Walton Arrest Video

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This is the statute, by the way:

776.05 Law enforcement officers; use of force in making an arrest.—A law enforcement officer, or any person whom the officer has summoned or directed to assist him or her, need not retreat or desist from efforts to make a lawful arrest because of resistance or threatened resistance to the arrest. The officer is justified in the use of any force:
(1) Which he or she reasonably believes to be necessary to defend himself or herself or another from bodily harm while making the arrest;
(2) When necessarily committed in retaking felons who have escaped; or
(3) When necessarily committed in arresting felons fleeing from justice. However, this subsection shall not constitute a defense in any civil action for damages brought for the wrongful use of deadly force unless the use of deadly force was necessary to prevent the arrest from being defeated by such flight and, when feasible, some warning had been given, and:
(a) The officer reasonably believes that the fleeing felon poses a threat of death or serious physical harm to the officer or others; or
(b) The officer reasonably believes that the fleeing felon has committed a crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm to another person.

The odds of you getting killed by police are exponentially higher if you flee than if you don't. Your statement "shooting a suspect in the back is unjustifiable. Not even soldiers are given that much leeway", @CaneSince4Ever, could not be more incorrect.
Losing both Parents by 18 can be very traumatic...Not justifying what Mark has done....just simply stating what can happen in someones life. When my Daughter passed...I was a complete mess...There were times when I plain and simply didn't give af about anything...I left Fl for 6 months (Scottsdale Arizona) and stayed with a friend. (Former Cane)....
Losing both Parents by 18 can be very traumatic...Not justifying what Mark has done....just simply stating what can happen in someones life. When my Daughter passed...I was a complete mess...There were times when I plain and simply didn't give af about anything...I left Fl for 6 months (Scottsdale Arizona) and stayed with a friend. (Former Cane)....
****, bro, never knew that about you. That is heart wrenching to learn. There is nothing I fear in life more than the horrific thought of one of my two kids dying before I do.
****, bro, never knew that about you. That is heart wrenching to learn. There is nothing I fear in life more than the horrific thought of one of my two kids dying before I do.
Worst moment of my entire life...Get woken at 2:00am to recieve the news...then 5yrs later...to hear her Mother (My Ex but remained very close) pass from Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma) can severely alter someones life...Thank God I had quality friends and relatives...This is something Mark might not have. I think its overdue that Mark makes a Geographical change in his life...Hope nothing but the Best for him.
Again, anybody that afraid to do their job should find another line of work.
Do you have a job that puts your life at risk? Ever been shot at or a situation where someone has threatened your life? I sure haven’t, but if you wouldn’t be afraid in that situation, you’re either lying or bat **** crazy. Proper training should minimize the risk, but it’s always there.

Have cops gotten antsy and shot when it wasn’t justified? Yes, but there’s a minuscule chance of that happening if you cooperate. Telling someone to run to avoid confrontation is awful advice. Not to mention, turns what could be a minor violation into a lot bigger issue.
Worst moment of my entire life...Get woken at 2:00am to recieve the news...then 5yrs later...to hear her Mother (My Ex but remained very close) pass from Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma) can severely alter someones life...Thank God I had quality friends and relatives...This is something Mark might not have. I think its overdue that Mark makes a Geographical change in his life...Hope nothing but the Best for him.
Well said. So sorry to hear about your losses, brother. I can't even wrap my mind around how you move on from that.
Lol @ not understanding what an analogy is.

  • a correspondence or partial similarity.
    "the syndrome is called deep dysgraphia because of its analogy to deep dyslexia"
No surprise that someone with such a pathetic grasp of the English language chalks up police brutality too "well he was just a dumb fvck breaking the law"

The point is. Not all pitbulls are bad. Not all cops are bad, but only an idiot would take the risk when you see cops constantly killing people without justification.

In a constant string of stupidity, you just keep doubling down.

How many arrests are done properly and without incident? What about police encounters where citations or even tickets are issues? Now compare those numbers to what you're suggesting.

Same thing with pitbull encounters and get back to me.

