Where are we really at today as a program?....

For the last almost 10 years we have had the talent to get 10 wins every year but the school keeps hiring terrible coaches.

Coker, Shannon, Golden, and, Diaz have come thing in common: their short time at Miami was the absolute peak of their career. They will all be known for doing nothing of note after Miami. Richts time here proved how much he was overhyped at Georgia.

The culture is a mess which is half on the players and half on the coaches. Modern kids and especially the ones we recruit dont prioritize winning. Football just isn't important to them. Alot of them are lazy. Alot are entitled.

Coaches are also to blame for their God-awful evaluations and recruiting. They set the culture which right now prioritizes looking good over playing well. The chains and rings. The social media brand manager. We end up with these 3 and 4 star players and a top rated class, but no other school wanted these "top rated" kids for a reason. Look at how many busts are on the team now. This is why we have to leave florida for certain positions like O-line, linebacker, tight end, and QB. 99% of Florida kids dont have it upstairs, and the ones who do go to the best schools.

Every failed regime has also mismanaged one side of the game schematically. The recent obvious ones were golden and the donofrio defense. Richt and his son and the offense. Enos and the offense, and lowkey the Diaz defense. Until we can master both sides together we will continue to suck.

Clemson is the ultimate team to emulate right now. Swinney slowly brought them up to greatness. It starts with proper talent evaluations and creating a winning culture. They bring in winners. Alphas. But they are SMART. The age of winning on speed and size are gone. To win now you need to be smart.

They take these kids; some who are highly ranked and some who arent, and coach them up so EFFECTIVELY. But again, these kids are capable of learning in the first place. They are smart. And they WANT to learn. They get them on an effective S&C program which uses steroids (as they've been caught countless times).

Then they are put in a scheme that suits them. Their coaches adapt to the strengths of their players and they mask their players weaknesses. This is how they start 0-stars and walkons who compete against 5-stars.

They get every single drop out of squeezing the orange to make juice. They get the most there possibly is out of their players while our players underachieve at Miami and then get drafted on potential, and develop after a few years of actual learning in the NFL.

If we had actual coaches right now, we would easily go 11-1 or 12-0 and score some points against clemson in the ACCCG, but we dont.

Sad to say, but it's an absolute MYTH, or a MISNOMER, about Miami having all that talent the past ten seasons! hUh? Yes. There's a lot of instances when said HS player, which y'all to RAVE and RANT about, is overrated or his HS rating is HIGH BALLED and what not. Then later, these same Cane fan's ask themselves... what happened to so and so. He was suppose to be All-Conference and all that.:ttdg2m10mxvzxan.jpg:

And that's why I don't get caught up in the rankings game and all that ( I like to thing that I take it with a grain of salt. ). Because it does tend to happen, be it in major CFB or major CBB. That some HS player comes into certain schools with all these accolades, but he NEVER pans out. dUh. And believe it or not. It happens at Miami on a consistent regular basis!! OUCH. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the coaching and all that, which is at fault. So what.
fsu is in far worse condition than we are right now.
FSU has equal talent and Norvell is a better HC and his staff is better than CMD's
toss up on whole equation id how awful our culture is with new group of players and inexperienced staff
Norvell has a track record CMD mostly bad....
Still an underachieving program. My ceiling for the program isn't quite as high as some of the dreamers' ceiling though. I believe that Miami can be a consistent 10 win program, competing for ACC titles and New Years day bowl games. The days of winning multiple national titles in a decade and being a premier, top 5 team are over though. Teams like Alabama, Clemson, Georgia, LSU Ohio State are allowed to do things that Miami as a program would be punished for by the NCAA. As long as some teams get to play by a certain set of rules than others, College football will have 3 or 4 great teams and then there will be a steep drop-off to the second tier teams where I believe Miami would be.

This. An offense gets this team to consistent Coastal titles. Upset every once in a while in the ACCCG with the right players. Currently, as long as these other teams get to play by a different set of rules, Coastal wins and "being competitive" in the ACC title game is probably the best we can hope for.

I'm almost certain the NCAA has enough on all those teams mentioned above to drop the hammer if it wanted to. It just doesn't want to.
I'm almost certain the NCAA has enough on all those teams mentioned above to drop the hammer if it wanted to. It just doesn't want to.

It's going to take the national audience getting sick of seeing the same two teams play for the championship every single year. Hasn't happened yet but it might soon.
Leadership and culture have been missing for over 2 decades. That's why we're where we are.

That professional sports team that plays over near Bayside is a shining beacon of what this team needs. They constantly pick up other teams' refuse and polish them into good players that always play better here than they do elsewhere.

Initially it was the opposite with Miami. We'd start losing games we shouldn't around the turn of the century, but those players would still eventually get drafted in the first round. A few years go by and we start losing more games and our players would start being drafted in the middle rounds, but once they got into the NFL with better coaching they'd be better there than they were here. More years pass and more losses and they're still getting drafted in the middle/low rounds, but don't really go on to make a big impact.

Now? We've got guys leaving early to not even get drafted and don't do anything in the NFL anyway even if they get a tryout.

It was bad coaching before, but now it's bad coaching AND the quality of player we get now is worse than it has been in a long time. Those guys aren't being polished up once they get to the NFL anymore because there's literally nothing there to work with.

