Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Wondering if the T-Rob stuff is/has been dictating the DC hire. I truly think it's down to Belk and Schumann. If T-Rob leaves, Belk makes a lot of sense alongside AAR. If he decides to stay, I'd imagine they give him the entire DB room and bring in Heyward to coach OLB.
You think a position coach is holding the entire defensive staff hostage?
No **** pics of any kind should be posted on CIS.
so we can’t post this ****?
Lets Go Thumbs Up GIF by ESPN
Ruiz is educating the players and straigh recruiting them on the U. He is talking about investing in them, helping them how to speam to network. Talking about how Miami is the hub of technology now and the opportunity to grow their brand/ business here by making contact with people. Said that the money that is being poured by the University and those outside is incredible more than any time in history, that no one can stop this train. They also said they are hearing people calling them grifters and talking trash about them and that that has made them double down on not only proving everyone wrong but making sure that they leave a lasting legacy. They are 100% committed to the U, The city and the kids.
Rock hard.
Lo, I never gave a clue , I don't play that game anymore
He’s always shamelessly promoting. He kind of makes me cringe. I was in there for a few minutes and couldn’t take listing to him. I actually can’t believe he’s so successful. I guess that’s why I am not a billionaire.
He usually bites off more than he can chew and severely over promises, over sells and over self-promotes.
You mean like Kevin Smith almost two weeks ago? When nobody , I mean nobody around Miami media had him on Miami’s radar .

Or saying i expect Parrish to join him here?

Or weeks ago saying T Rob was telling players and recruits he was staying?

Or naming the Oregon guys coming over weeks ago?

Or confirming dvd was staying when it was said he was going to fiu?

Or the Nunez stuff was bs even though everyone had him as the guy?

Or saying it was a power five guy instead when everyone had Nunez? Then Rad rumors starts two days later.

Oh and saying Ladson was likely over a month ago ?

Ive never been shy with things “ I know “ and posting if it didn’t harm anyone. I have four years of receipts if you have doubts.

You don’t want to answer my question that’s fine , I’ll get back to ignoring your little slick comments like I had been doing.
9 Myths To Ignore If You're Dating A Mama's Boy - MTV
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