I used to be in the Marines (you are correct in that i properly should have "I am prior service Marine" or "I served in the Marines").

I accept your apology
It’s ok. A lot of great people have done great things without being active duty. ITS OKAY! But don’t be a tool and claim a title you didn’t earn!!!

It makes sense that a stolen valor fraud would condone cheating at football games. If pretending you were in the Marines gets you through the day, then live your life. Just do the world a favor and don't have kids.
It makes sense that a stolen valor fraud would condone cheating at football games. If pretending you were in the Marines gets you through the day, then live your life. Just do the world a favor and don't have kids.

You obviously have a comprehension deficit. Sign up for reading for Marines.

Oh sht. You can’t.
You obviously have a comprehension deficit. Sign up for reading for Marines.

Oh sht. You can’t.

You are trying too hard now. Its getting embarrassing. I'm sure your training was weaally weally hard and the mean man yelled at you. Your stolen valor secret is safe with me, little devildog.

Dude. Really- dont send me PMs. Leave it on the main thread and keep it professional. I'm not interested in your **** pics.
You are trying too hard now. Its getting embarrassing. I'm sure your training was weaally weally hard and the mean man yelled at you. Your stolen valor secret is safe with me, little devildog.
Little devil dog. You don’t even know the correct term lmao.