Your advocacy for running, most would have a hard time coming up with a dumber thing to do. At best, you just made a bad situation far worse. At worst, you're dead and running from the cops drastically increases those odds than if you had just stayed right there. You doubled down on the stupid with don't do what they say.

You sir are a **** moron on this issue. You may be great in other aspects of your life, but on this issue you're dead wrong.
one of the times law enforcement IS entitled to use deadly force is to stop a fleeing felon. So if someone is engaged by police and chooses to flee, if the police believe they have committed a felony, they are actually authorized by law to do exactly that: shoot you in the back.

Bolagna...if any of what's written above were true, then why is Michael Slager, the cop that shot & killed Walter Scott through the back, in prison for 20 years?

No, the real problem is when it's unjustified, with no video evidence, and it's a lyin' *** cop's word vs a dead man's.

My point stands, anybody that afraid to their job, should quit and find another one...try gardening.
Bolagna...if any of what's written above were true, then why is Michael Slager, the cop that shot & killed Walter Scott through the back, in prison for 20 years?

No, the real problem is when it's unjustified, with no video evidence, and it's a lyin' *** cop's word vs a dead man's.

My point stands, anybody that afraid to their job, should quit and find another one...try gardening.

I'm not going to respond to anything other than your silly comment that anyone who is scared of their job should quit and try gardening.

You think soldiers aren't scared in their job? Firefighters? Cops? Doctors? Any rescue personnel? Fish and game, wildlife, and even dog catchers? How about people in every day jobs that have a lot riding on their actions?

Fear is part of every day life in most lives. Whether it's in a minute capacity where lives aren't on the line or just doing your job so you don't get fired or can pay bills, it's a reality.

Ultimately, one falls back on their training and gets the job done. To suggest it doesn't exist and gardening should be taken up is naive, silly, and dismissive.
Bolagna...if any of what's written above were true, then why is Michael Slager, the cop that shot & killed Walter Scott through the back, in prison for 20 years?

No, the real problem is when it's unjustified, with no video evidence, and it's a lyin' *** cop's word vs a dead man's.

My point stands, anybody that afraid to their job, should quit and find another one...try gardening.
What do you mean "if what's written above were true"? It is true, it's not a subjective debate. It is written right in the statute i posted above.
How many were unarmed with no justification for violent force?

Might not be a hundred. Heck might be less than 50. Out of the thousands and thousands of police interactions with folks, the odds seem pretty low. Not cooperating and running probably increase those chances, though.

You talk about odds. ....while it's life and death to many

The "odds" of getting shot for Blacks and Hispanics is BIG enough that millions of Black parents have "the talk" with kids. A talk that is told from fear of encountering thatwrong policemen who thinks that its a good day to shoot someone

A talk that most Whites have NEVER heard from their parents ..or have only heard from anecdotes....because they are not at risk.

I've seen Whites beligerrently call policemen EVERY name in the book except Jesus ,....Be completely uncooperative.....and NOT have single officer put his hand on a gun or a baton....I guess its magic. .

So the problem is far greater than just how a person acts..... whether you want to believe it or not ...there are some policemen that do not deserve to wear a badge...and bring great dishonor to an otherwise good Police force.

Just because what they do happens mostly to others and not us doesn't make it a problem that doesnt exist or should be ignored.
What do you mean "if what's written above were true"?

I meant exactly what I said, what you wrote is bologna, the Florida statutes that you posted support my point. A cop can't shoot a fleeing suspect just because, shooting Walton would've been unjustified, the cop(s) that tried to apprehend Walton showed good judgement.
In a constant string of stupidity, you just keep doubling down.

How many arrests are done properly and without incident? What about police encounters where citations or even tickets are issues? Now compare those numbers to what you're suggesting.

Same thing with pitbull encounters and get back to me.

Your advocacy for running, most would have a hard time coming up with a dumber thing to do. At best, you just made a bad situation far worse. At worst, you're dead and running from the cops drastically increases those odds than if you had just stayed right there. You doubled down on the stupid with don't do what they say.

You sir are a **** moron on this issue. You may be great in other aspects of your life, but on this issue you're dead wrong.

