Vegas says we beat the Orangemen by 14.5

public on cuse thusfar & line up to 17 some places with word were getting some guys back. I think were gonna blow them out.

If the line is moving our favor, wouldn't that mean that the early money was on Miami, not on Syracuse?

Reverse line movment.

You would need to produce some evidence to support that contention.

Money on cuse. Line moves our way. Pretty simple concept. Happens weekly with other games.
public on cuse thusfar & line up to 17 some places with word were getting some guys back. I think were gonna blow them out.

If the line is moving our favor, wouldn't that mean that the early money was on Miami, not on Syracuse?

Reverse line movment.

You would need to produce some evidence to support that contention.

Money on cuse. Line moves our way. Pretty simple concept. Happens weekly with other games.

I understand the concept. However, reverse betting doesn't apply to very game. In fact some bettors consider the concept a myth. I am simply asking what evidence you have to support the contention that the money is on Syracuse (which would require the percentage of bets be on Miami), and that this game is reflective of reverse betting.
I'm shocked the line is as big as it is. I figured there'd be a ton of "Syracuse just beat Clemson/Miami on upset alert" hype but I guess the betting public isn't buying it. I see this game turning out similar to Toledo but with Miami's defense much more prepared. The QB from Toledo is a better passer but the Syracuse kid is a threat to run with it. Close for a half but Miami pulls away in the second.
If the line is moving our favor, wouldn't that mean that the early money was on Miami, not on Syracuse?

Reverse line movment.

You would need to produce some evidence to support that contention.

Money on cuse. Line moves our way. Pretty simple concept. Happens weekly with other games.

I understand the concept. However, reverse betting doesn't apply to very game. In fact some bettors consider the concept a myth. I am simply asking what evidence you have to support the contention that the money is on Syracuse (which would require the percentage of bets be on Miami), and that this game is reflective of reverse betting.

Well actually the % means nothing. Money wagered is what's important. A number in which we can't get. So there's no point in arguing. My educated guess is the money is on Cuse based on public perception of both teams.
Well actually the % means nothing. Money wagered is what's important. A number in which we can't get. So there's no point in arguing. My educated guess is the money is on Cuse based on public perception of both teams.

Your comments aren't making sense. If money wagered is what is important, and your guess is that the money is on Syracuse, then the line would be going down, not up.
Well actually the % means nothing. Money wagered is what's important. A number in which we can't get. So there's no point in arguing. My educated guess is the money is on Cuse based on public perception of both teams.

If you're claiming reverse line movement, then the % has to mean something, by definition. The whole concept of RLM is a discrepancy between % and $$.
I don't think the Orangemen had anything to do with the Iroquois tribe...but were a group that originated in Ireland (some felt they were anti-catholic in their beliefs which favored protestantism) and many people of Irish descent subsequently immigrated to NY. The name change to just 'Orange' was probably due to political correctness.

Opening Line.

I actually had no idea that they changed their team name from Orangemen to Orange years ago.

Orangemen was a slang term for the Native American tribe (Iroquois maybe?) that used to inhabit that area.
I don't think the Orangemen had anything to do with the Iroquois tribe...but were a group that originated in Ireland (some felt they were anti-catholic in their beliefs which favored protestantism) and many people of Irish descent subsequently immigrated to NY. The name change to just 'Orange' was probably due to political correctness.

Opening Line.

I actually had no idea that they changed their team name from Orangemen to Orange years ago.

Orangemen was a slang term for the Native American tribe (Iroquois maybe?) that used to inhabit that area.

"The Syracuse mascot was originally a Native American character named "The Saltine Warrior" (Syracuse's unofficial nickname is the Salt City) and "Big Chief Bill Orange"
Well actually the % means nothing. Money wagered is what's important. A number in which we can't get. So there's no point in arguing. My educated guess is the money is on Cuse based on public perception of both teams.

Your comments aren't making sense. If money wagered is what is important, and your guess is that the money is on Syracuse, then the line would be going down, not up.

thats why its an RLM.
Well actually the % means nothing. Money wagered is what's important. A number in which we can't get. So there's no point in arguing. My educated guess is the money is on Cuse based on public perception of both teams.

Your comments aren't making sense. If money wagered is what is important, and your guess is that the money is on Syracuse, then the line would be going down, not up.

thats why its an RLM.

Except that you haven't shown anyone that the percentage is going one way while the money is going the other way. All we know is that the line is moving.
Hey TruCane I see you probably don't believe what I said in a few posts. Well I took a pic of my Miami ticket because some jags like you might call me out thinking I'm lying. It's on my phone. PM me and I'll text it to you.
Thought FSU and GT would be close as well. If We put it together for 4Q’s we win by 20 just don’t think we will. Looking like a 10-13point win.

Right now I'm going with Miami 31, Syracuse 20. And that's if Miami gets off to a ' good start', and doesn't play ' catch-up ' for three quarters. hUh.

The bottom line, which is the only line. Is a majority, BUT NOT ALL, of Cane fans are UNDER ESTIMATING mighty Syracuse- Whereas the players are NOT ' over looking ' Syracuse. And down in Yokum county that's a bad thing to do. hUh.
This is weird. I was certain that spread was gonna fall to around 12 or so.

You don't know much about sports gambling then. LOL Oh, and one more thing. I expect the current line to move another point by Saturday. Say Miami... - 17 or - 17 1/2.

It's already at 17 at many casino's.

I heard on a podcast that line has moved to the -17 despite only 37% of individuals betting on Miami. Big money is on us blowing the doors off it seems.