Taylor Gadbois tweets that he is no longer a Miami Hurricane

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The miracle was that he was still on the team. Your collective hate of Golden shouldnt cloud the facts.
All apart of his clique bull****.

And who's fault is it that the cliques existed in the first place?
I love the people on this site. So hilarious. Do you really all think that Al Golden woke up this morning and decided to kick him off the team for no reason? It's not that easy to take away someone's scholarship. If this is unwarranted I'm sure you'll see a lawsuit, which I would bet UM has heavily considered before they made this move. I guarantee there is more to this story than you're hearing now. If it was just a culture thing, I'm guessing they would have booted him from the team and let him finish school.
Who cares if he woke up this morning and decided to fire Gadbois. Most people don't give a crud why he fired him. All that matters is that this is another in the record-setting line of attrition, and Golden can't keep anyone in school.

He has no control over his players. He either fires them or they quit. They don't buy anything he's saying or doing.

that, and he's the one that chose to bring in these players that he can't control....
I think we all agree that Golden isn't a good game day coach. That said, he is the coach and the players have to respect him. For those that disagree, lets experiment. Please do the following:
1. Go on Twitter and tell everyone that you're the best person at your job, better than all your co-workers.
2. Do something to get suspended at your job. Don't get fired yet, just harrass some women or fail a drug test. Something to get you on HR's radar.
3. Show up to work with a bad attitude. You know, talk back to the boss during an event in front of your co-workers. Don't respect authority. Do things inconsistent with the culture your boss is trying to create.

Come on. Please do this. I'd love to see how fast you get fired. I'm guessing it will be quick.

Playing CFB isn't a job dumb ****. Do this at your job idiot.


Good response. It is a job, they are getting a free education because of it. Get a life and go back to your burger flipping existence.

Ouch that hurt Golden***

Your dumbass thinks this is job when a bunch of kids would been fired already.
All apart of his clique bull****.

And who's fault is it that the cliques existed in the first place?
This. Golden has been complaining about players not buying in for 5 ******* years now. Either what he's selling is complete ****, or he's just recruiting the wrong type of players. Either way, it's an Al Golden problem.

He should have been fired at minimum a year ago
I think we all agree that Golden isn't a good game day coach. That said, he is the coach and the players have to respect him. For those that disagree, lets experiment. Please do the following:
1. Go on Twitter and tell everyone that you're the best person at your job, better than all your co-workers.
2. Do something to get suspended at your job. Don't get fired yet, just harrass some women or fail a drug test. Something to get you on HR's radar.
3. Show up to work with a bad attitude. You know, talk back to the boss during an event in front of your co-workers. Don't respect authority. Do things inconsistent with the culture your boss is trying to create.

Come on. Please do this. I'd love to see how fast you get fired. I'm guessing it will be quick.

Playing CFB isn't a job dumb ****. Do this at your job idiot.


Good response. It is a job, they are getting a free education because of it. Get a life and go back to your burger flipping existence.

Ouch that hurt Golden***

Your dumbass thinks this is job when a bunch of kids would been fired already.

OSHA violations everywhere.
Charmin ******* soft.

Golden is horrible. Now he'll spin and spin and throw another player (or former player in this case) under the bus to further his bull**** agenda. He sucks and no one in a position of power at UM gives a ****.
All apart of his clique bull****.

And who's fault is it that the cliques existed in the first place?
This. Golden has been complaining about players not buying in for 5 ****ing years now. Either what he's selling is complete ****, or he's just recruiting the wrong type of players. Either way, it's an Al Golden problem.

He should have been fired at minimum a year ago

The sheer amount of players who have either left or been dismissed under Golden is startling.

And you nailed it - it is absolutely a Golden problem.