I am not saying that if a cop pulls you over for speeding you should run away. I know exactly what you are talking about. I have seen my coworkers get pulled over before and the cops come strolling up to them, act friendly, no hand on gun, etc. In that case of course you should just react normally. However, when cops start telling you to do things, as a black man. You should freeze. Let them taze you. Let them beat you with the stick, but as soon as you start "turning over" or whatever the **** else they tell you to do. You are giving them justification to shoot you, because they feared for their lives. Or run because if the cop is willing to shoot you in the back while your running away, he was probably looking for a reason to shoot you anyway. At least you gave yourself a slim chance of survival.

I walk around the city in a suit all day and get targeted it is way worse for someone dressed like Walton.
How many were unarmed with no justification for violent force?

Might not be a hundred. Heck might be less than 50. Out of the thousands and thousands of police interactions with folks, the odds seem pretty low. Not cooperating and running probably increase those chances, though.

I am not saying 1,200 innocent people were shot. Not cooperating is the best thing you can do. I am not saying fight back or anything like that. I am simply saying DO NOT under any circumstances do their "turn around" bs or any other orders. Just freeze. Let them do whatever they want, but don't move around because it gives them an out to kill you.
I meant exactly what I said, what you wrote is bologna, the Florida statutes that you posted support my point. A cop can't shoot a fleeing suspect just because, shooting Walton would've been unjustified, the cop(s) that tried to apprehend Walton showed good judgement.

LMFAO!!!! The statutes don't mean schit. If they shot Walton at best they would have been given an award for killing another black man. At absolute worst the guy would be given paid suspension while they look into it. Then he would have been asked to leave Miami PD and would end up getting hired by Fort Lauderdale PD with a promotion.
I enjoy these videos greatly - knowing another knuckledragging cretin is off the streets is always a win for society. I thoroughly enjoyed his screams while he was getting tazed, too bad they couldn't up the voltage a bit more. As a few others have said, thanks for the yards, enjoy your wasted life you rodent of a man...or little boy.
This is the statute, by the way:

776.05 Law enforcement officers; use of force in making an arrest.—A law enforcement officer, or any person whom the officer has summoned or directed to assist him or her, need not retreat or desist from efforts to make a lawful arrest because of resistance or threatened resistance to the arrest. The officer is justified in the use of any force:
(1) Which he or she reasonably believes to be necessary to defend himself or herself or another from bodily harm while making the arrest;
(2) When necessarily committed in retaking felons who have escaped; or
(3) When necessarily committed in arresting felons fleeing from justice. However, this subsection shall not constitute a defense in any civil action for damages brought for the wrongful use of deadly force unless the use of deadly force was necessary to prevent the arrest from being defeated by such flight and, when feasible, some warning had been given, and:
(a) The officer reasonably believes that the fleeing felon poses a threat of death or serious physical harm to the officer or others; or
(b) The officer reasonably believes that the fleeing felon has committed a crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm to another person.

The odds of you getting killed by police are exponentially higher if you flee than if you don't. Your statement "shooting a suspect in the back is unjustifiable. Not even soldiers are given that much leeway", @CaneSince4Ever, could not be more incorrect.

Yeah, turns out when you don't flee you're being aggressive and the officer fears for his/her life. Cop wants to shoot a black person, they're getting shot.
LMFAO!!!! The statutes don't mean schit.

With video/or audio evidence they do...with no video/or audio evidence the cops that killed Walter Scott & Corey Jones would've still been cops. Now of course you have crooked departments that collude with State Attorneys offices to sweep $h!t under the rug, but the statutes still apply. That body cam is the only reason those cops didn't shoot Walton.
With video/or audio evidence they do...with no video/or audio evidence the cops that killed Walter Scott & Corey Jones would've still been cops. Now of course you have crooked departments that collude with State Attorneys offices to sweep $h!t under the rug, but the statutes still apply. That body cam is the only reason those cops didn't shoot Walton.

You see it all the time. They break rules on video. They get paid suspension, then they get "Fired", but end up getting hired in the next town over.

Usually the media stops covering it after they get "fired" so all the idiots that get all their info from the news never hear the final part. But if you google their name a couple months later you will usually see they are now happily working at a new department.
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