The Banner is a stupid idea and other thoughts

D$, I completely understand not wanting to be associated with the banner or anything of that sort. This is a professional website that is closely followed by many people, including UM administration.

What you dont understand is that our banner is not flying this weekend. There are at least 2 other people/groups of people that are flying banners. We will be waiting till we have some national attention in a bigger game. We will also have more losses by then. This is not a knee-jerk reaction but rather the result of coming out unprepared and looking terrible for 3+ years.

Thanks for understanding that we ARE true UM fans who want our voices heard.


The Big Brow

Doesn't matter if you fly it now or a few games from now, and it doesn't matter if other folks are doing it.

What matters is that flying a banner is a stupid and pointless, and only serves to call negative attention to the program.

The admin knows that fans are unhappy. The BOT and big-time boosters aren't blind; they know something's rotten in Denmark. They can tell when only 25k fans show up to a game. They can tell when donations are down. They can tell when people constantly write them angry emails. A banner doesn't tell them anything more than what they already know.

Flying a banner is a selfish move. It makes you--the angry fan--feel better, feel like you have a voice. But it also gets negative press coverage, discourages players, makes for billboard material for opponents, and in general makes UM look bad.

Keep in mind, I'm not defending Golden. Unless he runs the table (with possible exception of FSU), I think he's got to go. And I don't have faith that he can run the table...which means that he'll likely be out the door come season's end.
D$, I completely understand not wanting to be associated with the banner or anything of that sort. This is a professional website that is closely followed by many people, including UM administration.

What you dont understand is that our banner is not flying this weekend. There are at least 2 other people/groups of people that are flying banners. We will be waiting till we have some national attention in a bigger game. We will also have more losses by then. This is not a knee-jerk reaction but rather the result of coming out unprepared and looking terrible for 3+ years.

Thanks for understanding that we ARE true UM fans who want our voices heard.


The Big Brow

Doesn't matter if you fly it now or a few games from now, and it doesn't matter if other folks are doing it.

What matters is that flying a banner is a stupid and pointless, and only serves to call negative attention to the program.

The admin knows that fans are unhappy. The BOT and big-time boosters aren't blind; they know something's rotten in Denmark. They can tell when only 25k fans show up to a game. They can tell when donations are down. They can tell when people constantly write them angry emails. A banner doesn't tell them anything more than what they already know.

Flying a banner is a selfish move. It makes you--the angry fan--feel better, feel like you have a voice. But it also gets negative press coverage, discourages players, makes for billboard material for opponents, and in general makes UM look bad.

Keep in mind, I'm not defending Golden. Unless he runs the table (with possible exception of FSU), I think he's got to go. And I don't have faith that he can run the table...which means that he'll likely be out the door come season's end.
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Gotta understand that the banners will be flying several times this year. In fact a couple of dudes I know want to fly them every home game.

Frankly Golden's teams seems to melt at the end of each season, seeing as they have started pretty terrible as it is, it won't be a stretch to think this may be he worst year here.

If he doesn't get canned after that, it would probably be time to find another team to root for other than my alma mater. Can't support an administration that doesn't want to be competitive in football.

that's some *****-made ****** ****. if you do that, keep your *** wherever you decide to take it when the canes start winning again.
Whether the Administration and the BOT members are fully aware of the fans feelings or not - the banners will make certain.

Based on the past incompetence of the Administration, AD, and BOT members, why take a chance?

What was the screen name of the dude that was going to fly the banner?

Needs to happen, preferably for each and every home game this year.
i am against the banner flying. not this saturday. but this does come to mind.

My opinion is, "whatever it takes." If we have a generous benefactor who's willing to pony up to fly a banner over every game, have at it. Or if some others want to wear brown paper bags to FSU and whatnot, go for it.

IMO, Miami is a rare school where public opinion and perception almost matters more than the boosters, because we've never ever ever shown that we have deep-pocketed alumni who are willing to shell out top dollar for the best coaches. We have consistently attempted to do more with less, going back to the 70s. Golden's hiring is no different, and I guarantee unless Warren Buffett becomes a donator in the next 12 months, our next coach will be a bargain hire too.
This thread is exactly what I said in other threads, and this is logic and common sense.

