Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

Some guy: “I am working to stop adults from selling children into sexual slavery.”

Normal Person: “That’s great, I support your efforts.”

Prog: “ok but why exactly do you want to stop adults from selling children into sexual slavery?”

Guy: ”Because the space queen who lives on the moon and serenades me with her lunar beams said to.”

Normal Person: “yeah that’s weird but if you’re saving kids from sexual slavery I don’t really care.”

Prog: “guy you’re a bad man and I hope you fail for the good of society.”
The space queen just informed me to let you know you have a fantastic sense of humor but you can be somewhat of a troll on the football boards. Don’t shoot the messenger.
Hey, aren’t there board rules against personal attacks? Geesh
Wes Anderson GIF
Due to my situation with my kiddos I haven’t seen a movie in the theaters with my wife since before they were born… so I haven't seen "Sound of Freedom". I’ll catch it when it comes on video

I hate that it became a political thing… but it’s not surprising cause there’s a LOT of powerful people that are involved in it and want it squashed. And I’m not saying it’s only from one side either

But this interview with one of the executive producers (who was involved in helping take down some of these traffickers) is excellent and highly recommended to all even if you haven’t seen the film

Disclaimer… it’s heart wrenching and this guy you can tell put his heart in soul in saving as many young kids as he could.

Also, the guy’s audio cuts out a few times… which is slightly annoying… but still worth it IMO

@canes732 @pubmedu @crossover22[]_[] @JD08

Polish Film Producer Creates Documentary Exposing the Sale of Babies for *** and Organ Harvesting​

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Imagine if the FBI focused more on this than on J6 grandparents

A former FBI agent out of Jacksonville (Steve Friend) blew the whistle and was retaliated against when they moved him off of child trafficking case to go raid J6ers

Other Agents were taken off of foreign terrorist investigations with serious national security implications

It’s pretty disgusting when the FBI becomes political instead of actually going after the real serious issues in the US