Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

Not close to the extent that it is now. Not even close
You know why they don’t want to admit this? When your boarders are wide open and millions are coming across over almost four years illegally what do you think is gonna happen ? Especially when there’s so many children around the boarder. It wasn’t a problem for them until the boarder states started sending them to their states lol. Then the crap hit the fan lol. Everyone started losing their ****.

Hypocrisy is strong with those folks.
You know why they don’t want to admit this? When your boarders are wide open and millions are coming across over almost four years illegally what do you think is gonna happen ? Especially when there’s so many children around the boarder. It wasn’t a problem for them until the boarder states started sending them to their states lol. Then the crap hit the fan lol. Everyone started losing their ****.

Hypocrisy is strong with those folks.
Oh very strong with them.

They love illegals until they have to deal with them.

It’s not really a problem , it’s just being over sold by “Qanon types”. Am I right ?

It's been a huge "problem" since forever. The Roman and Greeks 2000 yrs ago make today's pedophiles look like pikers.

Child *** abuse is still a huge problem (and likely always will be). Can't be oversold in trying to stamp this out but QAnon did themselves no credibility favors by talking about Hillary and Bill Clinton using Comet Ping Pong Pizza in Washington, D.C., as a front for a pedophile *** ring; the back room was supposedly used for kidnapping and trafficking children. No substantiation whatsoever.
PLEASE GO SEE THIS MOVIE. Just saw it I already knew about all of this going on but we all need to encourage normies to see it to really start making the change. I’ll post a link with Jordan Peterson interview Jim and Tim from the movie for more context. FREE TICKETS AS WELL ARE AVAILABLE JUST NEED PEOPLE TO SEE THIS

This assertion is quite difficult to reconcile with the actual data.
Data is manipulated all the time. The current administration says the border is controlled which is a total lie.

All you have to do is listen to border patrol agents. The people who actually witness whats going on.
It's been a huge "problem" since forever. The Roman and Greeks 2000 yrs ago make today's pedophiles look like pikers.

Child *** abuse is still a huge problem (and likely always will be). Can't be oversold in trying to stamp this out but QAnon did themselves no credibility favors by talking about Hillary and Bill Clinton using Comet Ping Pong Pizza in Washington, D.C., as a front for a pedophile *** ring; the back room was supposedly used for kidnapping and trafficking children. No substantiation whatsoever.
What about the women in Arkansas that were silenced by the clintons? Under oath testimony to the abuses the Clinton's committed on women and children. Before Clinton ever saw the white house.

It’s not really a problem , it’s just being over sold by “Qanon types”. Am I right ?

Conspiracy theorists. Lol

Problem is that in this day the conspiracy theorists are the ones that are actually correct. Just look at covid.
You are not going to want to engage with this guy. His dad is a history professor, so he knows everything.
It's too bad his dad is a history professor not a border patrol agent because border patrol agents are the only true sources of knowledge who exist. Or so I heard.