We need better coaching and we need to recruit those alpha-type lower star players that would rather die than fail because that's what they fear. That's what drives them. Start there in regards to talent because I'd rather have a less talented player that gives it all he's got than some 4-5 star entitled player who breaks curfew for parties and plays like a 1-2 star on the field. Those are the guys that poison your team. Build the culture into something where the studs down here look at as a team that can legitimately make them better for their NFL future. If you were a 5 star kid from down here, why in the **** would you go to Miami? To be misused and lose to mediocre (or bad) teams? Get drafted in the middle rounds? Why would I do that when I could go to one of the premier programs? Loyalty only gets you so far and it's super easy to tout when your entire future and career isn't on the line.
Unless you're just normally overly optimistic or overly pessimistic, I think it has to be wait and see without getting too high or low based on off-season happenings. The opportunity is right there to develop a consistent contender for the ACC, meaning a team that wins the Coastal more often than not. 10 wins a year is so **** attainable most seasons in the Coastal, and knowing how well a consistent 10 game winner would do recruiting in SFL, it's hard not to see Miami as being the right coach away from taking that step. Is Manny that guy? I'd need to see some tangible improvement in year 2 to entertain the idea that he is. Year 1 went from a solid first step to disaster in the last 3 games. If we see more of the same, I truly think he'll be gone. He still has the chance to improve himself as a coach and consequently improve the program in year 2. Whether or not he does will show how far Miami is from being a team that can at least give Clemson a good game and have a fighting chance of beating them.
I’d estimate 75% of the fans are in wait and see mode.

First season was a colossal failure but he’s made a ton of great moves since.

We’ll see if it translates to wins.


I think the moves made were a step in the right direction, but we've been off season kings before and that's yielded the same results. The fan in me would be shocked if we don't win at least 9 regular season games, but the pessimist in me want to see first.

I'll just say this....if we hear that the def is dominating the offense again in the off season program, Imma be worried. I don't want to hear the line "it's typical that the def is ahead of the offense, especially when a new system is being installed."

Have been thinking about it lately. What are your thoughts? Is it more of the same? Has MD turned the corner with Lashlee & the spread. Has our moment ended forever? I’m not looking to start a debate thread but would like some honest, NO emotion, opinions of what we are & what lies ahead.
7-5 = typical season
8-4 = good season
9-3 = great season
10-2=dream season

Over the last 14 years, 9 times we have been 7-5 or worse. We are what we are.
FSU has equal talent and Norvell is a better HC and his staff is better than CMD's
toss up on whole equation id how awful our culture is with new group of players and inexperienced staff
Norvell has a track record CMD mostly bad....
FSU's athletic department is arguably in more disarray than ours is.
FSU's athletic department is arguably in more disarray than ours is.
true, however they will be getting a new President and a new AD, we know their board is very strong in support of football
so maybe short term yes, long term unsure. They do have to straighten out booster situation as they function independent of school..... not sure SR mgmt at Miami(BOT/President) want a football powerhouse
The state of the program is still subpar. We’re still coming off a 6-7 season, still can’t recruit at an elite level. But with all that said manny did everything that needed to be done to move in a positive direction with the addition of the spread and king and Roche. But next year is huge for the program, we have a spread offense and a proven QB, which is what wins in today’s college football. Next year truly is make or break, there’s no guarantee we’re going to have as good of a QB as king in the future and if he doesn’t succeed this year we’re going to need to start over and hire a new coach.
Wait and see at this point.

We've been a rudderless ship since 2002, that Fiesta Bowl loss has produced the ultimate hangover. We can't find the right coaches, who can't find the right players, and when they do, they can't develop them into anything special...those guys turn into 4th/5th rounders who seemingly become all-pros over night.

Even when we had a ton of "talent", like in 2003, 2004, and 2005, we still couldn't do anything with it...and we haven't had a competent OL since 2003, which really hurts us.

As much as I think Manure is, manure...I do like what he's done this offseason. We don't have the Goblin philosophy of sticking with a philosophy (like doritos) until it kills us during this offseason and I do like the transfers we've brought in. But...it seems like every time there's some positivity, it all comes sinking down like a lead zeppelin.

We'll have to see how this season goes, how the players on offense adapt to the new system, and whether or not Manure doesn't coach like a scared little girl.
Wait and see at this point.

We've been a rudderless ship since 2002, that Fiesta Bowl loss has produced the ultimate hangover. We can't find the right coaches, who can't find the right players, and when they do, they can't develop them into anything special...those guys turn into 4th/5th rounders who seemingly become all-pros over night.

Even when we had a ton of "talent", like in 2003, 2004, and 2005, we still couldn't do anything with it...and we haven't had a competent OL since 2003, which really hurts us.

As much as I think Manure is, manure...I do like what he's done this offseason. We don't have the Goblin philosophy of sticking with a philosophy (like doritos) until it kills us during this offseason and I do like the transfers we've brought in. But...it seems like every time there's some positivity, it all comes sinking down like a lead zeppelin.

We'll have to see how this season goes, how the players on offense adapt to the new system, and whether or not Manure doesn't coach like a scared little girl.

to be fair, following the early 00s, we havent had many guys that turned into all pros overnight in the league either.