Sauce on Jurich

I say this from a place of ignorance, so I'm not necessarily challenging the info here BUT why would a search firm threaten to resign over what UM decides to do? Isn't a search firm hired to do research and present potential candidates? Why does the search firm care about who's getting hired? As long as they're getting paid, they're getting paid...
the search firm was only brought in bc the "status quo" people didn't want Jurich. some crazy things are happening BTS.
This whole thing feels like a movie. All these twists and turns. It’s hard to believe anything is real right now
McDonalds employee : Welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order?

Customer: Yes please: I'd like a quarter pounder with cheese combo with a coke.

McDonalds employee: Umm, no. Your fat *** don't need no quarter pounder. Your *** is getting a grilled chicken sandwich and water.

I just can't believe that they'd try something like that.
Seems like everything we have heard and read has been a complete smokescreen. We should of expected this. Flake James has been done for a month and we’re still putzing around with a search firm who now is demanding things. You can’t make this up. IMO.. I think some BOT members went rogue and hired there own search parties. It’s probably a gigantic mess in the Hecht center.

They better tighten this **** up. Optics look horrendous currently.
All good folks. Trust the process. Now that Frenk has a mission we are in great hands.
Seems like everything we have heard and read has been a complete smokescreen. We should of expected this. Flake James has been done for a month and we’re still putzing around with a search firm who now is demanding things. You can’t make this up. IMO.. I think some BOT members went rogue and hired there own search parties. It’s probably a gigantic mess in the Hecht center.

They better tighten this **** up. Optics look horrendous currently.
See! You’re smart and the man your looks has the same last name as Jeffery.

They’re trying to keep their power because they’re about to be rolled over by the people who are writing the paychecks to get **** done now.
I'm saying it's blatantly false to say the board and boosters aren't the ones pulling the strings.
Then the big question is which faction of the BOT holds the most power. The ones who have no clue what a competent football coach is and want to keep that neoptistic ***** manny, or the ones who want what's best for the program?

Tbh, I hope the BOT members who are openly stating their intent to spend big have made it clear that they won't spend a dime to support manny.