Under 100 yards

There’s literally nothing else that needs to be said..98 yards………98 yards……………..98 yards!!!!!! There’s absolutely no way this guy can be kept on staff..none, zero. All this clap then look to the sideline bull**** is exhausting
It’s 25 percent talent level.
75 percent horrible scheme, horrible play callling

Does he even know what route concepts means? Or how to use certain routes with certain players? If I see Colbie run another bubble screen or super shallow cross, it will be too soon.
Spot on! I think those are pretty accurate percentages. Yes, we absolutely need better playmakers and need them to execute plays better. Gattis called some good plays that were not executed by the players, but those plays were minimal.

The majority of his playcalling is predictable and abysmal. Why is he still calling plays with Mallory as the lead blocker? And you pointed out the shallow cross to Colbie. Why was Rooster getting more playing time than Parrish? I don't think Parrish was hurt. Parrish had more yards than Rooster on half the carries. He just doesn't have a good feel for the right personnel at the right times.

We know Gattis is capable of some good plays. That pass to Mallory was a good call. The incomplete pass to Skinner was actually a good call, just not good enough execution. That TD call on the goal line was very nice. Everybody, including myself, was expecting some type of run right there. Totally fooled me. So we know that he can see things on what the defense is doing and can call a good play to take advantage of the defense. The problem is either he is too stubborn or too lazy most of the time.
I'll preface my response with the fact that I'm no Gattis fan....he should've been let go BEFORE this game....however, imo our players left a LOT of HUGE momentum shifting plays on the field tonight

It was terrible....but....watching a few key moments actually paint a picture where this game was actually within striking distance if not for 3-4 HUGE plays.

Ticky tack blindside block called on Knighton, but Knighton knows the rules...he has to lead with his hands or stop completely similar to how basketball players take a charge....This killed our first drive and took away a first down

Underthrowing Ladson when he'd ROASTED the Clemson DB and likely walks into the end zone creating major juice and momentum for our team, particularly Jacurri and his deep pass confidence

Overthrowing a WIDE OPEN Restrepo which is also likely a walk-in TD

Underthrow by Garcia to Skinner which is also, if thrown to lead the WR/TE, an easy TD, but at minimum a huge chunk play to cut that 10-26 lead down to 17-26 and place big time pressure on Clemson.

Just a few major moments in that game which could've made it a very different outcome if executed by our players.
I agree with you that we never make plays when our number is called. My problem is that this system does not generate enough of those opportunities in a game. These are kids, not pros. The good offenses give their players chances to succeed to widen the margin for error
Ancedotal. We don’t know how he’s gonna be with his choice of QBs here.

Horrible argument that not only shows you lose but smells of desperation to prove your incorrect point.
You implied he could recruit better qbs than what we have when he hasn’t recruited anyone worth a crap in a decade as a hc. You’re an illogical idiot who can’t even apply the same rationale to multiple situations and now you’re implying that his poor past qb recruiting is anecdotal. If that’s the case, then his entire past, including all recruiting, is also anecdotal and pointless, yet all you do is point to what he what he has done in the past. That’s called irony, among other things…
I agree with you that we never make plays when our number is called. My problem is that this system does not generate enough of those opportunities in a game. These are kids, not pros. The good offenses give their players chances to succeed to widen the margin for error
I can't argue with that. Scheming big play opportunities and putting points on the board is the primary job of an OC. Be interesting to see how Mario goes about handling this situation in the off-season.

Btw...off topic but if we play with the same competitive spirit vs Pitt....we're bowl eligible. Doubt that impacts the OC off-season decision but adds another layer to the overall eval by Mario/Rad of the OC performance as he (Gattis) would have another game to show improvement.
I can't argue with that. Scheming big play opportunities and putting points on the board is the primary job of an OC. Be interesting to see how Mario goes about handling this situation in the off-season.

Btw...off topic but if we play with the same competitive spirit vs Pitt....we're bowl eligible. Doubt that impacts the OC off-season decision but adds another layer to the overall eval by Mario/Rad of the OC performance as he (Gattis) would have another game to show improvement.
I don't know about that.
You implied he could recruit better qbs than what we have when he hasn’t recruited anyone worth a crap in a decade as a hc. You’re an illogical idiot who can’t even apply the same rationale to multiple situations and now you’re implying that his poor past qb recruiting is anecdotal. If that’s the case, then his entire past, including all recruiting, is also anecdotal and pointless, yet all you do is point to what he what he has done in the past. That’s called irony, among other things…
I haven’t pointed to one thing he’s done in the past. I really couldn’t care because it’s still a 50/50 shot at the end of the day. Saban couldn’t recruit QBs either…until he got Tua.

See? There you go reaching again.
That is legit fly the plane worthy ****…. (On top of the rest of the pile of **** and inability to recruit)

Worst Offensive Numbers since 1965 #firegattis #comepickupyouroc

We need Lane NOW. That second field goal in the first half tonight was pure genius.