The Banner is a stupid idea and other thoughts

Those of you saying lets give him the rest of the season, I get it this ADMIN won't fire mid year, and thinking it will turn around are just clueless. Even if he does win a few more games this regime will not get us to our end goal of playing for NC's again. I can't believe you don't see that. It's as clear as the sun rising every **** day. You were sold a dream and what it has turned out to be is Golden's ******* fantasy playing big boy ball. He doesn't know how to fix what is broken. This staff talks a good game pre and post game, but when have you actually seen a Cane team under them play with aggression all game? You haven't because they don't know how to coach that. They continue to play safe (mistake free football) and hope they make the fewest mistakes by the end of the game to win. How has that worked out so far... this is beyond absurd that anyone would still think he is the right guy.

Not everyone saying the don't fly the banner now or the I don't think he is getting fired 2 games into the season thinks he is going to turn things around. Not wanting to fly the banner has nothing to do with thinking the coaching staff is going to fix the problems.
D$, I completely understand not wanting to be associated with the banner or anything of that sort. This is a professional website that is closely followed by many people, including UM administration.

What you dont understand is that our banner is not flying this weekend. There are at least 2 other people/groups of people that are flying banners. We will be waiting till we have some national attention in a bigger game. We will also have more losses by then. This is not a knee-jerk reaction but rather the result of coming out unprepared and looking terrible for 3+ years.

Thanks for understanding that we ARE true UM fans who want our voices heard.


The Big Brow
Those of you saying lets give him the rest of the season, I get it this ADMIN won't fire mid year, and thinking it will turn around are just clueless. Even if he does win a few more games this regime will not get us to our end goal of playing for NC's again. I can't believe you don't see that. It's as clear as the sun rising every **** day. You were sold a dream and what it has turned out to be is Golden's ******* fantasy playing big boy ball. He doesn't know how to fix what is broken. This staff talks a good game pre and post game, but when have you actually seen a Cane team under them play with aggression all game? You haven't because they don't know how to coach that. They continue to play safe (mistake free football) and hope they make the fewest mistakes by the end of the game to win. How has that worked out so far... this is beyond absurd that anyone would still think he is the right guy.

Not everyone saying the don't fly the banner now or the I don't think he is getting fired 2 games into the season thinks he is going to turn things around. Not wanting to fly the banner has nothing to do with thinking the coaching staff is going to fix the problems.

And my comments were not directed at them. There are still people in this thread thinking he can redeem himself.
Those of you saying lets give him the rest of the season, I get it this ADMIN won't fire mid year, and thinking it will turn around are just clueless. Even if he does win a few more games this regime will not get us to our end goal of playing for NC's again. I can't believe you don't see that. It's as clear as the sun rising every **** day. You were sold a dream and what it has turned out to be is Golden's ******* fantasy playing big boy ball. He doesn't know how to fix what is broken. This staff talks a good game pre and post game, but when have you actually seen a Cane team under them play with aggression all game? You haven't because they don't know how to coach that. They continue to play safe (mistake free football) and hope they make the fewest mistakes by the end of the game to win. How has that worked out so far... this is beyond absurd that anyone would still think he is the right guy.

Not everyone saying the don't fly the banner now or the I don't think he is getting fired 2 games into the season thinks he is going to turn things around. Not wanting to fly the banner has nothing to do with thinking the coaching staff is going to fix the problems.

And my comments were not directed at them. There are still people in this thread thinking he can redeem himself.

Agreed. Simply pointing it out since some people tend to loop everyone together on one side vs another side.
Sums up my feelings very nicely

The banner **** is played out. Hey look another ******* banner. The higher ups know everyone is unhappy with this performance. Need the big money donors to withhold from the AD until Golden is gone. Thats the thing that will make people take notice.
Gotta understand that the banners will be flying several times this year. In fact a couple of dudes I know want to fly them every home game.

Frankly Golden's teams seems to melt at the end of each season, seeing as they have started pretty terrible as it is, it won't be a stretch to think this may be he worst year here.

If he doesn't get canned after that, it would probably be time to find another team to root for other than my alma mater. Can't support an administration that doesn't want to be competitive in football.
These players, alums, boosters, and fans all deserve a better product then what's being given to us by Golden.

If anyone still wants to support the banner/billboard idea, matriculate on over to for more info.

It really ****es me off that this site will support anything pro-Golden.

As soon as something anti-Golden comes up, it's locked and or deleted

Literally the only things that have been deleted are banner threads. Everything else has stayed. **** near every thread is anti-Golden. ****, Lucane has been posting his heavy concerns of Golden and staff for a while now.

The **** athletic department hasn't even given us press passes

Why delete them? What CiS rules were broken?

It's his site dumb ***, you don't like it start your own.

Oh, really? I had no idea. Thanks for letting me know.
A billboard near Coral Gables would do wonders though! Make Shalala see it every day.
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I don't think he lasts the season.

I think we're gonna get steamrolled at Nebraska and the wheels come off. I think they'll have to make a Kiffin kind of move. At this point, it's a mercy-killing, anyway.
Was the thread on the banner really deleted?

That's pretty pathetic...sorry to whoever that offends but it's the truth. Most of us migrated to this site to avoid this kind of crap we had to endure down the stretch at Grassy.

So if that's the case I'll just leave this here....

FLY that thing....TWICE

Was the thread on the banner really deleted?

That's pretty pathetic...sorry to whoever that offends but it's the truth. Most of us migrated to this site to avoid this kind of crap we had to endure down the stretch at Grassy.

So if that's the case I'll just leave this here....

FLY that thing....TWICE


Know what's a really stupid idea?

Doing nothing.

If it was a year ago, well then I agree. The fact that it's one game into the season is not nearly as important as you guys are making it sound. Yeah one game into year 4 after ending the season in the most pathetic fashion I think I've ever seen. Holding our recruiting class hostage while you pine for another job meanwhile embarrassing the program on national TV and in the media?

Fly a banner, send an email, club a baby seal.....just do SOMETHING
For anyone who says the fans are overreacting to one game, where have you been for the previous 3 seasons? The guy is 22-16 here, and a laughable 13-12 in the worst major conference in the country. If you take away Bethune Cookman, Savannah State, and FAU, he is 18-16!!

Four years in. Things are what they are. The talent has improved, the production has not. What is the other variable? It's coaching. These guys might be able to bring in more talent, but they're unable to get anything out of it.

There's an old saying from Tennessee, or maybe it's Texas, it says, "fool me once...shame can't fool me again."
It's not flying a banner after one game. It's flying a banner after 38 games. We've looked the same since the maryland game.