Someone Educate Me

Basically zero. Braxton and Shaq only off the top of my head. How about Cal, UNC, UVA, USC, Michigan, even UF or Ohio State? Same situation over there.

But again, these specific guys ALL should be admitted because college football is HUGE business. In what other line of work should a teacher or professor be paid $4-5 million a year like all these guys including Richt are? The best surgeons don't make that kind of money and top surgeons literally save lives. This whole thing is dirty but an intractable situation.

People aren't lining up to stadiums watch surgeons battle it out for the quickest kidney replacement. Fans are the ones projecting the value on coaches. The NCAA has plenty of reasons to be vilified but blaming them coaching salaries is stupid.
The OP is a software dev for a fortune 5. crazy huh. from the mud of Polk lol

OP must be a ******.

He can’t distinguish between his post about his dumb ideas, and whatever he wants us to think is his own personal career.

It doesn’t matter if you’re the CEO of a Fortine 500 company, your post is bullshlt. You’re basically saying “stay dumb, cash out for a few thousand, don’t bother with a degree, it’s worthless”

You’re wrong.
They get a degree that cost the normal person 50k-100k. Free housing, free meals, and free medical.

For the guys that have kids to feed, I get it but if you decided (or decided not to use protection) to have kids at 18-19 you’d probably be tight on money anyways.
People aren't lining up to stadiums watch surgeons battle it out for the quickest kidney replacement. Fans are the ones projecting the value on coaches. The NCAA has plenty of reasons to be vilified but blaming them coaching salaries is stupid.
Yes, but med school deans, law school deans, physicists etc are lucky to see a quarter of that. **** I'd be shocked if Julio is clearing over 2/year. This business has become so large that priorities are completely out of line in this.

If intercollegiate athletics were legit, guys with NFL ability/talent would be able to go to an academy like with European Soccer at 16-18 and learn to become professional ballplayers.

In an ideal world, "college football" would look a lot more like a frat intramural. Guys who were admitted to the schools are STUDENTS only, no hyphens necessary, against the students of another school. Of course they'd be going pro in something else. The coach would make a professor salary (150-200k) and there wouldn't be any scholarships.

As it is now it's just a **** mess all the way around
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So wrong, it’s idiotic.

So smart you can't knock it.

So smart
OP must be a ******.

He can’t distinguish between his post about his dumb ideas, and whatever he wants us to think is his own personal career.

It doesn’t matter if you’re the CEO of a Fortine 500 company, you’re post is bullshlt. You’re basically saying “stay dumb, cash out for a few thousand, don’t bother with a degree, it’s worthless”

You’re wrong.

Allow me to double down on saying degrees are worthless :)

Maybe you caught the golden age of school when it wasn't a scam?
So smart you can't knock it.

So smart

Allow me to double down on saying degrees are worthless :)

Maybe you caught the golden age of school when it wasn't a scam?

Literally hundreds of thousands of examples you are wrong.

Morons like you like to take examples of people that were stupid enough to major in some type of humanities while partying their way through college, while incurring mountains of debt, and who now can’t find high paying employment.

Those are generally people that lack motivation and are going to be marginal all their lives anyway. Degree or no degree.

I can’t tell you how many examples I know of personally of people who have jobs they otherwise wouldn’t get, because a degree opens the door for them.

Entry level positions in many fields require a college degree as a prerequisite, and I’m just talking in the business/sales/marketing world. Not even looking at professional or semi-professional opportunities.

You’re a know-it-all that doesn’t know shlt.
Literally hundreds of thousands of examples you are wrong.

Morons like you like to take examples of people that were stupid enough to major in some type of humanities while partying their way through college, while incurring mountains of debt, and who now can’t find high paying employment.

Those are generally people that lack motivation and are going to be marginal all their lives anyway. Degree or no degree.

I can’t tell you how many examples I know of personally of people who have jobs they otherwise wouldn’t get, because a degree opens the door for them.

Entry level positions in many fields require a college degree as a prerequisite, and I’m just talking in the business/sales/marketing world. Not even looking at professional or semi-professional opportunities.

You’re a know-it-all that doesn’t know shlt.
Yeah, but come on bro. I got a B.S. also. It's not that elite. College degrees are basically what high school degrees used to be. Really ain't anything special.
Literally hundreds of thousands of examples you are wrong.

Morons like you like to take examples of people that were stupid enough to major in some type of humanities while partying their way through college, while incurring mountains of debt, and who now can’t find high paying employment.

Those are generally people that lack motivation and are going to be marginal all their lives anyway. Degree or no degree.

I can’t tell you how many examples I know of personally of people who have jobs they otherwise wouldn’t get, because a degree opens the door for them.

Entry level positions in many fields require a college degree as a prerequisite, and I’m just talking in the business/sales/marketing world. Not even looking at professional or semi-professional opportunities.

You’re a know-it-all that doesn’t know shlt.

Don't assume things for me. ew bih.

Dad is 100+ without college working at a grocery chain.
Bro got 5 cisco certs and banks 90+ in central Florida at 27 y/o. This is a huge example of what I'm talking about.

I'm just the kid willing to go against what they tell me. I got rammed with student loans and I'm looking out for others.
Literally hundreds of thousands of examples you are wrong.

