Why couldn’t we have LSUs offense!!

We don’t have Joe Burrow or that o line that’dS literally the only reason. You can run Mark Richts offense with their players and it will work. Y’all put too much stock into scheme on here man. If 1 particular scheme make everyone a winner then everyone would use it.
We don’t have Joe Burrow or that o line that’dS literally the only reason. You can run Mark Richts offense with their players and it will work. Y’all put too much stock into scheme on here man. If 1 particular scheme make everyone a winner then everyone would use it.

You smart. Did anyone pay attention to the type of offense we ran last year under Richt (It was a hybrid pro spread RPO based offense and we lined up in Shotgun or Pistol 85% of the time). I keep saying the same thing its not scheme its the guy behind calling what ever we run that matters the most; with personnel falling in place behind that.
We don’t have Joe Burrow or that o line that’dS literally the only reason. You can run Mark Richts offense with their players and it will work. Y’all put too much stock into scheme on here man. If 1 particular scheme make everyone a winner then everyone would use it.
Most teams do use it... It's called the Spread offense.
The offense that works is the one we should be running, does his offense work for this team?

If his play calling sucks then the solution to that problem is keep letting him call plays?

You see the logic there... If it something doesn't work, you change it, if you keep doing the same thing over & over again expecting a different result, what did Einstein say that's called... Insanity.

The numbers don't lie, they show what happened repeatedly throughout the course of a season, we're not ranked dead last in 3rd down conversion, 90th in total offense, 120th in rushing, 121st in the red zone & 76th in yards per play because he's some kind of fantastic OC.

It's pretty clear he didn't do his job which was to make the offense better & if that's all the player's fault then who's responsible to get the right players so that his supposedly good offense works?

See there's always some built in excuse to defend a bad coach, it's either because we don't have enough talent, we're too young, the players aren't smart enough or the OC just needs more time.

We've ran the same **** offense at Miami for the last 16 years & have had only one ACCCG appearance in that time span, maybe we should try something different?

I'm not saying he should stay. Just saying that the play calling should be the reason he's gone, not style of offense.

And saying we've run the same offense for the past 16 years isn't true. We've run plenty of different offenses, but have failed all along the way. People seem to see a couple of plays where we're in a traditional set and believing that's the offense. It would be like watching Ohio State & LSU play offense, seeing them in traditional sets (which they both do multiple times a game), & thinking that's their offense.
Nope. Reassess every coach after every game. Go through three or four coordinators in a year if that's what it takes.

If I were you, I’d take the L and move on. You are arguing with one of the best football minds on CiS.

The corching has been top notch, and as Bill Parcells used to say, “if they don’t bite as pups, then they’re probably never gonna have that dog in them.”

Our OL is pure ***. They were just as bad during the last game versus Duke as they were during the opener versus the Gaytes.

What games have you been watching? There is zero indication that anyone on offense got any better. The ineptitude that was displayed by our corching staph this year and their refusal to adjust and adapt their schemes to fit the players was all-time bad.

Blake Baker had our guys going back to playing Doritos-style, patty cake D. The scheme is crap. We have way more than enough talent to dominate CMU, FIU, Duke, UNC, etc.. We have way more talent on our roster than anyone in the ACC not named Clemson or FSU.

The day that we get competent people running the athletics department is the day that the U will rise again. Until then, we will most likely wander in mediocrity.
We don’t have Joe Burrow or that o line that’dS literally the only reason. You can run Mark Richts offense with their players and it will work. Y’all put too much stock into scheme on here man. If 1 particular scheme make everyone a winner then everyone would use it.

Everyone is using it!
Except Wisconsin and us.
We seem to have a need to go the more difficult route.
I'm not saying he should stay. Just saying that the play calling should be the reason he's gone, not style of offense.

And saying we've run the same offense for the past 16 years isn't true. We've run plenty of different offenses, but have failed all along the way. People seem to see a couple of plays where we're in a traditional set and believing that's the offense. It would be like watching Ohio State & LSU play offense, seeing them in traditional sets (which they both do multiple times a game), & thinking that's their offense.

I agree. Enos playcalling is a major part of the reason the offense drags ***. There's no rhythm or identity to it. He'll start off 11set, then next play 4wide, then next play 12set, then pistol, then I-form undercenter, then shotgun all back to back. Most good OCs run various mixes of similar formations with the same personnel groupings until the D stops it. He's tryna be clever but its actually silly on his part. It's gotta be frustrating for the players too because they can't get settled into a groove before they're running on & off the field for a new sub package.

Rarely do you see him call 1-3 step quick hitters that gets the ball out of the QBs and directly to the receivers & running backs hands. He has too many 5-7 step drops, even from the shotgun. Who does that anymore? The first few games he called several WR bubble screens & quick hitches/ slants and we rolled with rhythm, then it just stopped.

Same thing with the run game. When he calls quick hitting runs that handoff to a shortset rb we start rolling and the backs are getting 5-6yds a clip. But then he goes back to 7-8yard deep slow developing runs and we get stuffed like clockwork because the line isn't good enough to pull, slide & set blocks that long.
Then he completely abandons the run for entire quarters and halfs of football games, and that's exactly when the qbs start struggling and offense becomes predictable.
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If this season's problem was just growing pains, you wouldn't have seen the kind of incompetence that FIU and Duke exposed at the end of the season.

The level of complacency that the players showed at having their asses handed to them by lesser teams was shocking. It does give credence to the idea that they are here to qualify for the NFL.
Would the Pride of Pembroke have brought us that LSU oline?

Perhaps the Pride of Pembroke Pines would have brought us a different OL Coach and different blocking schemes that would not have left numerous freshman, both true and redshirt, out on islands and left them generally overmatched all season.

Our OL was absolute garbage. Partially because of talent, partially because of coaching and scheme.