Why couldn’t we have LSUs offense!!

How is it a stupid question?

If you think Enos needs more time, how much time does he need?

1 year? 2 years? 3 years? 4? How much?

You're not going to like this, but I don't mind the style of offense Enos runs - multiple sets from spread to traditional, to 11 personnel and 12, etc. What I do HAVE as a big problem, and I'm shocked it's not talked about more often is his play calling. I think he struggles mightily in calling the correct plays based on down & distance, as well as position on the field. That concerns me the most and I'm not sure it's fixable.
You dudes have spent 17 years worshipping shítty coaches and dont seem to have learned shít.

So we should have learned to fire every guy after every bad game?

What you don't get is that while the coaches have changed, we continue to bring in soft paycheck players for 17 years. But that doesn't seem to bother you.
So we should have learned to fire every guy after every bad game?

What you don't get is that while the coaches have changed, we continue to bring in soft paycheck players for 17 years. But that doesn't seem to bother you.
And we have continued to bring in shîtty coaches but that doesn't seem to bother you. The players are a result of the shítty coaches.
You're not going to like this, but I don't mind the style of offense Enos runs - multiple sets from spread to traditional, to 11 personnel and 12, etc. What I do HAVE as a big problem, and I'm shocked it's not talked about more often is his play calling. I think he struggles mightily in calling the correct plays based on down & distance, as well as position on the field. That concerns me the most and I'm not sure it's fixable.
The offense that works is the one we should be running, does his offense work for this team?

If his play calling sucks then the solution to that problem is keep letting him call plays?

You see the logic there... If it something doesn't work, you change it, if you keep doing the same thing over & over again expecting a different result, what did Einstein say that's called... Insanity.

The numbers don't lie, they show what happened repeatedly throughout the course of a season, we're not ranked dead last in 3rd down conversion, 90th in total offense, 120th in rushing, 121st in the red zone & 76th in yards per play because he's some kind of fantastic OC.

It's pretty clear he didn't do his job which was to make the offense better & if that's all the player's fault then who's responsible to get the right players so that his supposedly good offense works?

See there's always some built in excuse to defend a bad coach, it's either because we don't have enough talent, we're too young, the players aren't smart enough or the OC just needs more time.

We've ran the same **** offense at Miami for the last 16 years & have had only one ACCCG appearance in that time span, maybe we should try something different?