Someone Educate Me

Why it won't happen:

title 9- if you pay Yearby you have to pay the softball players and men on unprofitable sports.

now factor in:
pay for all kids in the department not just football.
works comp for injuries of all athletes.
disabilities coverage for bad injuries for all athletes.

We are talking millions a year more. This kills most college athletics departments.
They get a degree that cost the normal person 50k-100k. Free housing, free meals, and free medical.

For the guys that have kids to feed, I get it but if you decided (or decided not to use protection) to have kids at 18-19 you’d probably be tight on money anyways.

That's per year! In other words, multiply by 4.
It's not an either/or situation. Schools can do a better job of financially compensating student-athletes, while also doing everything they can to make sure those same people leave with degrees worth a ****. Frankly, colleges should get out of the minor league sports business, let the pro leagues run their own crap. Whether it is greasing kids through that can't read, or the bloated hierarchy that is collegiate athletics administration, college sports is an affront to higher education. Schools would be better off if the NBA/NFL had their own minor leagues, and kids that didn't want to attend college had somewhere to go after HS.
I take the opposite view of the OP. The NCAA needs to strengthen its stand. This means things like capping compensation for coaches. Capping expenditures on the programs at issue. The rest of the money goes into each school's general fund, or scholarship fund. That way, the kids efforts aren't going to enrich anyone.

The free for all that would occur absent the NCAA, for all its flaws, would be a disaster.
Have a pool of money set aside, every scholarship player gets the same amount (different level from power 5 and group od 5) and ONLY after they graduate they get that allotment. That’s how they should do it. They already get cost of attendance and meals are paid for now. In addition to that they get Pell grant from financial aid too

This way you ensure players are getting a degree and they will be taken care of and at least get a piece of puzzle the NCAA is making off of their backs

I've been hearing this more and more in the past few months. Some fans are crowdfunding to do it too. I do think these kids should get something if they remain in school. Like a contract completion bonus.
Growing up in the 60's and 70's, one could get in with a growing company, work hard, learn the business, and grow professionally. I started with a wholesale food distributor in Ft. Laud @ 19. Worked hard, learned the business inside and out, and was a supervisor @ 22 with only a high school diploma. Purchased my 1st house @ 22 years old. As time passed and technology expanded rapidly, companies EXPECTED employees to have college degrees. Into manufacturing I went, and it was EXPECTED that I have a college degree for advancement. AAS @ 33, BS @ 37, MS @ 40 along with a couple of professional certs. Changed my life not only professionally, but more importantly, personally. Without that sheepskin in today's economy, most people are destined for mediocrity. There are some exceptions, but very, very, few. I have no doubt that the student athletes @ the U will benefit greatly from their degrees from such a prestigious university.
Growing up in the 60's and 70's, one could get in with a growing company, work hard, learn the business, and grow professionally. I started with a wholesale food distributor in Ft. Laud @ 19. Worked hard, learned the business inside and out, and was a supervisor @ 22 with only a high school diploma. Purchased my 1st house @ 22 years old. As time passed and technology expanded rapidly, companies EXPECTED employees to have college degrees. Into manufacturing I went, and it was EXPECTED that I have a college degree for advancement. AAS @ 33, BS @ 37, MS @ 40 along with a couple of professional certs. Changed my life not only professionally, but more importantly, personally. Without that sheepskin in today's economy, most people are destined for mediocrity. There are some exceptions, but very, very, few. I have no doubt that the student athletes @ the U will benefit greatly from their degrees from such a prestigious university.

Considering both sides -- education and pay -- I'd shut my mouth if a libertarian approach was considered for this situation. I'd side with letting kids walk after turning 19 years old (I'll mention Tremaine Edmunds who was just picked at 19 years old in the top 15), or letting them walk to the nfl after one year. I bet some type of policy could be put in place that they could return to the NCAA so long as they haven't received any pay from an NFL team -- they could go all the way up until final cuts before determining whether or not they will get signed and lose their amateur status.

I can't get over player representation in the NFL and NCAA CF vs other sports like the NBA, MLB and so on.

