Thanks for Playing 🤭

One question for the administrators. BJ left in a mutual parting of the ways. Ours wasn’t so mutual. Stay C- by banning those who actually know something.
Not sure why you got banned but I believed you were legit in your former life. I can usually smell a rat a mile away and there was no smell in your posts in my view.
You know your other accounts are still active, right? Neither of you are banned.
Banned, or some semblance of it. Maybe you guys didn't "ban" them, but trust me something was done to my main name. When I log in on any browser (private or public) and on any computer all my loading immediately slows down to a crawl and I can't navigate the site. Using this name or no name I don't have the problem.

So yeah, one way or another something was done to my other screen name. If you can fix it I would appreciate it.
The screen name may be a little different, but the results will be the same (unless another banishment comes for providing 100% correct information). For those of you who had some faith it’s much appreciated. For those that didn’t but kept it civil, it’s also appreciated. For those, and you know who you are, who’d find a reason to complain if you came across a bucket of gold? I’d wish you good luck but you wouldn’t know what to do with it.

The changes we’ve wanted are coming, I told you that. I’ll measure the previous actions by the administrators of this site moving forward to decide whether I provide what I know (not what I hope), moving forward. I’ll say this. Many of you, including myself will be happy when it happens. Reputable fish and coach will be coming (by all signs) to a pond that’s run dry if water. What success happens from there I don’t know. I will say we are going to be thoroughly enthused.
Welcome back and keep bringing that 🔥🔥🔥. Ignore the haters
One question for the administrators. BJ left in a mutual parting of the ways. Ours wasn’t so mutual. Stay C- by banning those who actually know something.
I wondered what happened to you. I just figured since you were of from your break you were too busy to come back.
Reputable fish and coach will be coming (by all signs) to a pond that’s run dry if water.

Firstly time sentence?