This Is A Trap Game Isn't It?

Everything seems to be going so well right now. New coach, new facilities, ranked #14 , new unis, 3 blowout victories. Is it too good to be true?

I've been trying to truly be objective about this game on saturday. the more I think about wouldn't surprise me if we lost. Here's why:
-GT is coming off of a loss and will be much more prepared and focused after getting humiliated by Clemson.

- Given the youth of our team, we are most likely looking forward to playing FSU in our brand new unis and could be overlooking the threat of a desperate GT squad.

- We have 3 freshmen LBs. Not ideal when you're playing against a TO offense.

- As much as I love Diaz, I still can't wrap my head around how he gave up 550 rushing yards to BYU while at Texas. BYU was a team running a somewhat related offensive style to GT with a veer-option running game.

- I think our guys are overconfident after beating up on 3 less talented teams. We haven't been challenged yet. How will we react in a close game on the road facing adversity?

I feel like I've seen this movie many times before and its hard to get excited. I truly hope I'm wrong, but it does feel like a trap game to me.

amirite guyms? please talk me off the ledge and tell me we will roll.

Maybe not a trap game but predictions of a blowout a little premature, expecting hard battle to end.
FSU, UNC, VaTech, and ND are all "trap" games.... GaTech is another warm-up.

Those cant be trap games. A trap game is an opponent of lesser talent who you take for granted. How could FSU be a trap game?

Valids point about FSU next week is concerning, but I think we focus more on the road. I'm hoping we'll be ready. Gotta score early on these guys.
[]_[] swag;2637682 said:
All great points, but the bye week factor is gonna be key for us here. If we went straight from app st to this game id be worried. But with 2 weeks to prepare for the option they should be ready to go.


but the most encouraging thing I've just seen is watching Paul Johnson's press conference. He seems shook and not confident at all in his team:


Paul Johnson looks more and more like an aging ******* every season.
This is not a trap game. GT just makes it difficult for teams to prepare for them. The way we looked vs App St on the outsides has me very concerned.
[]_[] swag;2637682 said:
All great points, but the bye week factor is gonna be key for us here. If we went straight from app st to this game id be worried. But with 2 weeks to prepare for the option they should be ready to go.


but the most encouraging thing I've just seen is watching Paul Johnson's press conference. He seems shook and not confident at all in his team:


Paul Johnson looks more and more like an aging ******* every season.

Didn't expect him to sound "normal" I fully expected him to sound like farmer fran.
We have better Defensive talent than what Diaz had at Texas. UGA fans want to ***** that Richt left the cupboard bare, Mack Brown used the cupboard for fire wood.
We destroyed the option in college football -- it is our DNA. Mark has crushed them. Frigging Al even beat them. Trap or no trap, we take them. It is after we crush FSU that we have to worry.
With a competent coaching staff, we shouldn't overlook GT, and we should roll them up pretty good. Not a trap, as we don't have Goblin or any of the other idiots running the ship.
Talk you off the ledge...

No, no... Just go ahead & jump, it's what's best for all of us.

Exactly, and you beat me too it, just jump. Valid lost all credibility, come on, baby jesus olsen. He needs to change his name to INVALID.

One of the goals is to win the Coastal, is this not our first conference game?
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Worried about Diaz's D when the worst Defensive Coordinator in UM history (Dorito) managed to beat GT 3 out of 4 times.
If it were the Golden years then yes but Richt has proved one thing already. He wins the games he's supposed to win the way they should be won. Having said that we may lose but it won't be because we were unprepared or took them lightly. We may have mor talent on paper then they do but they recruit kids that fit their system and they are playing at home. If we play a good game we win but if we make mistakes we lose. Tech is at a different level then the three we have played.
Gt has been more relevant than us the last few years sadly. So Idk if it can be defined as a trap game however the team hasn't come out flat yet and I'm beginning to believe in the coaching staff more and more each week

These same kids last year had no drive and looked flat in all games, especially against weaker competition. This year has been the exact opposite, we will roll

Except the fact they went 3-9 last year and all....

And that Miami has won 6 of the last 7 including a 4-1 record with Al Gorlden at the helm. Miami has owned Georgia Tech more than any other (legit) opponent in recent history.