@Theregoes4 Haters/Backstabbers

Have you ever been a part of or led a high performing organization?

My point wasn't to hate on this athlete. His track record speaks for itself--
1) great physical talent, no question;
2) quit on HS team, begged/asked to come back
3) reported melancholy mope who had to be "talked into staying at Miami"
4) reported some sort of disagreement, as a TEENAGER, wuth his coaching staff and threw a fit
5) reported was kicked off/left Miami's squad
6) by his own admissions, "committed/reaffirmed committment" to Illini on at least three separate ocassions
7) report and by his own admission, discussed return to Miami then said essentially, never happened
8) by his own admission, rejects Illini and recommits/rejoins Miami's squad

That about sum it up?

Yeah, yeah, his personal life, blah blah, no one can judge me, yadda yadda yadda.

There are tons of people who haveb it far worse and act much better.

Does he make the WR room better on the field? Little doubt.

Does he make Miami's overall organizarion better? We shall see. All fans want him to succeed, will he make the most of it?

Good post here. As a fan, I don’t think you can call it hate when someone is skeptical about the worth of a talent like JT4 given how he has handled himself. When I first heard JT4 would not be on the team I **** near cried. But as I started hearing all the things going on. When I saw how similar things were to his past actions, I began to realize, him leaving could be for the best. Him wanting to come back, not come back, and then come back (probably because of Martell), just shows its all about him. He doesn’t seem to care what impact he has on others. At the end of the day we need to win and he can help us on the field for sure. However, If he pulls some nonsense during the season and things repeat themselves, please don’t be surprised because I won’t.
Good post here. As a fan, I don’t think you can call it hate when someone is skeptical about the worth of a talent like JT4 given how he has handled himself. When I first heard JT4 would not be on the team I **** near cried. But as I started hearing all the things going on. When I saw how similar things were to his past actions, I began to realize, him leaving could be for the best. Him wanting to come back, not come back, and then come back (probably because of Martell), just shows its all about him. He doesn’t seem to care what impact he has on others. At the end of the day we need to win and he can help us on the field for sure. However, If he pulls some nonsense during the season and things repeat themselves, please don’t be surprised because I won’t.

Careful. Your rational thought could trigger some softies.

JT is a straight baller, definitely top 5 talent in the country right now. He instantly makes our team better. We got to find ways to keep guys like him if we want to be at the top.
Didnt say anything bad about this kid cause I didnt know what happened and if I dont know I rather stay quiet especially when the old staff was shytting the bed.
The **** season was over when 4 was let go and lucky enough to not be apart of Wiskys train...4 got dismissed because he chose to protest against this ****ery clown shiitshow. If he was lashing out, JT4 had more courage than Mork running out the back door in the middle of the night like a coward. Btw, still waiting on Mork and his famous corny asss UFamily tweets to congratulate Manny....4 got dismissed. That was the official word. That is what the fake preacher said. I don't care what you cochroaches tell yourselves. The kid balled out in this paraplegic offense. If you question 4s loyalty and commitment...you've already started questioning Manny.

LOL, and that's not just the story you choose to believe because you want to? It's he said/she said at best, but you go on with being all sure shts the way you want it to be. And don't tell me what questioning one person means for another person, I'm perfectly capable of questioning one and not the other.
This young man is a cancer.

Obviously Manolo's choice.

I suspect, unless he significantly changes behaviors, will not end well.

Meh at best.
@GuptaKnows Quit in hs, quit last season, committed to illini, quit on them and came back to miami. You'd bet your house that he'll finish the season on the team? If so you my friend are dumb haha
@GuptaKnows Quit in hs, quit last season, committed to illini, quit on them and came back to miami. You'd bet your house that he'll finish the season on the team? If so you my friend are dumb haha
Your takes have been retarded since you started frequently posting on the board. You calling someone dumb is quite rich.
Mehhh...once a quitter, always a quitter.

Well, its good your learning this early in life that we might recruit, and actually land, some kids with big egos. Some of them, like JT or maybe even Martell, don't want to play 2nd, 3rd or 4th fiddle.

This is not like teaching your son that - quitters never win, winners never quit.

The NCAA has created more of business model out of this thing opening the door for "quitters" as you like to call them to go improve their stock elsewhere. It is what it is.....get on board and out of the 50s with that thinking. I don't like that the kid took off...but I guarantee you it wasn't because it was just too hard for him to handle.

The only critical thing I had to say was when I thought he quit mid semester and left. I retracted that when I learned otherwise.

I can't say I like the way he bailed mid season, but I can understand the volatility of youth all too well.

I hope he can reach his full potential this year.