The Work: Fallout from AQM & Grace

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AJ Green got 4 games for $1,000 in impermissible benefits. And he was candid when confronted by compliance.
How many players at big time programs do you suppose are driving around in fancy cars?

For 16 years now, it's never the school's fault according to insiders. Yet as soon as the story moves on, of course the thing last year was not well handled by the school ... but don't dwell on last year ... and by the way, this new thing, it's totally different and not at all the fault of anyone other than the kids involved.

The LEAST compliance could have done is not blindside our own staff.

Compliance has no relationship with the any of the athletic coaching staffs, be they football, hoops, baseball,etc
and nor they should have.
There should be a separation of duties and all should work to do what is right for the university.

Do yourself a favor and read dycane and Franchise's post on this matter.
Or do yourself a favor and pay attention to how things work at real programs.

Again, GA is SEC and AJ Green -- coached by the same guy purportedly blindsided by UM -- got 4 games for a $1,000 benefit to which he immediately confessed receiving.

Schools don't have a choice. There are guidelines depending on the value of the benefit. It's either $700 and up or $1,000 and up (I don't remember off the top of my head) equals being withheld from 30% of games. 3.6 games gets rounded up to 4.
How many players at big time programs do you suppose are driving around in fancy cars?

For 16 years now, it's never the school's fault according to insiders. Yet as soon as the story moves on, of course the thing last year was not well handled by the school ... but don't dwell on last year ... and by the way, this new thing, it's totally different and not at all the fault of anyone other than the kids involved.

The LEAST compliance could have done is not blindside our own staff.

Compliance has no relationship with the any of the athletic coaching staffs, be they football, hoops, baseball,etc
and nor they should have.
There should be a separation of duties and all should work to do what is right for the university.

Do yourself a favor and read dycane and Franchise's post on this matter.
Or do yourself a favor and pay attention to how things work at real programs.

Again, GA is SEC and AJ Green -- coached by the same guy purportedly blindsided by UM -- got 4 games for a $1,000 benefit to which he immediately confessed receiving.

Schools don't have a choice. There are guidelines depending on the value of the benefit. It's either $700 and up or $1,000 and up (I don't remember off the top of my head) equals being withheld from 30% of games. 3.6 games gets rounded up to 4.

That's my point, Dapper.
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AJ Green got 4 games for $1,000 in impermissible benefits. And he was candid when confronted by compliance.
How many players at big time programs do you suppose are driving around in fancy cars?

For 16 years now, it's never the school's fault according to insiders. Yet as soon as the story moves on, of course the thing last year was not well handled by the school ... but don't dwell on last year ... and by the way, this new thing, it's totally different and not at all the fault of anyone other than the kids involved.

The LEAST compliance could have done is not blindside our own staff.

Compliance has no relationship with the any of the athletic coaching staffs, be they football, hoops, baseball,etc
and nor they should have.
There should be a separation of duties and all should work to do what is right for the university.

Do yourself a favor and read dycane and Franchise's post on this matter.
Or do yourself a favor and pay attention to how things work at real programs.

Again, GA is SEC and AJ Green -- coached by the same guy purportedly blindsided by UM -- got 4 games for a $1,000 benefit to which he immediately confessed receiving.
I'm sure he's the only SEC kid who ever got a benefit.
We need to get some SEC type compliance officers in place. People who know how to play chess with these rules.

Star players + rental cars + outside counsel = kicked off team?

I can see if they were OWNING RR's and Lambos.... but rentals?

Bush league...
We need to get some SEC type compliance officers in place. People who know how to play chess with these rules.

Star players + rental cars + outside counsel = kicked off team?

I can see if they were OWNING RR's and Lambos.... but rentals?

Agree to the 1000%
All college football playing chess and we are playing checkers
This serves as a reminder that just because they signed Richt...we shouldn't all begin to act like we STILL don't have the worst ****ing administration in the country.

