NFL Tua + the Dolphins medical staff

“independent neurologists” is said more times in an NFL broadcast than “first down”, and yet people still feel the teams are responsible for things like this. Incredible.
Isn't it a third party unbiased NFL doctor that observes and clears after a potential concussion? Not the team?
Absolutely unbelievable that he was cleared to play and now he’s probably done for the season, if not longer. Two concussions in five days can be a life altering event.

What is it going to take for football to finally realize the true severity of concussions and head injuries? Is someone going to have to die on the field?

Sick to my stomach.

This is strictly on the Dolphin’s medical staff who put winning over safety. He absolutely was concussed. Idgaf is Tua was doing the breakdance in the back during evaluation, the staff should’ve done the right thing which is protecting the player from themselves. Also, it’s complete b.s if anyone thinks The Dolphins didn’t know he was concussed; they called up their 3rd QB for a just in case situation. Smh.
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I'm a bills fan but anyways prayers up for Tua and his fam
I'm a Bills fan too... however, I hope he's not hurt bad and he returns to the game... I want a rematch with Tua taking snaps. My wife is a Fins fan and she's very concerned with what we all saw after the sack. Praying for the young man.
Isn't it a third party unbiased NFL doctor that observes and clears after a potential concussion? Not the team?

From my understanding it’s done in tandem with the team doctors but the unbiased doctor has the final say in the matter.
Its as if we argue just to argue.
I'm a Bills fan too... however, I hope he's not hurt bad and he returns to the game... I want a rematch with Tua taking snaps. My wife is a Fins fan and she's very concerned with what we all saw after the sack. Praying for the young man.
Yea very very concerning 2 concussions in less than a week is terrifying man he might be out for some time needs some serious recovery and rest
This is strictly on Dolphin’s medical staff who put winning over safety. He absolutely was concussed. Idgaf is Tua was doing the breakdance in the back during evaluation, the staff should’ve done the right thing which is protecting the player from themselves. Also, it’s complete b.s if anyone things The Dolphins didn’t know he was concussed; they called up their 3rd QB for a just in case situation. Smh.
Obviously he was concussed. I am not surprised though that he played again. Players and those guys don’t think about concussions the same way as other people do.

Finding out about the long term damage done to these guys made me stop paying attention to football for a while

I loved playing football but idk if I’ll let my kids play. Your brain is literally the most important thing to take care of for your quality of life.

Junior Seau was one of my favorite players as a kid
Yea very very concerning 2 concussions in less than a week is terrifying man he might be out for some time needs some serious recovery and rest
Oh yes they must let the guy recuperate fully this time unless he suffered a really bad injury. Reports are that he has mobility with his extremities. The Bills rematch is Dec. 18th... lets hope he's back.
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Ok, well here’s the truth on this. YOu normally don’t reach behind yourself and grab your back Unless its a lumbar injury.
Thoracic and cervical injuries you don’t. C7-T4 injuries can affect gait, create wrap around pain that causes you to curl up. It causes shooting pain in the arms (radiculopathy)and you want them to grab that area?
As someone that suffered an actual cervical injury I can confirm this. You sound like you’re an orthopod or something, the cervical injury that I had, I rarely felt pain on the spine or back, it radiated out to my left arm. When the injury first occurred I just felt stunned, I didn’t feel back or neck pain at all. It’s a lifelong injury I can tell you that.
Oh yes they must let the guy recuperate fully this time unless he suffered a really bad injury. Reports are that he has mobility with his extremities. The Bolls rematch is Dec. 18th... lets hope he's back.
Yea for sure and watch them deal with the below freezing Temps then by that time too
As someone that suffered an actual cervical injury I can confirm this. You sound like you’re an orthopod or something, the cervical injury that I had, I rarely felt pain on the spine or back, it radiated out to my left arm. When the injury first occurred I just felt stunned, I didn’t feel back or neck pain at all. It’s a lifelong injury I can tell you that.
Yep, it’s a nerve conduction issue most times and usually the nerve healing time takes as long as the damage continues. If it lasts too long it can be permanent.
This is 100% correct

No it’s not:

If the player is generally not dealing with those three symptoms, he undergoes the 'NFL Sideline Concussion Assessment'

  • This test is to be completed by (at least) the team's physician and the (UNC). The team physician makes the final call as to whether the player returns, but must consult with the (UNC) before making that decision
  • Only once, Sills said, has the team physician disagreed with the independent neurologist. In that case, the team doctors chose to keep the player out despite the independent neurologist clearing the player to return to the game. Sills says the most conservative call is made
  • The analysis includes asking players Maddocks' Questions, a speech evaluation, cervical spine exam and eye movement exam

The Concussion protocol AFTER the game must be approved by The UNC (unaffiliated neurological consultant). After the game, a player who was thought of being concussed, whether they continued to play or not, must go through a 5 step concussion protocol the from the team physician which includes

Step 1: Symptom Limited Activity
Step 2: Aerobic Exercises
Step 3: Football Activities
Step 4: Non Contact Drills
Step 5: Contact Drills

Once a player has successfully passed all 5 protocols, they then must be evaluated by the UNC independently to get the final approval to play next game.

Edit: those 3 symptoms that’s referred to is called No-Go symptoms where a player becomes unconscious or displays confusion or amnesia)