SIAP - Kentucky Coach Mark Stoops Asked About Miami Coaching Job

I’d be ok with Mario if we couldn’t get Stoops. No to Kiffin.

I don’t understand this fanbase. Guy wins the games he’s supposed to win, has proven to be one of the best evaluators in CFB, and has outrecruited people at a 3rd tier school but y’all somehow want a guy who can barely go a season without a bad loss? Or another guy that has lost at 2 of the 3 P5 jobs he’s taken? And who knows how good he is without Corral who he inherited.
I share this line of thinking. Our fans seem to want a sure thing, who isn't really a sure thing at all.
Not sure if he has the qualifications.

Rebuilt a floundering, directionless Power-5 program that plays an SEC schedule in an area with a mediocre recruiting base.

6-1 in the SEC this year.

Massively improved their roster.

Just beat the Gators.

Coached at Miami for three years.

Has blue blood CFB connections.

We'd be LUCKY IF he took the job.
Why would anyone want Stoops? He hasn’t even won the east.
He's not going to this year either, but he's a great choice. Kentucky was a bottom feeder football program before him. Here, all he has to do is win a mediocre conference with all the advantages that big time schools have.
I can't even get fully invested into this coaching situation. I don't think Manny is out the door yet and I wouldn't be surprised if everyone on CIS's radar is off the BOT radar, outside of Mario.
Guess I missed this part?

Meanwhile, Miami has mustered a 3–4 record this season and the traditional ACC powerhouse has struggled to just maintain mediocrity while Stoops and company are defying expectations.