I'm not even kidding. I've sat in on more board meetings for various large organizations than I can remember over the years and I'd be willing to bet every dollar I have to my name that the ****ing morons calling the shots at the University of Miami are easily the most clueless bunch of decision makers that have ever been assembled to make decisions within an NCAA program.

They hired a new coach...but what Frenk REALLY needs to do is clean house everywhere else within the program. The root of problem that has dragged this program down for the last 10-15 years is still there and just waiting for another opportunity to **** this up for us again.

Yup, it's like Shalala never left.

stupid comment. you don't know what you're talking about.

As things like this continue to happen, people will start to realize she wasn't the problem. But who knows, maybe they'll continue to blame her.
That's because we have a bunch of dimwits on here that think we should be running compliance like a Southern fraternity. The worst case here was UM suggesting a bull**** punishment and then handing it off to the NCAA, which would open the door for Emmert and his gang of lackeys to start sniffing around. Even if these guys used these cars for a weekend, the value of that benefit would be in the thousands. (And, my guess is that the use was much more rampant, meaning the value of the benefits could easily be in the tens of thousands.) Then you have a report that interests in future earnings were involved, coupled with the players lying. And any moron should recognize that the latter would necessarily delay and complicate the investigation. Without knowing all the specifics, it's pretty easy to surmise why UM made its decision and the reason for the timing.

No, any REAL Moron would know that the fix is already in and the greed will kill the golden goose of college football. From Marky Mark to ESPN, the story lines have already been written and the winner$$$ picked. Heck, ESPN is now sweating the olympic ratings shamble that was Rio and hoping that the 20 teams only have a shot reality can be hidden for a few more years as the cable cutting goes futher en fuego . If you can't see the NCAA is $$$$ teams lackey and Emmert (or his successor) will hammer us the MORE we appease, if not now, then in the future, than they have already won...Keep whistling past the graveyard.

Is this real life?

Yeah, it's not the nursery rhyme Marky Mark tells you...So when was the last time the NCAA visited Alabama? Mike Dubose?

I mean, I'm gonna regret asking but what exactly does it benefit the NCAA to "put the fix in" against us?

1979 happens all over again; charismatic coach, commitment from Admin, grab some key local recruits and the whole established apple cart of CFB is turned over...Again! Why regret? The past is prologue. Read my probably too long post on NCAA Compliance. The status qou favors the moneyed teams of the P5. Take a look at the BIG, what teams actually have a chance of winning just the conferance title? Four? Five at tops? $EC? Seven and a fluke? Swofford only cares about his beloved Tobacco Road and shoots ACC football in the foot to the tune of maybe three total.

Deep Pocket Program coaches come to South Florida to clean up and Miami hopes that Duke Johnson got his 'Cane loyalty from the water. It's like real estate: Location, Location, Location. Miami University is no threat to the $uckeyes in Oxford, Ohio...The University of Miami is a big threat in Coral Gables.

Apple was a powerhouse tech company, got outgunned by it's comepetitors and it's own ineptitude (Newton anyone?) and then rose again, greater than it was before...That's what they fear and thats why we are, as Tad Football stated, the Low Hanging Fruit.
Smh @ all of this. Go to any major college football campus and see what the kids are riding in. We can't get out of our own ****in way.

Are they driving cars worth over 60K?

Reuben Foster at Bama is rolling around in a brand new BMW. And it ain't a rental. Cats at Auburn are riding in nice rides. None are rentals. In the immortal words of AI, we talkin bout rentals man. Not cars that we actually own, but rentals. What are we talking bout again? Rentals?
Smh @ all of this. Go to any major college football campus and see what the kids are riding in. We can't get out of our own ****in way.

Are they driving cars worth over 60K?

Reuben Foster at Bama is rolling around in a brand new BMW. And it ain't a rental. Cats at Auburn are riding in nice rides. None are rentals. In the immortal words of AI, we talkin bout rentals man. Not cars that we actually own, but rentals. What are we talking bout again? Rentals?
B b b b butttttt Bush.
Scenario 1:
Boats, strippers, alcohol


Renting a car.

