We need difference makers

Many of the things said in this thread have been said all year or earlier…

The sayers of such things were called: “Mopes”

And here we are… it sucks to lose to FSU, it is worse when you know your team is out coached…

The end of the first half and beginning of the second on offense is worse than 4th and 17…
On offense. From Qb, rb, on down to wr. We have to nickel and dime the ball down field because our wr’s rarely get any separation. If the plan is to run this vanilla , , unimaginative , caveman offense we’ll be needing explosive , dynamic athletes all over the field. To turn short catches into explosive plays.

You know that tingling feeling you get in your balls when Coleman ,Benson and other skill guys get in space ? That’s how you know they’re difference makers. You hold your breath when they touch it.

Lastly go get me a ******* qb that can run and pass like the rest of college football. We continue to be stuck in the past.
we dont have playmakers. it's bad. sad part is the refs were so bad too and we still got within 7.
Lastly go get me a ******* qb that can run and pass like the rest of college football
Until this happens we will not be a serious program. I just don’t understand why we have willingly put ourselves a man down other than like 3 years with King and Rosier. And neither of them were high level, nor did they have a ton of talent around them, and we still won more than we have in 20 years.

Doesn’t have to be a Lamar Jackson type either. I was jealous watching the little guy from St Pete at UVA.
who's mom did jacurri **** to not see the field. I'm 100000000% sure he could have did better today.
He must still be drilling half his passses into the ground in front of receivers, and/or firing uncatchable fast balls when touch is needed.
FSU only had 57 rushing yards tonight.

We out gained them on offense despite our **** offense.

Still undisciplined but We shouldve won this game. If we had a modern offense and competent QB.

Coulda woulda shoulda. Been that way for years.
Feels like all we have are bruisers at RB, except Chris Johnson

Thankfully Trader and Carr are those difference makers at WR
You want to really get mad at Mario for something, get mad about how our offensive line played. If that's going to be your bread and butter, at least be dominant with it.

They had like 6 false starts, and nobody on offense could pick up a blitz to save their life. Furthermore, how many third and short, fourth and short did we get straight stonewalled on? If we were going to win this game, we needed to be able to lean on that line and yet at best they were servicable in this game.