The OC Candidates Thread

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Since my #1guy Tom Herman isn't available Kingsbury has to be at the top of everybody's list including Alabega's.
Top3 names I’d like to see us go after don’t know how realistic these are:

Ken Dorsey
Kevin Sumlin
Brian Hartline
Ken Dorsey is an NFL OC that interviewed for NFL HC jobs this cycle.

Kevin Sumlin is a head coach/ GM and hasn’t be an non HC since 07’

Brian Hartline is OSU’s OC (albeit probably not play calling)

No shot with any of those
Don’t care who we hire. As long as they Open it up, play our strengths and scores lots of points quickly!
Kingsbury has already come out and said he's not coaching next year.

I'd back up the Brinks truck and make Lebby or Golesh say no.
Ludwig would be nice, and he is exactly what Mario wants in terms of philosophy. I think Utah is an image of their HC and the culture he has created there but Ludwig run's an efficient offense and has a great feel for the game. I have a hard time seeing him come here though, he is from UT and has it made there. JMO though.
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