Scenario 2:
Drugs, underage drinking, illegal firearms


Renting a car

Scenario 3:
Stealing food, allegedly raping women, hitting women


Renting a car

Somehow, I can't see the NCAA impermissible benefits being on the same playing field, yet I feel we always get screwed.

Whatever; b/c at the end of the day, Miami had to protect itself and Richt laid out the ground rules for everyone in between.
I think there are two issues here.

1. The school protecting the program. Perfectly understandable. The school should protect the program and do what it can to make sure the NCAA doesn't **** us over again.

2. There is a perception among some fans that the school doesn't protect the players and is quick to turn on them in an effort to protect the school's image.
I think there are two issues here.

1. The school protecting the program. Perfectly understandable. The school should protect the program and do what it can to make sure the NCAA doesn't **** us over again.

we are on probation so its understandable.

2. There is a perception among some fans that the school doesn't protect the players and is quick to turn on them in an effort to protect the school's image.

if they broke the rules while on said probation they werent thinking of the school and were being a detriment upon the school if caught,,,, and they didnt care about what could happen to the school. nothing for the school to protect.
Ridiculous to complain this took too long as if the whole world needs to stop everything they are doing to resolve this issue. People work,are busy,have other projects going on ect...

Just be thankful it was resolved now and not 3 - 4 games into the season.

Worse still, be thankful it was caught now and did not become a systemic problem involving more players .

No, I'm pretty sure that group called the "compliance department" pretty much exists solely for the purpose of handling compliance issues. Especially like this.

So you think the compliance dept took their sweet time on purpose to spite the football team?

I think part of it was getting thru the lies. I think part of it was a third party law firm who bills by the hour. I think part of it was incompetence. But I don't think it was because they were too busy with other projects.
1. We gotta get off probation. Period.

2. Breaking NCAA Rules different from breaking University Rules.

It's that simple.
If you are a student athlete, and you violate Bylaw 10.1 (Unethical Conduct, which includes "(a) Refusal to furnish information relevant to an investigation of a possible violation of an NCAA regulation when requested to do so by the NCAA or the individual’s institution," among other things), you will not be reinstated after being found to be ineligible. That is a black and white rule.

There's been way too much BS info posted about this matter, and way too many tantrums thrown by posters. Time to move on. Get over it.

per the latest herald article, grace's attorney says grace was dismissed for violating the rule cited above. at least as to grace, this article seems to have captured everything. it was not the original violation but the cover up (nixon) that did him in, being on probation was critical and UM not wanting to get the NCAA back into their bailiwick and have but another investigation. so they did the expedite thing, dismiss them. i dont blame them. as to other kids not wanting to come here bc UM is too strict with the rules, i would imagine there is a similar amount that feel the opposite (papa shaq).

Washington said Grace was ultimately dismissed for a 10-1 violation, or not being forthcoming with school officials at the onset of the probe in February. He said Grace cooperated with school officials after that.

“He’s a 21-year-old kid who doesn’t know how it works,” Washington said. “Put me in a room, take my cellphone from me and tell me not to tell anybody, what’s going on and you have to admit this happened — these are young kids, man. When [UM’s] lawyers were involved they did take attempts to circumvent us. They would meet with Jermaine, send him text messages without my permission. It was some shady [expletive].

“Jermaine was in a very tough spot. It’s his livelihood. Their lawyers basically told us the school was overreacting just to be on the safe side, make sure they didn’t get [penalized] by the NCAA. But at what expense? At the end of the day it’s about these kids.”

Read more here: Lawyer for dismissed UM LB Jermaine Grace says treatment unfair | Miami Herald
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I think there are two issues here.

1. The school protecting the program. Perfectly understandable. The school should protect the program and do what it can to make sure the NCAA doesn't **** us over again.

2. There is a perception among some fans that the school doesn't protect the players and is quick to turn on them in an effort to protect the school's image.

Safe to say that #2 is not just a perception at this point.