Tim Irvin set to announce for

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It kills me to see UM fans support local players that choose other universities.
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Al is the reason for this no one else. Make a change a with the defense and show kids you are going to be aggressive and not this passive *** bull crap and they will sign! Sorry I just don't understand how Tracy Howard is not playing better!!! sorry kid is like Duke not afraid to put in work from what I see. Fourth year and this guy is trying to sell us on some bull**** defensive ranking. smh. I'm depressed!!! This alum will not support this guy until changes are made.

I don't blame the kids for not wanting to go there. I have a son how loves the game and he will not play for losers like this staff. I don't want to hear it's about the stadium, the pay or some other crap. The play calling is horrible and anyone with any kind of football know can see it.
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It kills me to see UM fans support local players that choose other universities.

Right. I fail to see how being annoyed about this or not sucking off Charlie Strong is being a Golden slurper.
Golden slurpers care more about Al and making excuses for his failures than the actual program.

He continues to lose these South Florida kids, but now the kids too short or not good enough, got paid etc. Lmao.

The kids we keep losing are the type of kids that made Miami. But they see what the majority of us fans see. Bad coaching, evaluating and development.
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I don't think it's a williams loss as much it is a golden loss. Who is Irvin's main recruiter?
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It kills me to see UM fans support local players that choose other universities.
When did all these Golden balls gaggers get so bold again. gtfoh. The reason we are losing players is because Golden sucks and they can all see it. no more cloud to blame. U can follow that kak sucker out of here when he gets can u bich
Remember when we all thought this class was going to be monumental.
Front runner fan.

I can tell the difference between alumni and fair weather fans. Alumni stick with their school during tough times, fair weather fans root for South Carolina and get happy when local recruits pick other schools.
I can play the BS character attack game to other posters.

People on this board like to simplify every ******* argument to an Al Golden slurper vs hater debate. It ruins every ******* insightful analysis or debate. You want to whine about the ******* coach, do people have to do it in every ******* thread? I am still going to support my ******* team whether our coach is a corch or not. You want to abandon ship, go ahead and root for South Carolina like the others and be happy when recruits choose other universities.
Remember when we all thought this class was going to be monumental.

Some of you dummies don't come from Miami. Don't know what it means to be trapped in the cycle of violence and ignorance. Those of us who came up in the days of the 80s, if someone had offered me a way out, you better believe I would take it. The kids who stay, good on them, but kids who leave to escape the streets, I can't fault them at all. Not saying Irvin comes from a bad background, in fact I don't know it at all, but when I see kids leave Miami to try to make something of themselves I actually applaud it. This place will eat you alive. Just ask all the skeletons of well intentioned kids littering the streets.
Front runner fan.

I can tell the difference between alumni and fair weather fans. Alumni stick with their school during tough times, fair weather fans root for South Carolina and get happy when local recruits pick other schools.

Front runner ? People are still fans after the last decade , lol. Yeah that's a front runner fan.

I know plenty of alumns that want Al fired and hope we lose. The longer he's here the more damage is done in the long term . From recruiting on down.
LOL at KendallGolden making excuses for his loser uncle. Golden sucks and most South Florida kids see that. **** most out of state kids see that that is why most big time out state kids don't looks at us.
I agree with you 100% percent.

I just don't know why it would be celebrated on a UM recruiting message board?
What excuses? Please list the excuses I have made for Golden. Please list any statements I have made for Golden. Please list any statement where I have said anything Pro-Golden.

Most people on this board can't or won't even discuss football or recruiting strategy anymore. They just whine about Golden and character attack other posters.