I'm not discounting the network and education that's afforded to them for their efforts. I went to FSU, so maybe this is why I have a bad perception lol. I just want to see them get some cut of the other pie -- the money. I think it's well deserved in today's era.
Considering both sides -- education and pay -- I'd shut my mouth if a libertarian approach was considered for this situation. I'd side with letting kids walk after turning 19 years old (I'll mention Tremaine Edmunds who was just picked at 19 years old in the top 15), or letting them walk to the nfl after one year. I bet some type of policy could be put in place that they could return to the NCAA so long as they haven't received any pay from an NFL team -- they could go all the way up until final cuts before determining whether or not they will get signed and lose their amateur status.

I can't get over player representation in the NFL and NCAA CF vs other sports like the NBA, MLB and so on.

I'm not discounting the network and education that's afforded to them for their efforts. I went to FSU, so maybe this is why I have a bad perception lol. I just want to see them get some cut of the other pie -- the money. I think it's well deserved in today's era.
There are valid points on both sides of the ball. The fact remains that the vast majority of these kids will not play a down at the professional level. Whether they receive a small or large sum is immaterial. How long would it last and how much would it benefit them? A college degree is forever. Can't be taken away. I cited my own experience as an example of how that degree can change the life of even a hard working stiff such as me.
Here's one of the myriad of spots where guys like the OP lose me and basic credibility when they try to debate this:

"....all the old heads getting paid at the kids expense."

Julio Frenk ain't exactly Jerry Jones sitting up in the Canes "owners box" with his fellow minority investors (The BoT) getting personally rich off of the backs of their employees down on the field.

Show some basic understanding of how money is funneled and allocated through a university, how entire athletic programs are funded, how many players even in the "money sports" would actually be considered as revenue generators beyond their scholarship values, etc. before you cherrypick one player that you thought got shortchanged in a situation that is often that player's own fault.
You could be right, you could be wrong. I personally think you are wrong. The bigger point is that your argument makes you sound like a dim wit to almost anyone who has kids. I would swim through a pool of sharks to sign my THREE kids up for this "slavery" you're referring to. So would just about any parent. You're talking about a FREE education. NO student loans, no debt, no worries. The BIGGEST worry, by far, a parent has from the day that life long burden of a human squirts out of a ****** is "how do I get this kid through college". Not Harvard, just ANY college. These kids and parents are trading their skills for educations at places like Miami, Michigan, Stanford, ND, Vandy, UCLA, Duke, etc ... YES, the schools make a ton of money off them for 3-4 years, but if the kid has his head on right he makes money off of them for the next 50 years. And as several people have pointed out, the absurd amounts of money involved pay for other kids to go to school too. I have 2 soccer players and a softball player. If they are lucky enough to get scholarships it will only be because of Title IX and the obscene amounts of money football and basketball make.
The system is a mess, i agree. Reforms are needed. But the players do not need to be paid. They are not slaves. They ARE getting something VERY valuable in return and MOST of them would have a hard time attending college without their scholarship.
Sit on the sideline, Tony.

Looks like you’re getting to the end of your script.

“Please please keep arguing with me so I can repeat all of the arguments I came up with over the past few years while arguing with other people on the internet!!”
When the next Eric Legrand **** near kills himself, and it WILL happen, if the player is an employee that school, or the collection of schools contributing to the insurance pool will be on the hook for millions. If the players are "officially" paid that means game over.

The finances alone doom this idea. Now I think that universities shouldn't be in the business of running Farm Teams anyway but that's a different kettle of fish.
That doesn't make any sense. If the "school, or collection of schools" are contributing to an insurance pool, then the insurer is on the hook for millions, not the schools. That's the point of insurance.
Why it won't happen:

title 9- if you pay Yearby you have to pay the softball players and men on unprofitable sports.

now factor in:
pay for all kids in the department not just football.
works comp for injuries of all athletes.
disabilities coverage for bad injuries for all athletes.

We are talking millions a year more. This kills most college athletics departments.

A scenario that is much more likely to happen first would involve allowing players to profit from their likeness. They would get a cut of their jersey sales, checks if a video game featured them, and obviously endorsement money. That would not require universities to pay the freshman softball player the same as the starting quarterback.