The OC Candidates Thread

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happy love and hip hop GIF by VH1
There isn't any reading issue. You just got caught and called out.

I got called out for saying it's too early to make predictions but gave a guestimate in response to a poster?

Are you actually missing chromosomes? Do I have to spell it out? Or want to pick a fight because it's that time of the month?
This thread has become awfully hostile of late. Everyone take a chill pill. There will be lots more in-fighting when Mario hires a new OC and everyone starts to take sides re: whether the coordinator hire stinks or not.

Whether he does?

Mario could hire Sean McVay and people here would soil their panties. Half the people in this thread are beyond help.
This thread has become awfully hostile of late. Everyone take a chill pill. There will be lots more in-fighting when Mario hires a new OC and everyone starts to take sides re: whether the coordinator hire stinks or not.
I know what side Ed is on. Porsters like these is what creates "slurpers" and "mopes"

Dude's been beating his chest for decades baby! There's no hope. Disband the program. Everything is the same as it always has been, I guess everyone should just give up and jump off a roof I guess.

Go root for another team man. Seriously, this **** clearly isn't good for your mental health.

Screenshot 2023-02-01 at 1.25.37 PM.png
I got called out for saying it's too early to make predictions but gave a guestimate in response to a poster?

Are you actually missing chromosomes? Do I have to spell it out? Or want to pick a fight because it's that time of the month?
So a guesstimate in response to a poster by you? All in fun. A guesstimate at first glance 30 seconds after the schedule release in a thread about it? "People are ******* idiots and enjoy misery" I believe you said. Go back to blowing your lord and savior.
This thread has become awfully hostile of late. Everyone take a chill pill. There will be lots more in-fighting when Mario hires a new OC and everyone starts to take sides re: whether the coordinator hire stinks or not.

Yep... conserve your energy for the school yard brawl once Mario cart announces his pick...
Donno's source, "says he (Frost) ain't comin'." Then Donno says he doesn't know whether an overture was declined by Frost, or if Miami decided not to pursue.
Reading this thread somehow reminds me of singing the song 99 bottles of beer on the wall. Except we’re forced to start at 100000 and not stop until we reach zero.
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