Was I Right Or Was I Right?

If you want to go G5 route I would go Billy Napier and Freeze. There’s also Sark at Bama who won at both Washington and SC.
Frieze yes. I like Napier but I think this is his first HC gig or has he been elsewhere? I remember him as an assistant at Bama.
UAB & Buffalo smArt guy. Kennesaw State’s guy is just a bonus WE threw in to throw your little unicorn chase off.

Leipold > CoRch Slip-n-Slide
How come it’s perfectly fine for Kansas State to hire an FCS stud but not us? They don’t regret hiring Chris Klieman one bit. They had a freshman QB and they still were formidable and they’re gonna be even better next year. Does this dude even watch football outside of the canes?
Duke was trash worst Duke team in awhile........Never celebrate a Duke win. He pulled me a tiny bit after landing Taylor and Williams but I know we never close so im still iffy with it. His linebacker evals are bad cant recruit corners he cant go head to head with bama for recruit. U can recruit 2 studs a class and expect to win big. The owners up top are bad its been over for a long time, we have to accidentally hire the right guy. Freeze Davis give me an alpha dog cheater.
Sad thing is we were 0-2 against them before this year so some celebration was warranted...love how some puffed out their chest though...#tnm
oliver vernon

jimmy graham

sam shields
Yea those are the only guys from what 10 years ago? Vernon played great here imo and Bama wanted him bad. Jimmy was a find a miracle and shields played well for a bit and made a career out at CB. Name me some all pros. We don't have them man....those three u mentioned showed promise here and did good in the league. But Miami good? Hmmm
Thank God for cyberpunk on pc with ray tracing. If not I would be going insane. My brother and I were speaking about Diaz and I left it off youtube livestream cause people don't like to hear the truth.
UAB & Buffalo smArt guy. Kennesaw State’s guy is just a bonus WE threw in to throw your little unicorn chase off.

Leipold > CoRch Slip-n-Slide

He gets trolled daily and he isn’t even smart enough to know he is getting trolled.
I would take Butch Davis at 200 years old corpse then Manny Diaz, give me Davis head in a pickle jar and he can recruit better. They laughed at the Mack Brown hire and look the perfect fit. He got the number 1 corner to go to UNC...............UNC FOR GODS SAKE UNNNNNNNCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
Sorry I'm late to your party, @Dwinstitles, Busy day, but........ you've been calling it a thing like a bunch of us have and I give you those props!

But I'll take sorry azs folden over this ******* and I'm saying a lot! LMFAO
Sorry I'm late to your party, @Dwinstitles, Busy day, but........ you've been calling it a thing like a bunch of us have and I give you those props!

But I'll take sorry azs folden over this ******* and I'm saying a lot! LMFAO
I apologize for the mope **** and making u guys think I wasn't a fan or miserable. It was just me keeping it real and I want what's best for the football program I love this team.

Also I didn't do it to divide who I'm cool with or make enemies it's nothing personal...it was just me venting cause the dude was fooling people. I truly believed it was a bad hire
11I apologize for the mope **** and making u guys think I wasn't a fan or miserable. It was just me keeping it real and I want what's best for the football program I love this team.

Also I didn't do it to divide who I'm cool with or make enemies it's nothing personal...it was just me venting cause the dude was fooling people. I truly believed it was a bad hire
No need to apologize my brother. I feel like I've been a mope most of this season let alone the last 16 years..... It was a horrible hire, didn’t we learn already that you don't hire a first time coach????? They have money, go get a real HC from a successful program from FCS or pluck some one like Iowa state coach. anyone and stop hiring from with in... didn’t we do that already too and failed
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Yea those are the only guys from what 10 years ago? Vernon played great here imo and Bama wanted him bad. Jimmy was a find a miracle and shields played well for a bit and made a career out at CB. Name me some all pros. We don't have them man....those three u mentioned showed promise here and did good in the league. But Miami good? Hmmm
Nah. Just saying those are guys who are/were big NFL talent go to waste while here.
LOL at the slurp fest for this clown. Guy is an embarrassment to the fanbase.
Serious question - if you have no alternative and had to hang out with either Dwins or that poster who told you his family’s name’s all over Hecht - who you hanging with - Freakin Rican RiCane Swag from Jersey or the Silver Spooner?
Serious question - if you have no alternative and had to hang out with either Dwins or that poster who told you family’s name’s all over Hecht - who you hanging with - Freakin Rican RiCane Swag from Jersey or the Silver Spooner?
That dude hates me for no reason I just laugh at **** like that. I don't even know this dude to call him more or less of a fan. I just giggle at that ****