The banner is not going to get AG fired. Losing games is going to get him fired.

We are one game into the season. Flying banners will do NOTHING to help this team or program. All it will do is provide negative ammo for other programs to bash us and recruit against us. It can also be bad for the morale of the team. Why try to hurt the team more than it is?

If AG cant fix this mess, we wont need banners, he is going to be out on his ***. At the very least, wait until we are at the real tipping point. Right now its just going to make us look like a stupid and obnoxious fanbase. "Oh look, they cant get 40K people to show up for games, but they have money to fly banners".

Flying a banner, especially this week, will do NOTHING positive for this program, and can actually have negative impacts. People are going to do what they are going to do, but if you think of it logically and rationally, its a pointless exercise right now.
My opinion is, "whatever it takes." If we have a generous benefactor who's willing to pony up to fly a banner over every game, have at it. Or if some others want to wear brown paper bags to FSU and whatnot, go for it.

IMO, Miami is a rare school where public opinion and perception almost matters more than the boosters, because we've never ever ever shown that we have deep-pocketed alumni who are willing to shell out top dollar for the best coaches. We have consistently attempted to do more with less, going back to the 70s. Golden's hiring is no different, and I guarantee unless Warren Buffett becomes a donator in the next 12 months, our next coach will be a bargain hire too.

Yet more of an example why most coaches worth a SH*T wont come near this program.

The pay is mediocre, the local media will be all over your @ss on day one, the fans barely show up for games, but they will fly banners and scream for your head if you don't win and win fast.

This is why we wont be getting any coaches like Mark Stoops or other big names to come here.
That banner needs to fly at every home game. Win or lose.

You want to really make a statement?

Fly that banner at every game all year. Home and away.

And at other teams' games. This is serious stuff. Dolphins. NASCAR Events. Marlins.

Why not sponsor one of the sideline banners? The Miccosukee Indian Fire All the Coaches Banner.

Finally starting to see the big picture huh?

Picture has always been clear. Miami needs to win football games. I don't like the banner idea 1 game into the season, but if a banner is going to fly it is going to fly and it should be done the right way.

FIRE AL GOLDEN is simple and weak ---- what is this Coley's offensive game plan?

Support the players, Fire the Coaches! --- Let's get creative. Jesus Christ. You guys can come up with a hundred ways to say the same thing in every thread, but all we have is Fire Golden.
My opinion is, "whatever it takes." If we have a generous benefactor who's willing to pony up to fly a banner over every game, have at it. Or if some others want to wear brown paper bags to FSU and whatnot, go for it.

IMO, Miami is a rare school where public opinion and perception almost matters more than the boosters, because we've never ever ever shown that we have deep-pocketed alumni who are willing to shell out top dollar for the best coaches. We have consistently attempted to do more with less, going back to the 70s. Golden's hiring is no different, and I guarantee unless Warren Buffett becomes a donator in the next 12 months, our next coach will be a bargain hire too.

Yet more of an example why most coaches worth a SH*T wont come near this program.

The pay is mediocre, the local media will be all over your @ss on day one, the fans barely show up for games, but they will fly banners and scream for your head if you don't win and win fast.

This is why we wont be getting any coaches like Mark Stoops or other big names to come here.
I'm sorry but this is a load of crap. You want to be a coach at any program with high expectations and you'll get the same treatment. This administration is actually the most tolerant administration I have seen when it comes to babying ****** coaches.

USC, Notre Dame, F$U and any SEC school outside of Vanderbilt aint got no sunshine for a ****** coach.****, even schools like Pitt wouldn't be happy with the production on the field. You bet their fans would get riled up and their boosters would quickly send that *** home.

Also, we pay Golden a competitive salary. He's not the highest paid coach out there but then again he hasn't done crap with this team except embarrass Miami during big games.