
We ****** or wut
Aug 11, 2015
So if yall recall I told y'all how darnay holmes was commited & going to usc (which was a move keyshawn lined up $) well UCLA just found out they were flagged to the ncaa for cutting a check for darnay to his old boy for 50k. Funny **** is usc & Nebraska are apparently both responsible for reporting them. Where this gets bold is EVERYONE out here knows what Nebraska just did with gibbia & his people through keyshawn. So when UCLA fires back Nebraska will be getting looked into as well. This is so amusing cause out of all this besides the cash & relationships being funneled for keyshawn his ultimate win win is to be able to funnel kids back to usc. Who's the only team looking clean from the outside in. 5 will get you 10 both of them will go after usc for the stephan Carr situation.lmfao yall think for a second college football doesn't pay out yall dillusional. This is a multi billion dollar industry & recruiting is the life blood to it... were children in this game compared to all the **** I see out here.

Basically in order to be an elite program you have to break the rules and the rules only get enforced if you are not part of the Good Ol' Boy establishment. Essentially these noble sounding "rules" are only put in place to keep the non establishment schools from being competitive at the highest levels. Then these good ol' boys buy an entire network/s in order to spout establishment propaganda, cover up the wrongdoing of any sacred cows institution and to destroy outsider programs with dishonest accusations when they become a threat.

Hmmmmmm......Where else have I seen this dynamic at work?
So if yall recall I told y'all how darnay holmes was commited & going to usc (which was a move keyshawn lined up $) well UCLA just found out they were flagged to the ncaa for cutting a check for darnay to his old boy for 50k. Funny **** is usc & Nebraska are apparently both responsible for reporting them. Where this gets bold is EVERYONE out here knows what Nebraska just did with gibbia & his people through keyshawn. So when UCLA fires back Nebraska will be getting looked into as well. This is so amusing cause out of all this besides the cash & relationships being funneled for keyshawn his ultimate win win is to be able to funnel kids back to usc. Who's the only team looking clean from the outside in. 5 will get you 10 both of them will go after usc for the stephan Carr situation.lmfao yall think for a second college football doesn't pay out yall dillusional. This is a multi billion dollar industry & recruiting is the life blood to it... were children in this game compared to all the **** I see out here.

all of this, its kind of amazing how Alabama is able to do what they do without getting caught up
These cats on here are severely naive Dee... They don't understand the inner-workings of how Crootin goes.

But you're absolutely right, that whole situation with Darnay had Keyshawn written all over it... What's crazy is, he talks about it openly too, he tells kids straight up he'll get'em paid, he doesn't even try to hide how he's "facilitating".
what's naive is believing these cash cows for the networks and conferences are ever going to get seriously punished over this
hope those programs go down in flames. side note: isn't Calabasas an affluent LA suburb? i'd think the money would have much less an influence on those players unless its a private school grabbing inner-city kids.

Basically in order to be an elite program you have to break the rules and the rules only get enforced if you are not part of the Good Ol' Boy establishment. Essentially these noble sounding "rules" are only put in place to keep the non establishment schools from being competitive at the highest levels. Then these good ol' boys buy an entire network/s in order to spout establishment propaganda, cover up the wrongdoing of any sacred cows institution and to destroy outsider programs with dishonest accusations when they become a threat.

Hmmmmmm......Where else have I seen this dynamic at work?

"The NCAA is so mad at Kentucky they're going to give Cleveland State another year of probation." - Jerry Tarkanian

Any time you see a team like UCLA that is circling the drain start signing too many 4 and 5 star guys then that will raise a red flag. Didn't they grab the number one DE in CA too?

This is why no one rats out Alabaga. They're cheating too.
Any time you see a team like UCLA that is circling the drain start signing too many 4 and 5 star guys then that will raise a red flag. Didn't they grab the number one DE in CA too?

This is why no one rats out Alabaga. They're cheating too.

Hugh Freeze thinks your first theory is rubbish!
hope those programs go down in flames. side note: isn't Calabasas an affluent LA suburb? i'd think the money would have much less an influence on those players unless its a private school grabbing inner-city kids.

Like in all business the purpose in money is putting it to work. Where it originates from be damned basically. As several people pointed out just like the rest of big business the good ole boy network is real.just ask Charlie until they run their course the Bama,Ohio state,Michigan's of the world basically have a free pass. Live it up while they can.