Thanks for Playing 🤭

I just had what will likely turn out to be a crazy thought. Urban is not doing well in Jax. If we are truly playing big boy ball, and he wants out of the NFL, is there a chance that Urban comes back to college in Coral Gables?
Will never happen but god**** can you imagine the beautiful gator tears posts if it did.
No, not in the Maude DM. The Maude DM is a private chat and it’s different than the Mod Board.

Your re-admittance to CIS was raised as a topic on the Mod board by Andrew. I remember supporting it… and you and I went at it under your old accounts.

I see why has reformed
Hi Jedi, I want to apologize to you for defending Manny, I really thought Manny was going to turn this program around and just needed more time but I was clearly wrong. I still like Manny and hope he is able to fine success at another program. What we need right now is a new coach that has a track record of winning.
My man's here has written the book on the master leveling trolling. Toeing the line of never knowing if he is serious or not is an art few have the talent for lol.
Insiders very seldom need to come back and remind everyone that they were correct. Prognosticating that Blake and Manny were/are going to get fired is akin to watching the movie, "Dead Man Walking," and predicting that Sean Penn doesn't win his appeal.
Welcome back! Why they ban you? They banned me too for speaking the truth about this program and coaching staff. Communist board run by little Fidel Castro's...