What was the first Miami game you remember?

Miami, UF 1981. Mark Richt goes wild and we beat the Gator. Actually, he didn't play so well, but we still won.
I THINK the earliest I can remember watching was a win over FSU in '92. I was 7 at the time.

It could've been FSU in '90 but a remember a low scoring win at home against FSU.
First UM game I attended was against Michigan in Ann Arbor in 1988. I was a freshman at Ohio U and we drove up from Athens. I was a was a quasi-Canes fan at the beginning of the game and left a total fanatic. Gave up loyalties to any other team and never looked back.

Explains a lot. That was a HELLUVA game.
I remember after Wide Right 1, I was at my high school waving around my Miami flag that I had and seeing it get kocked out of my hand by a mad FSU fan.
Yeah I grew up in Tallahassee so I was in highschool during the early 2000’s era, I used to give fsu fans ****
84 OB vs Nebraska when I was 5 years old. I vividly remember it being extremely loud in the OB. After a 17 point lead in the 1st quarter, fans began chanting Z-E-R-O, ZERO! As well as chanting OVER-RATED!!! Loved the atmosphere and have been a fan ever since.
First UM game I attended was against Michigan in Ann Arbor in 1988. I was a freshman at Ohio U and we drove up from Athens. I was a was a quasi-Canes fan at the beginning of the game and left a total fanatic. Gave up loyalties to any other team and never looked back.
That’s actually my favorite Canes game from the 80’s. I went back and watched them all, and is this THE canesfreak? The guy who used to make all the cool videos
That’s actually my favorite Canes game from the 80’s. I went back and watched them all, and is this THE canesfreak? The guy who used to make all the cool videos
No, that is Canesfreak2001. He probably wasnt' alive in 1988. He was actually in HS when he made the videos, and ended up going to college at Duke. He is a nature photographer now. Great kid.
i never paid attention to miami football until i attended for undergrad, so mine is gonna be way later and way sadder than everyone else's lol. but it was the 2012 season opener at boston college, a bunch of us crowded into a stanford dorm room watching on tv as true freshman duke johnson ripped off a couple of monster TD runs in his first game ever and got us the dub.
The Canes with Jim Kelly at QB talking down Penn St in the OB. Didn't become a crazed fan until they beat Nebraska. Ahhhhh, good times...

Go Canes!
Posted this before…

My first Hurricane game.
FSU, week 2, 1978 in the OB. We lost.

My 2 thoughts at the time:
Where is everybody?, and This place is a dump
Man, I went on to fall in love with that dump.
Miami, UF 1981. Mark Richt goes wild and we beat the Gator. Actually, he didn't play so well, but we still won.
I was there....Danny Miller with the 55yd FG to Win it....it bounced off the upright and went through....it would've been good from 60 distance wise...but the angle was off a hair. The holder was a friend of mine...Greg LaBelle...
1993 Sugar Bowl, watched with my brothers at our grandparents house. They were ragging me pretty hard about the way we were losing. I was 11 back then.
1972, Miami at Notre Dame.

The Canes played the Irish very tough at South Bend that year. Ara Parseghian was HC of the Domers, Fran Curci skippered the Hurricanes.

Chuck Foreman was our legendary RB. We got down into field goal range down 10-7 with a few seconds to go in the game and missed a FG attempt to tie.

Had we made that Field Goal, the Domers would never have faced Alabama in the Sugar Bowl for the National Championship, because they would have been punished in the AP poll for letting lowly Miami tie them.