You figure the dolts who comprise CIS might just realize Gadbois is not an abberation, but rather one of many Golden recruited players who are no longer with the program. If Gadbois was one of a handful, it'd be one thing. But he joins a long list of players to have his career cut short at UM largely due to a piece of shlt coach who also happens to be an awful person.
You can kick players off the team for not buying into the system but can steal millions from the university by not buying into a different coaching philosophy That will coexist with the talent available to you? What a great day it will be when all this ish catches up with him and he's fired. And I hope they do it in the most disrespectful and embarrassing way.
Al Golden is the Barack Obama of UM.

I bet you're a white republican

Doesn't matter what he is: if the only way you can relate to everything is using the terms of your politic leanings, you're a mental midget.

Possibly, except Barrack Obama won two national presidential elections. What has Al Golden ever won... Let alone Nationally?

You want a politician to compare Al to? Carli Fiorina is your gal.
Guys wait until the whole story. Golden fought for AQM and he fought for Eddie Johnson. i dont like him but lets wait on this.

How do you actually know he fought for those guys? Did he fight for them like he fought for Blue and Figs when he allowed his players to be walked to the police without talking to a lawyer? This school, this admin and this coach don't fight for jack ****. You know it, I know it, the players who have been thrown under the bus know it. The only people who don't seem to know it are the parents who continue to send their kids here to be sacrificed, sometimes unjustly, if it means saving a tiny bit of face for the university.
The fact that he gets. Kicked off the team after the trash I saw in the spring game at tackle must mean he truly is disliked cause they know **** well they need him.
What is everyone so worked up about? When you have a scholly you have to hold up your end of the bargain. Do what you're told & STFU. Loudmouth TG was going to miss HALF of the season due to apparently some poor choices. Now we're supposed to feel sorry for him due to his tweets making it sound like it's someone else's fault? Clearly the guy doesn't get it. Better to get someone else ready. This isn't on Golden or Kehoe, it's on TG.
If I remember correctly, Gadbois couldn't get a sniff from Georgia and Richt coming out of high school and talent wasn't the only issue. As desperate as Golden and company are to win and keep their jobs, this GUys attitude must really suck for the coaches to decide the team is better off without him. If his scholly is really being ripped, you can bet yo *** this decision was ok'd up the chain from Golden. Any way you slice it, it does not bode well for the upcoming season.

Taylor Gadbois via Georgia Institution Georgia

Well you're not remembering correctly. TG was offered by Richt and Georgia. It was after he was committed to UM, but they offered nonetheless. This kid went to Fork Union for a year and Richt still tried to get him. He really did want to be a Cane ever since he was a little kid.
I think this is a situation where the good young players don't like him. There is some serious bs involved in these sofa studs when you bring them in. We saw it with Jacory, there was no way in **** any coach was going to be able to not play him here once we signed him. He was a local legend. Look at all the back lash he gets for Tracy, everyone has their opinions, but the fact is there have been some corners here getting much better while TH still looks the same as he did as a freshman. The politics of running this program in the microscope that is Miami football is a nightmare. I'd be willing to bet some of the younger/local players were getting fed up with it and went to coach. Then once coach started to pay closer attention he saw dissension among the team so he made a move. Just my guess
I don't understand Goldens logic in the midst of what has occurred in the last 4 years. You would think that the light would have turned on for him..but unfortunately it hasn't. Smh. Wake up Golden! Teams who win DONT GIVE A **** ABOUT TEAM CHEMISTRY!! You really think Nick Saban spends time working on ways to get his players to like each other more? How about Jimbo fisher? They understand that WINNING will make everyone homeboys in the locker room! Jimmy knew it and so did Butch! Win Win Win!

Kicking a kid off because he was the black sheep of a master plan to get the team to love one another? Honestly, after going 6-7, I am shocked anyone even wanted to be around each other. They should be out trying to get better!

Just another log in his fire of excuses he will use if we go 7-6 this year. ("No OL depth because of a player being dismissed, lost 8-9 kids to the draft, lost one of our best CBs in the spring, had two of our best players leave early...I thought, all things considered, we had a GREAT year!")

Smh. Gonna be a long year unless a miracle happens.
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