Morons like you like to take examples of people that were stupid enough to major in some type of humanities while partying their way through college, while incurring mountains of debt, and who now can’t find high paying employment.

Those are generally people that lack motivation and are going to be marginal all their lives anyway. Degree or no degree.

I can’t tell you how many examples I know of personally of people who have jobs they otherwise wouldn’t get, because a degree opens the door for them.

Entry level positions in many fields require a college degree as a prerequisite, and I’m just talking in the business/sales/marketing world. Not even looking at professional or semi-professional opportunities.

You’re a know-it-all that doesn’t know shlt.

But like I said, stay up in that country.
That's the problem at a lot of these "schools". They GIVE them degrees, but don't actually educate them. They use these kids to make millions, and don't teach many of them a darn thing. God only knows what Alabama is injecting into their student athletes to make them bigger and stronger. It's a rotten system.

Yeah, these young men have a chance to get a real education, but many of them, if not most, have been used for their football skills since they were little. It's all they know. When they are given a chance to skate through school and play football, what do you think most of them do? It's human nature to take the path of least resistance.

It's a mess, and it needs to be reformed, somehow.
Yeah, but come on bro. I got a B.S. also. It's not that elite. College degrees are basically what high school degrees used to be. Really ain't anything special.
College Degrees really ain't nothing special, Huh?....Tell ya what....have fun in todays job market without one....going up against Hundreds with one or more......Good Luck
College Degrees really ain't nothing special, Huh?....Tell ya what....have fun in todays job market without one....going up against Hundreds with one or more......Good Luck

In that scenario, sure.

I believe in apprenticeship to professionalism. ITS WHERE YOU GET PAID TO DO WORK AND LEARN. Who would have thought.

Instead, we just got trillions in student debt. Sounds like some kids were led astray. A LOT OF KIDS. It's a scam bro.
College Degrees really ain't nothing special, Huh?....Tell ya what....have fun in todays job market without one....going up against Hundreds with one or more......Good Luck

Exactly. You just proved in your response that it's really nothing special. I too, have a Bachelors. To do many professional jobs graduate degrees are preferred or required. Look, it is what it is. These guys ain't here to play school. Everyone looks the other way.
In that scenario, sure.

I believe in apprenticeship to professionalism. ITS WHERE YOU GET PAID TO DO WORK AND LEARN. Who would have thought.

Instead, we just got trillions in student debt. Sounds like some kids were led astray. A LOT OF KIDS. It's a scam bro.
I was Lucky....I recieved a Pell Grant too Culinary School in 1979.....I'm now a Corporate Executive Chef for a Rest.Group overseeing 7 Restaurants.....but like Original Canes is implying....Life is what ya make of want to go to College to learn??...and have something to fall back on God Forbid you sustain a career threatening injury?...or go just to Skate through, and amount to nothing in the end.
Exactly. You just proved in your response that it's really nothing special. I too, have a Bachelors. To do many professional jobs graduate degrees are preferred or required. Look, it is what it is. These guys ain't here to play school. Everyone looks the other way.
I disagree...atleast in my case...and yes, I understand the job market is alot different now than when I started apprenticeship on Captiva Island in 82....but having that Culinary Degree catapulted me to alot of things that I wouldn't have been fortunate to attain without it...
No one is mentioning women's sports. If you don't pay the women you can forget it. The PC crowd would not stand for it.
But like I said, stay up in that country.

You’re an idiot.

Millions of people got their foot in the door and are employed because they met the prerequisite of having a college degree.

You’re like someone that would argue that the sun revolves around the earth, or that the Bible should be taken literally and the earth is only 10,000 years old.

There are literally dozens of millions of people that can dispute your stupidity.

Again, if some students waste their time, party like fools, incur mountains of debt, and then expect jobs to be handed out like candy, it doesn’t work like that.

You still have to compete...and if you want to work a trade and be a plumber or mechanic, more power to you. I doubt many of the people complaining about their college debt would have the nads to stick to that trade either.

Your degree is a ticket to the competition. You still have to compete...and there are no guarantees. Unless you’re a hard worker. I can practically guarantee anybody with a degree, a pleasant disposition, and a top notch work ethic will find gainful employment commensurate with their degree.
Have a pool of money set aside, every scholarship player gets the same amount (different level from power 5 and group od 5) and ONLY after they graduate they get that allotment. That’s how they should do it. They already get cost of attendance and meals are paid for now. In addition to that they get Pell grant from financial aid too

This way you ensure players are getting a degree and they will be taken care of and at least get a piece of puzzle the NCAA is making off of their backs

Not to attack you, but this is the kind of "simple" plan that shows how complex this really is:

1. If you pay different from Power 5 to non, non gets the left-overs. But maybe that is already the case. If you relax transfer rules this gets even more tricky, fast. It becomes a free market inside of a contained market. I balled out at non-power X, but power Y can pay me more. See ya.
2. There also comes a point, particularly for non-Power 5, where it may be hard to pay such "salaries".
3. So they only get it if the graduate? One of the realities is that it is hard to be a DI athlete and a real student. So do you just pass them so they are eligible to get paid?
4. None of this does anything to change the "bags" argument. You are 18 and people are talking about what you might get in 4-5 years IF you graduate? Do you care about that (and it may be the same amount most other schools offer) or what someone will give you between now and then?