NFL Super Bowl

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Don’t lie for the board; I’m probably thee most objective fan on this entire board w/ zero agenda. U? Nah.
@djnellz I know yo bum *** team blew the Super Bowl and all (👀) but you gotta put Rell under ya wing in these replies.
Eagles had many chances to win this game unfortunately their defense was just nowhere to be found in the second half. I think the chiefs scored on every drive in the second half
Exactly. We dominated the first half and had a chance to slam it shut and didn’t. Plus our dc is a gaping ******. That’s not the refs fault.

I’m far from emotional , I said your argument was dumb. And it is. That contact goes on every play of the game and never gets called late. But that’s not why we lost. Which I’ve said multiple times so maybe you just have reading comprehension issues.
Simple question. If JuJu doesn’t get held does he score?
Don’t lie for the board; I’m probably thee most objective fan on this entire board w/ zero agenda. U? Nah.

LMAO - You're like corporate media accusing others of the crimes you're guilty of. I had no dog in this fight. Im a Niners fan.

I'm the objective observer on this one. Below is a list of **** calls tonight:

* The Eagles catch and fumble that was returned for TD. Overturned by the boof. Dude caught the ball and turned his body upfield.
* The 3rd down catch on the sideline by the Eagles receiver. Dude bobbled the ball and only got one foot in. Booth reviewed.
* The defensive holding call against the Eagles that put the game away. This was a field call. Clearly the league didnt cover enough of their bases to ensure an Eagles win.
Simple question. If JuJu doesn’t get held does he score?
Not that I want to go to blows on CIS with some of our Eagle brethren about it, but this is why it was a good call - because it affected the outcome of the game. Ironically, if he doesn't hold him and the call is made, the Eagles get the ball back with PLENTY of time, and they may have sent the thing into over time. In an alternate universe, they're still watching the SB in overtime because JuJu wasn't held.
You don’t call that penalty at that time unless it was blatant. IMO, the DB play wasn’t egregious. IMO.

I was surprised they gave the Eagles TE the FD catch on 3rd-14 in the 3rd quarter. He clearly double caught the ball. And it didn’t appear to me he timed his toe with control of the ball. If I cared, I‘d watch the replays again.
So you're cool with  how the NFL defines a catch?
That’s a possible 14 point swing , they couldn’t stop us before that. It was an unforced error that likely cost us the game
If that doesn't happen, the Chiefs are simply too far behind with that birds OL and Hurts and Doebert.

I’m far from emotional , I said your argument was dumb. And it is. That contact goes on every play of the game and never gets called late. But that’s not why we lost. Which I’ve said multiple times so maybe you just have reading comprehension issues.
What!? I didn’t say that’s why you lost. I said JuJu was held, which was a go ahead td. Where are you getting reading comprehension issues. I didn’t start a convo with you, you responded to me. Da ****?
That’s a possible 14 point swing , they couldn’t stop us before that. It was an unforced error that likely cost us the game

All in all Hurts had a great game. He completed a handful of dimes in critical 3rd down situations and had no INT's (yes?). He got bum rushed on that one turnover play.
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